Soojung's crush revealed~!!!

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 10


Soojung was right, the day that she confessed to liking on of the members was a fun day. All the boys tried their hardest to trick Soojung into telling them who it was. Some even started making bets on who it was Soojung liked, by the end of the day Soojung was surprised they had not figured it out. Most of the members just blurted out who they thought the boy was and only 2 of the 7 members were right. Only 2. Of course Soojung didn't tell them they were right, but they were.


At this very moment though the were all spread out on the floor resting and starting to grow more hungry as the minutes ticked by. Woohyun and Sunggyu were rolling around the floor causing a dog pile to start. The only two that didn't join in the dog pile were Soojung and Hoya. The only reason Hoya didn't join in was because he was forced into giving Soojung a shoulder massage. They were playing a game earlier and Hoya had lost, the prize being a shoulder massage. Woohyun started to cry out from the bottom of the dog pile causing all the members to roll off of him laughing the whole time.


“I am hungry.” Soojung blurted out watching L as he took a seat in front of her. He smiled at her before grabbing the deck of cards from beside him. He handed the deck to Soojung, receiving a confused expression on return. “What are these for?”


“I want to play what you and Hoya played.” L explained smiling at her.

“Oh really? What do I get if I win?” Soojung asked.

“Can't we play for fun?”

“Nope.” Soojung laughed shuffling the cards around. When her and L had finally decided on a prize the game started. Soojung was much better at card games then any of the members. She spent a lot of time in America playing card games with friends that it would be weird if she wasn't really good at them.


“Hyung your gonna lose.” Sungjong pointed out taking a seat next to Soojung.

“Don't underestimate me kid.” L joked placing a card down on the floor.

“I bet Soojung wins.” Hoya said as he continued to massage Soojung's shoulders. Soojung giggled lightly but gasped seconds later when Hoya pressed to hard on her shoulder. “Sorry.”


“You know what, just cause I love L, I am on his side.” Dongwoo said taking a seat next to L. The rest of the members quickly surrounded the pair paying close attention on what each of them were throwing out. Hoya started to snicker from behind Soojung, the only person besides her that was in clear view of her cards. She nudged him slightly; Hoya yelping from the pain. He looked down at the girl glaring slightly; oh he was going to get her back for that. He started to whisper quietly in her ear to throw down cards that would make her lose. At first Soojung was able to ignore him and would just push him away. She didn't like to lose games that she knew she was good at but the constant whispering in her ear was driving her so insane that she accidentally put down a card she did not mean to put down. L seeing his opportunity to win threw down his winning card and the boys roared with cheer and congratulations to their friend. Irritated Soojung jumped on Hoya lightly kicking him and hitting him to vent her frustration on him. Hoya couldn't do anything but laugh like their was no tomorrow.


“You are so mean Hoya! I am never going to trust you again!” She shouted pushing herself away from him and storming over to the door; yes she was a sore loser. She kicked off her slippers and quickly put on her shoes, slamming open the door. Only a few steps away from the door, a hand reached out to grabs hers. Soojung turned to find L standing there looking only a little concerned. He tried hard to hid his excitement at beating her in the card game; he wasn't a sore winner. Soojung closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them to lock with L's once again.


“I know you are mad at Hoya right now but you can't leave.” He said trying to pull Soojung back into the house. She forcefully pulled her hand from his, crossing her arms over her chest. The one thing the boys have come to learn most about Soojung is she was stubborn, very stubborn. She didn't like being picked on and she took the guys cheering as a way of being happy that she lost.


“I am going home!” She exclaimed turning to walk down the steps.

“One, you are not walking home alone, it's 9:30 at night. Two, you lost the bet.” He pointed out once again grabbing her hand and turning her to face him. Soojung took another deep breath. She really didn't want to get mad at an innocent person. L was too nice to her for her to get mad at him. He was one of her best friends; she cared very much for L.


“Fine. What was your prize again?” She asked looking down at their conjoined hands. Her heart was racing and she could barely think straight at the moment. L was the boy that she had started to grow feelings for. He was the main reason why she kept going to her brother's place. She did love hanging out with the other boys, they were like her family, but when L answered the door with a big smile on his face every time she came over, it was hard for her to not fall for him.


