Soojung likes someone?!

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 9

Ever since the day Eunsung had made that comment about thinking about love I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had never been in love before so I was not really sure what it was like. I know, 24 years old and I have never been in love? But I mean I spent most of my time focusing on school, focusing on getting good grades and making my parents happy. I never even glimpsed at a boy before. By the time I was 22 I had just assumed that I was not ready. I would fall in love when I met the right guy and when I was ready.


But as that comment ran over and over in my head I started to picture the different boys I spend time with in my head. I tried to see if I could ever feel any romantic relations towards them and I couldn't.


“Soojung.” Eunsung called out to me as we sat at our desks. I had been at work for only a couple hours now and it was nearing lunch time. Eunsung and I had made plans to have lunch with each other today, we basically had lunch together everyday. Today though we were going to take our hour break at a restaurant. There was a new place in town that we had never been to before. We were both excited to go, so excited that we could barely concentrate on our work.


“Yes?” I asked looking at my new friend with a smile. She smiled back and held up her purse. She was quietly telling me that it was time for lunch, without disturbing the rest of the people in the office. I wrote the last few things needed to finish off my work and grabbed my purse ready to go.


We had decided to go to a small restaurant that sold some very good-looking pastas. We orders our food and continued to chat about absolutely anything that popped into our heads until our food came. We dug in to our food trying our hardest to not look like pigs. We were both so hungry that we basically swallowed our food whole.


“So Soojung have you thought at all about what I mentioned?” Eunsung asked breaking the silence. I looked up at her from my food, shaking my head no.

“To be honest, yes. I can't stop thinking about what you said. But when I try and think about these boys in that way I just feel weird. I have never been in a relationship before so I wouldn't even know if I do like someone.” I told her. So she just nodded her head slowly contemplating my words.


“Is there a boy in that group that you like spending time with more than the others?” She offered. I thought about that for a second, before quickly shaking my head. I loved spending time with all of them, that was true. If I had to choose one I loved hanging out with the most that is by a long shot my brother. But I can't marry him so I knew to not even mention him; also because that is just gross. Eunsung shrugged her shoulders and took another bite of her food.


“Maybe you just need a little more time.”

“Maybe.” I agreed.



Another month passed by without me even realizing it. The Infinite members and I had become so busy lately that we didn't get much time to spend together. We did get a few short hours a weeks to spend with each other, but how many hours, varied by the week. I had become so much closer to the members that I had actually felt like they had become my 2nd family. Sunggyu oppa who was actually part of my family. Dongwoo and Woohyun who were two boys I was VERY close to. Hoya, L and Sungyeol who meant very much to me. And Sungjong who felt like he was the little brother I was deprived of in my life.


I had also come to realize that deep down I was starting to grow feelings for one of the members. The way he spoke to me, the way he played around with me, stood out from the other members and I wasn't really sure why. At first I thought maybe it was because I found playful people fun but then I thought on it and decided that maybe I was starting to have feelings for him. Of course I would never do anything to act on those feelings; I am way to shy. If him and I were meant to be then somehow, someway we will end up together.


Soojung what are you staring at?” Someone asked from beside me. I continued to stare at the same pale white wall I had been staring at for 10 minutes now, ignoring the person trying to get my attention. The thoughts of the boy I had started to fall for would not go away and I was trying to force myself to forget about them, it was too early to start having feelings like this...right?


Soojung~” the sing-song voice called out to me again. They nudged my shoulder before waving their hand in my face. I blinked a couple times before turning to look at them. Woohyun smiled sheepishly at me before giving me his concerned filled eyes once again. “Is there something wrong?”


“No I just can't stop thinking about things.” I told him honestly. Why would I lie to him?

“What are you thinking about?” He asked curiously, inching a little closer.

“Nothing. Just,” she paused looking away from Woohyun before continuing, “I think I might like someone, but I am not really sure.”

(I am going to change it to 3rd person POV from now on, because I like that writing better.)

Woohyun looked at Soojung for a couple seconds before a smile slowly spread onto his face. He grinned at the girl slightly creeping her out. Soojung fidgeted under his faze extremely uncomfortable. Seconds before Woohyun could as Soojung who exactly she had a crush on someone came barging into the room.


