Step 10: Be Ridiculously Straightforward

Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing

step ten: be ridiculously straightforward

Five days after Minseok had told him that he was being freaky by staring at him, Luhan found himself sitting on Tao's bed, waiting for Minseok to come home from doing something with Jongdae. Probably restock on ice cream. Tao had a devious grin on his face, as he sat on his own bed, talking to Luhan.

"Tao," Luhan says. "I don't understand how Wufan and Yixing aren't dating! They're so close! I would have jumped at the chance by this point!"

That got Tao to laugh, hard. "Well, gege. Maybe it's because they're straightforward with each other. They tell each other almost everything,"

Luhan listened intently to what the ebony haired boy had to say, "They do?"

Tao nodded, a serious expression on his face. "Yeah, the only thing they have yet to tell each other, is that they like each other,"

There was a moment of silence.

"What do you think would happen if Yixing confessed?" Luhan asked. There was the sound of a fumbling doorknob, and Jongdae slid into the room. He waved at Luhan, and sat down beside Tao.

"What are we talking about?" Jongdae asked. Tao gave Jongdae a light smile, before recapping him on the events.

"Where's Minseok?" Luhan asked.

"Washroom," Jongdae replied, before sharing a mischievous smirk with Tao. Luhan ignored the foreboding feeling his gut gave him.

"So, gege... about your question," Tao said. "They would obviously start dating, and have even more public displays of affection,"

Jongdae nodded intently. "Yeah. I mean look at them now. They practically make out on national television,"

"So that's what would most likely happen," Tao finished, clasping his hands together. Luhan nodded, pondering what his younger bandmates were telling him.

"That's interesting..." he said.

Tao's phone vibrated, and he picked it up, quickly answering the text. Jongdae's phone vibrated shortly after. Luhan stared at them.

"Are you guys texting each other while sitting right beside each other?" Luhan asked. Jongdae absentmindedly shook his head. "Are you listening to me?"

"... yeah, we hear you, gege." Tao replied.

Luhan continued with his rant, and the two younger males managed to nod and respond with a 'yup', once in awhile. Understanding how the gears inside Luhan's head worked was hard, so Tao and Jongdae didn't bother. Instead, they texted Yixing and Wufan, who were in Wufan's room together.

Luhan clasped his hands together, and gasped, causing both Jongdae and Tao to drop their phones, looking up at him.

"Is there something wrong, gege?" The two asked in unison.

"Thanks guys," Luhan said, blowing the two males kisses.

Tao and Jongdae looked at each other, confused, as the older male left the room. Loud pattering of footsteps sounded as Luhan ran, and there was a loud scream of "Minseok, I love you!", obviously by Luhan. The next thing they heard was the bathroom door opening, a loud crash, and a bloodcurdling scream. Tao and Jongdae shot out of bed, and ran to the washroom, finding Wufan and Yixing already there.

"What happened?" Jongdae asked, eyeing Luhan, who was knocked out on the ground, and Minseok who stood there in terror.

"He was yelling something, and I was about to leave the washroom. And when I opened the door he was right there, and surprised, I screamed and slammed the door on him. Literally," Minseok speedily said. "And he just got knocked out from the blow of the door!"

Tao and Jongdae helped Minseok moved Luhan's body to Minseok and Tao's room, since it was the closest, and laid him on Minseok's bed.

Wufan grinned triumphantly. "Minseok knocked him out with the door,"

Yixing sighed, and glanced at Wufan. "Can I give you a kiss instead of a hundred dollars?"

Wufan pondered the thought, wrapped both arms around Yixing's waist, leaning his forehead against Yixing's, and smiled, blushing lightly. "You can give me both,"

Yixing smacked his arm, and shoved a hundred dollar bill into his hands, "You don't get both,"

Plan ten; failed. How, Luhan? How?

Author's Comments


This chapter is slightly longer than my word limit for every chap.. but shh~ ><

xD You see, he HAD to get knocked out.

It gives me proper set up for the next chapter~ kkk~ =3
Anyways~ comments~? ^^

I love you guys~

P.S. there's some more Fanxing for you people who wanted more~ LOL


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You guys will /love/ chapter 13. I promise. xD [Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing]


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11 streak #1
Chapter 12: Lmao luhan where's your common sense at? XD
Chapter 17: this story was so lovely, really
but i feel.bad that i'm three years later oh well
Chapter 12: lmao lu drawing minseok and he making out
he is so wild!
Chapter 11: that poem doe
lu is so sweetly dumb tbh
Chapter 10: kris is so sassy wow he wanted both money and kiss ha, ha, nice try
on the other, boy, get yourself together, why so many fails?... :c
Chapter 9: on a scale of 1 to 9001... luhan is a 9002 haha
lay was so cute doe
Chapter 8: can i say thay i just adore the weird relationship between lay and kris? it's basically based ln money and mocking haha
Chapter 7: uhh i experienced a strong secondhand embarrasent when lu opened his closet ha..ha...
for realz now, lu, c'mon, just do it manly!!
Chapter 6: only god knows how much i squealed when lay gave kris a kiss uu-hhu
also, aw, c'mon minnie, just show some affection to lu :c
Chapter 5: omg i love kris and tao's interactions haha they're so hilarious