“Dinner and a movie.” He answered pulling her back over to the door.

“What are you a girl?” She joked allowing him to pull her back inside the door. He laughed at her before nodding his head. She laughed also as she watched him slip on his shoes. “What are we going now?”


“Of course we are.” He slipped on his shoes and reached over to grab his wallet before turning to look at the other members. “We will be back in a couple hours.”


“Wait what? Where are you going with my sister?” Sunggyu questioned taking a step towards the door. Woohyun grabbed his hyung's shoulder, holding him back from leaving.


“Hyung calm down it's L. She will be fine.” Woohyun soothed. Sunggyu turned to look at Woohyun like he was insane. He turned back to L and Soojung just as the door was closing behind them. The couple headed out on town trying to avoid too many people so L wouldn't be noticed. The first place they headed was to a decent sized restaurant for some dinner. They entered the place and not even a second later where they yelled at.


“Welcome! Follow me to a seat!” The old woman shouted, grabbing two menu's, then leading the pair to their table. L looked around the place a little to see a few people staring at him, afraid that he was going to be noticed he asked the old woman if their was anywhere more private for them to eat. Sure enough the old woman led them to a private room on the 2nd floor. Once the couple was seated and their food was ordered L started up a conversation.


“So who is this boy you like?” He questioned surprising Soojung. She choked slightly on the glass of water she was drinking and had to force down some more before she could even think about answering him.


“What?” She asked not really sure if he was actually asking her that or not.

“You know the guy that you like. The one Sungyeol was talking about.” Soojung stared at him for a couple seconds really unsure about what to say. She took another sip of her water before saying,


“it's a secret.”

“Oh come on. You were gonna tell Woohyun, Sungyeol, and Sungjong.” L pointed out watching as the waitress came back with the food. She placed it carefully on the table before exiting in an abrupt fashion. L laughed to himself before he started on cooking the meat. He waited patiently for Soojung to say something back. Soojung just looked down at her food trying hard to think of a way out of the situation. She didn't want to tell him and weird him out if he didn't feel the same. Instead she just reached over and grabbed a piece of lettuce as L started to cook the meat. She found a small piece of meat fully cooked and shoved it in the lettuce. She placed a couple more things on the meat before rapping it up into a ball and holding it up to L.


“Is this your way of avoiding what I have said?” He asked before leaning over to allow her to feed him. She nodded her head giving him hopeful eyes. L just ignored her silent plea and continued to stare at her waiting for her to answer. Soojung sighed before looking away from him. Her head fell down as she stared at her hands.


“Myungsoo please don't make me answer that.” She plead using his real name. L looked at her confused.

“I just want to know why you would tell them but not me. I thought we were close friends.”

“We are.” Soojung defended looking back up at him. She stared at him for a couple seconds before once again looking away this time mumbling a quiet 'that is why it's so hard to tell you' under her breath. Unfortunately for her though the room was so quiet and small that L had heard what she said.


“Why does that make it-” before L could even finish his question it dawned on him, she couldn't tell him because the person was him. Soojung actually did like him. He thought maybe she might have because she always seemed to be more open and happy around him but he wasn't a hundred percent sure. That was the reason why he wanted to go out with her like this so badly. L wasn't really sure what kind of feelings Soojung had for him and he was curious on knowing what kind of feelings they were. He knew he felt something for her also, but he wasn't really sure if they were feelings of just friends or if he was actually starting to like her also.


Not really sure on what to say L just continued to cook the meat quietly. Each second that pasted by Soojung grew more and more uncomfortable. It was obvious that L had figured out the person she liked was him. With him not saying anything it started to make Soojung nervous and scared that she had made things weird. She looked down at her hands once again.


Soojung?” L asked turning Soojung's attention to him. He held out a lettuce wrap to her, much like she had him a few minutes ago. Soojung stared at him for a couples seconds before leaning over to eat the food. L smiled lightly, causing Soojung to blush. She chewed the food slowly as she continued to stare at L. Was he just trying to brighten up the mood? L pulled the meat off of the grill and placed it on a small plate right beside it. He once again wrapped meat up in the lettuce and held it out to Soojung. She laughed before turning his hand around to face him.


