Step 14: Learn His Talents

Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing

step fourteen: learn his talents

It wasn't surprising that Luhan decided to never trust Wufan or Yixing in love advice ever again—but then when you thought about it, it was mostly Luhan's fault, because he couldn't get the plans right. He really at it, and there was no denying anything. This time, Luhan took another gamble, and asked Tao for some assistance.

"Taozi, what would you do, in my situation?" He asked.

"I would never be in your situation, because I'm not that dumb," Tao retorted in a quiet whisper under his breath.

"What was that?" Luhan inquired. Tao shook his head.

"Nothing," he replied.

There was a silence, and Jongdae slid into the room, grinning at Luhan and Tao. He plopped down on the sofa, hogging the whole thing to himself, as Luhan stretched along the loveseat, and Tao sat in the couch. Jongdae whistled lightly.

"So what are we talking about?" He asked.

"What you would do to confess your undying love, if you were in Luhan's position," Tao responded.

An understanding tone, Jongdae spoke with, "Ah..."

"Any ideas?" Luhan asked, hopefully.

Jongdae nodded, "Yes! Of course! I have plenty of ideas! They don't call me the Love Doctor for no—"

"Jongdae. They don't," Tao deadpanned.

"Shh, shh, Tao. They do."

Tao rolled his eyes, "And you should listen to Jongdae if you want to be laughed at," he murmured under his breath.

"What was that, Taozi?" Luhan questioned.

"Oh nothing, gege," Tao answered, sarcastically.

Oblivious to the obvious sarcasm in Tao's voice, Luhan nodded, dismissing the statement. He looked intently at Jongdae, waiting for a response from the 'love doctor'.

"To impress one, you must learn to impress him," Jongdae stated. Luhan nodded, in awe, and Tao couldn't take the stupidity of both men. He got up, and went to Wufan and Yixing; who were in the kitchen.

"And to learn to impress him, you must impress him," he continued.

From the kitchen, Tao was about to throw a spatula at Jongdae's head for being so dumb. And a fork at Luhan's for listening to the so intently. Jongdae took a dramatic breath.

"And to impress him, you..." A dramatic pause. "... must learn the ways of impressing one,"

"I WILL KILL YOU, IF YOU DO NOT GET ON WITH IT, KIM JONGDAE," Tao yelled from the kitchen. Yixing's voice could be heard, trying to coax the younger into calming down.

"Learn his talents, Luhan. Something that will surprise him, because he never thought you could do them,"

"Ah..." Luhan mused. He nodded intently. "Thanks, Chenchen,"

That was probably how things went down—who are we kidding, that's exactly how went down before Luhan found himself seated in front of Minseok, smiling cutely. The brunette, still terrified from his last incident with Luhan—you know, the pick-up lines one? Minseok shifted in his seat.

"What do you need, Luhan?" He asked.

Luhan smiled, "I want to show you something," he stated.

Why the foreboding chills ran down Minseok's back, he would know not. Inhaling sharply, Minseok gave a slight nod.

"Sure, what is it?"

You would think he would've learned never to trust Luhan; but maybe this time it wouldn't be so bad. And it really wasn't that bad, if you thought about it. More hilarious than anything. Luhan had puffed out his cheeks, and widened his eyes in the way that Minseok had done multiple times before—a failed imitation of Kim Minseok's 'Baozi faces'.

He transitioned between a variety of expressions, and Minseok doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach at the silliness of Luhan's face. He gasped for air as he tried to speak.

"Luhan, you're such a fail," Minseok spoke through gasps.

Plan fourteen; he said it himself. You're such a fail.

Author's Comments

I'm sorry for taking forever ><
... so. Uh.. next xhapter is that last for Luhan's part of the story! =O

OOOHH~ how do you presume Luhan will get his man?



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You guys will /love/ chapter 13. I promise. xD [Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing]


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11 streak #1
Chapter 12: Lmao luhan where's your common sense at? XD
Chapter 17: this story was so lovely, really
but i feel.bad that i'm three years later oh well
Chapter 12: lmao lu drawing minseok and he making out
he is so wild!
Chapter 11: that poem doe
lu is so sweetly dumb tbh
Chapter 10: kris is so sassy wow he wanted both money and kiss ha, ha, nice try
on the other, boy, get yourself together, why so many fails?... :c
Chapter 9: on a scale of 1 to 9001... luhan is a 9002 haha
lay was so cute doe
Chapter 8: can i say thay i just adore the weird relationship between lay and kris? it's basically based ln money and mocking haha
Chapter 7: uhh i experienced a strong secondhand embarrasent when lu opened his closet ha..ha...
for realz now, lu, c'mon, just do it manly!!
Chapter 6: only god knows how much i squealed when lay gave kris a kiss uu-hhu
also, aw, c'mon minnie, just show some affection to lu :c
Chapter 5: omg i love kris and tao's interactions haha they're so hilarious