“Dang it hyung give me back my bear!” Sungjong yelled chasing Sungyeol around the room. The couple on the couch watched the two boys in amusement until Sungjong finally got his bear back.


“Are you two done now?” Woohyun asked looking at the boys a little irritated. “Soojung is trying to tell me she likes someone.”

“Woohyun!” Soojung shouted smacking him on the arm. Woohyun laughed, rubbing his sore arm.

“Noona you like someone?” Sungjong asked taking a seat on the floor in front of Soojung.

“Yes I do.” She confessed looking at the younger boy. His eyes brightened up as he moved even closer to Soojung. Soojung knew now that the two new boys were not going to leave the room anytime soon and with Woohyun just blurting out that Soojung liked someone, she was now too afraid to even tell them who it was.


“Who is it?” Sungyeol asked taking a seat next to Sungyeol.

“Like I am going to tell you guys. Especially not when Woohyun just blurted out I liked someone in the first place.” Soojung stood up from the couch bent on leaving the room to go bug her brother. Before she could even move an inch she was pulled back down on the couch beside Woohyun.


“I am sorry Soojung. I promise I won't tell anyone. I will keep my mouth closed.” Woohyun said pretending to lock his lips with an invisible key. Soojung sighed before parting her lips ready to tell them who it was.


“Hey guys!” Dongwoo shouted as he entered the room, Hoya, Sunggyu, and L in tow. Woohyun glared over at the boys making them all stop dead in their tracks. “What?”


“She was just about to tell us who she likes and you ruined everything!” Sungyeol shouted towards his fellow members.

“Sungyeol!” Soojung shouted at him smacking him also.

“What? I never said I wouldn't tell them you like someone.” He said shrugging his shoulders. Seconds later the sound of something hard crashed to the floor. Everyone turned their direction on Sunggyu before looking down at his feet seeing a broken glass laying around on the floor. Soojong jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen to get a broom.


“Oppa what is wrong with you?” Soojung asked as she bent down to pick up the glass up from the floor. Just before she touched the first piece her hand was pushed away. Soojung looked up to see L smile before he started to pick up the glass. Soojung couldn't help buy smile back, she really loved it when boys did things like that. She tried to reach for another piece of glass but once again L smacked her hand away. Now deciding to make a game out of it Dajeong continued to try and pick up glass. Unfortunately the game didn't last long before Sunggyu grabbed his sister's arm and pulled her up into a standing position.


“You like someone?” He asked looking intently at Soojung. She nodded her head confession that she did like someone. Sunggyu started to look around at all the members contemplating on who it was his little sister was fond of. “Who is it? Obviously its not Woohyun, Sungyeol, or Sungjong because you were about to tell them.”


Instantly Hoya, Dongwoo and L looked at each other. If it wasn't Woohyun, Sungyeol or Sungjong then it had to be one of them right? Sunggyu looked at the three boys before pushing his sister behind him and glared at them. Two of he three boys, Dongwoo and Hoya, stood their stunned. L on the other started laughing at Sunggyu's attempt at being protective. The boys had never seen the leader like that and were not really sure on what to do.


“Oppa who says it is even anyone of these people?” Soojung asked stepping out from behind her brother.

“You are only with us.” He pointed out like it was obvious,

“There are guys at my work.” She defended.

“So it's not one of the members?”

“I never said it wasn't. I just meant that you shouldn't jump to conclusions.” Soojung smiled at her brother before taking her seat on the couch. All the members turned to look at Soojung determined on finding out who she had a crush on. Soojung just laughed at everyone's determined looks and shook her head. She wasn't going to tell them now. They were just going to have to guess. It was already narrowed down; Dongwoo, Hoya, and L as the victims.


“Have fun trying to figure it out on you own.” Soojung stated before leaning back on the couch. She knew the rest of the day was going to be fun, but it was also going to be a day of trying to hold it in. If the boy she liked found out, what would happen? Would things become awkward and she wouldn't come visit the boys just to avoid it or would he actually confess to liking her back? Who knows. All she did know was she wasn't going to be the first one to confess. He would have to step up.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3