“You eat.” She ordered pushing the food closer to his mouth. He chuckled lightly before shoving the whole thing in his mouth. The rest of dinner went by a lot faster then expected. The confession was long forgotten and the two enjoyed the rest of the night goofing off and having the comfortable fun that the two could only have with each other. The movie they decided to go to was a romance comedy that they both were enjoying very much.


“No don't go that way you are going to run into-,” the girl on the screen yelled out to her long lost boyfriend just before he ran into a light post. Soojung giggled at the silly man, loving very much when people did stupid things like that. She always was one to laugh at the dumbest things. They entertained her and she didn't care if people thought she was being a child. L couldn't help but laugh every time Soojung did. Her sweet laugh rang in his ears only causing him to laugh also.


“You are really enjoying this aren't you?” L whispered to her. Soojung nodded her head before eating a piece of popcorn. Soojung and L were both surprised that they could eat popcorn after eating such a big dinner.


“It's really funny.” Soojung said not once looking away from the screen. L just shook his head at her, a smiled plastered on his face. He turned his attention back to the screen just in time to see the main male and the main female of the movie starting to grow serious for the first time in the movie. The two moved closer to each other and the light music playing the background was a soft melody, adding to the heartfelt moment.


L turned to look at Soojung to find her staring intently at the screen. She was really into the movie. So much so that as she was bring a piece of popcorn to it slipped out of her hand and fell into the sleeve of her jacket. Soojung looked down away from the screen in search of the popcorn piece, only noticing it when L reached over to pick it up. He popped it into his mouth smiling lightly at Soojung. She smiled back at him before turning her attention back to the screen. L continued to stare at her for a few seconds, taking in her her appearance. She really was a pretty girl. She had a small cute nose that fit her face so well, the most amazing eyes anyone could ever ask for, and thin red lips that seemed so inviting. L swallowed the invisible spit in his throat and turned his attention back to the screen. Soojung hearing L's scrambling around she turned to look at him.


“You okay?” She asked him.

“Yes, just fine.” He said shortly. Soojung shrugged her shoulders before turning her attention back on the screen. The ending of the movie was a happy one where the couple, after many many problems, ended up getting married and moving away to live in a foreign country in happiness. Soojung really did enjoy the movie, it was probably one of her new favorites.


“I should probably take you home now.” L said as he looked at the clock on the cellphone. The time showed that it was nearing 1 in the morning, and Soojung had to work in a couple hours.

“Okay.” She agreed and walked to the side of the road to hale down a taxi. The two climbed into the taxi, telling the driver where to go. Soojung sat back in her seat relaxed and starting to slowly drift off to sleep. Unknowingly her head fell over onto L's shoulder. L looked down at her not really sure on what to do. Once he saw her peaceful face he couldn't force himself to wake her up, so instead he just smiled and looked out the window.


“This isn't really something you see a lot.” The driver said looking at L in his rear-view mirror.

“What isn't?” L asked slightly confused.

“An American girl and a Korean boy dating.” The driver pointed out.

“Oh we aren't dating, we are just friends.” L explained not knowing that Soojung could still hear and absorb everything that was going on. She forced herself to wake up, pulling her head away from the younger boy. She leaned her head against the window taking a deep breath. So L really didn't feel the same way about her. Well she should have figured that with her luck. For the rest of the cab ride the two kept to themselves. They didn't talk or even move an inch.


“We are here.” The cab driver said just as they pulled up to Soojung's place. Soojung thanked the cab driver before shuffling through her purse in search of money. L placed his hand on her forearm telling her that he would pay for it himself. After a few minutes of the two bickering about who was going to pay the man Soojung stepped from the car. She walked towards her house not looking back at the car at all. The thoughts of L not liking her were starting to affect her and she was afraid that if she looked at him at the moment she might start crying.


“Goodnight!” L shouted out the window to her.

“Night!” Soojung shouted back still not turning around to look at him. The cab driver pulled away from the building just as Soojung made it inside the door. She ran up the stairs to her parents place. She was going to spend the rest of the night in her room. She already knew she wasn't going to get much sleep now, but she also knew she was still going to have to go to work the next day.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3