Step 03: Serenade Him

Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing

step three: serenade him

Well, Jongin’s plan that was ‘guaranteed’ to work, certainly did not, and Luhan was irritated by this point. Okay, so he was beyond pissed. He needed to get Xiumin to realize his feelings, because... well, Luhan really liked him! All that interaction on screen, that was all from the bottom of Luhan’s heart. Alright, this is getting too cheesy.

Yixing sat on his bed, and strummed on his guitar.

“Oh baby, please don’t leave me alone,” Soft lyrics of his own song, Tears Airport, drifted into the empty air. Luhan quickly opened the door, and Yixing jumped, losing his beat.

“Yixing! Let me borrow your guitar!” Luhan exclaimed. Yixing stared at the elder in sheer bewilderment.

“Why the hell would I do that?” Yixing questioned incredulously, holding his guitar protectively.

Luhan gave the younger male a puppy dog face, and Yixing twitched. Yixing grudgingly handed over the guitar, and smiled coyly at Luhan.

“Gege, if I get my guitar back with any scratches on it,” Yixing said. “The next time you come in here; you are not leaving this room alive,”

Luhan nodded fiercely at his didi, and Yixing happily skipped away to Wufan.

“Wow, bipolar much?” Luhan muttered.

“Hey Luhan! Can you help me with something?” Chen called. Luhan put the guitar down carefully, and ran to Chen.

“What is it?” Luhan inquired, in Korean.

Chen smiled mischievously. “Minseok-hyung left to get some food! Help me screw up his room!”

“His room is Tao’s room, Chen.” Luhan deadpanned. Chen frowned.

“Fine then, I’ll get Tao to help me trash his side of the room!” Chen retorted.

Luhan glared at the boy. Luhan was scary when he was mad. But he wasn’t so, Chen didn’t care.

“Tao!” Chen called. Luhan grabbed Chen, and pushed him against the wall; overprotective mode on.

You, are not corrupting our adorable maknae,” Luhan growled.

Minseok innocently peeked his head into the room, and dropped his steamed bun when he saw Luhan pressing Chen against the wall. Luhan stared at Minseok shocked, and got his hands off of Chen, looking at Chen disgustedly.

“Minmin!” Luhan smiled, going over to give the elder male a hug. Minseok smiled awkwardly, and turned to leave. Luhan grabbed his hand, and dragged him to the room he and Yixing shared. He motioned to Yixing’s bed, as he would never let anyone touch his own. Minseok awkwardly sat down.

“I prepared a little show for you,” Luhan grinned. “And only you,”

Luhan picked up Yixing’s guitar, and Minseok smiled uncomfortably. Luhan strummed on random strings, and began to sing the lyrics to Angel. Unsure of what to do, Minseok clapped along to the broken beat, and mouthed his own parts. Minseok wanted out of the room as quick as possible. Sure, Luhan’s voice was beautiful, but the sound of the guitar was just really, really bad.

As if the angels answered his silent prayer, Yixing called from the kitchen; “Guys! Lunch!”

Minseok scrambled to his feet, and left Luhan alone. Luhan finished the note, and glanced at Minseok for a reaction, only to find an empty space. He sighed and got up to go for lunch.

"See, I told you, Yixing." Wufan grinned. Yixing sighed, and handed him a twenty.


Plan three; failed.

author's comments

Hehehe~ ^^" I'm supposed to be writing a report right now; but for you guys~ I updated. xD

I cannot believe that this is tied for second place on my most subscribed fics list. Like what? ><

And Luhan, you will find, has a million nicknames for Minseok. xD


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You guys will /love/ chapter 13. I promise. xD [Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing]


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11 streak #1
Chapter 12: Lmao luhan where's your common sense at? XD
Chapter 17: this story was so lovely, really
but i feel.bad that i'm three years later oh well
Chapter 12: lmao lu drawing minseok and he making out
he is so wild!
Chapter 11: that poem doe
lu is so sweetly dumb tbh
Chapter 10: kris is so sassy wow he wanted both money and kiss ha, ha, nice try
on the other, boy, get yourself together, why so many fails?... :c
Chapter 9: on a scale of 1 to 9001... luhan is a 9002 haha
lay was so cute doe
Chapter 8: can i say thay i just adore the weird relationship between lay and kris? it's basically based ln money and mocking haha
Chapter 7: uhh i experienced a strong secondhand embarrasent when lu opened his closet ha..ha...
for realz now, lu, c'mon, just do it manly!!
Chapter 6: only god knows how much i squealed when lay gave kris a kiss uu-hhu
also, aw, c'mon minnie, just show some affection to lu :c
Chapter 5: omg i love kris and tao's interactions haha they're so hilarious