Chapter 5 (Dance Practice and The Unwanted Punishment)

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 5


My brother continued the whole day with his silent treatment towards me. He tried to call our parents to have them come get me but both of them were too busy to even answer they phone. Honestly I wasn't sure why he was this mad. It wasn't that big a deal to begin with...right?


“Sunggyu can I talk to you for a minute?” A man said as he came into the dance studio. About 30 minutes ago the members had finished their song and were now in the dance studio getting ready to learn their dance. I was excited to see the in-sink dance moves that they were famous for.


“Oh that's not good.” Woohyun said as he took a seat on the bench beside me. The bench was located at the back of the room. Big mirrors lined the wall at the front of the room, the other walls were were a pale white color. The floor had a light brown, polished wooden texture.


“What is not good?” I asked looking over at the older boy. He raised his hand up and pointed at my brother's retreating back.

“He is probably getting yelled at.” I looked at the door my face contorting into a look of pure worry. Had I really gotten my brother in trouble? He was never going to speak to me again now.

“Really?!” I practically yelled. I jumped to my feet and ran towards the door. I threw it open not at all concerned about the yell from Sungjong as the door hit him in the back. I would apologize to him later, right now I needed to protect my brother from the yells of the manager. I entered the hallway and looked to the left. When I saw nothing I turned to look the other direction and caught a glimpse of my brother walking into a room down the hall. I rushed towards the door my black hair flying around like crazy. I skidded to a stop in front of the door almost losing my footing and threw that door open. Sunggyu and the manager both turned to look at me surprised.


“Please don't yell at my brother! This is all my fault! I should have listen to him when he told me not to come! I am sorry!” I shouted at the manager. The man looked at me then my brother and chuckled slightly. He walked towards me a big smile still on his face.

“Don't worry I am not going to yell at him. We were just going to talk about his schedule.” The manager raised his hand to ruffle my hair before lightly pushing me towards the door. “Now go back to the practice room and tell the boys to start.”


“Promise?” I asked turning back to them just before I was pushed completely out the door.

“Yes I promise.” He said. I looked over his shoulder at my brother to see my brother smile slightly back at me. I was guessing he was trying to reassure me that he was not going to get yelled at. Satisfied I made my way back to the practice room and entered it glaring over at Woohyun slightly. He was now squatted down on the floor talking to L who was sitting in the middle of the room. I was not really sure why L was sitting in the middle of the room but I wasn't going to question it. These boys always did things that made you question their sanity.


I walked quietly behind Woohyun and placed my hands on his shoulders. I pulled on them towards me causing him fall onto the hard, wood floor. He looked up at me stunned as the rest of the members burst with laughter.


“She is being so abusive today!” I heard Sungjong yell from the other side of the room. I looked over at the boy to see him rubbing his arm. Remembering that I had hit him with the door I ran over him throwing my arms around his thin body.

“Sungjongie I am so sorry!” I yelled dragging out the 'o' in so. He hugged me back lightly before pulling away and grabbing his arm. He lift it slightly to show it was a little red. I frowned up at him and rubbed his hurt arm. “I'm sorry.”

“It's okay Soojung. I forgive you.” He smiled and patted my shoulder lightly.

“Okay time for you all to start dancing.” I told them and took a seat on the floor in front of the mirrors. They all looked at me like I had lost my mind.


“Wow abusive and bossy.” Woohyun stated as I watched him stand up from the floor. I threw the harshest glare I could muster at him and pointed my finger at him forcefully.

“You be quiet Nam Woohyun!” I ordered the older boy and turned my finger to an innocent looking Dongwoo. “And you Jang Dongwoo turn on the music!”


The two boys laughed at my fierce looking face before they followed orders and the dance practice begun. Instantly I became mesmerized watching them all most to the rhythm of the music. They dance together so well. If I was up there with them I would be messing up all over the place. I wasn't a bad dancer, it just took me a while to learn the moves. Half way through the dance my brother returned to the room and jumped into his spot not messing up the performance. I bobbed my head back in forth and sung the words I had learned during the recording.



“So Soojung how was it?” Hoya asked as they all panted and shuffled around for some water. I stood up grabbing the water bottle closest to me and handed it to Sungyeol, since he was closest. He smiled at me before patting my head and receiving the water. I literately felt like I was a dog today. I hated it when people touched my hair.


“It was amazing!” I shouted enthusiastically. I looked around at all the panting boys and smiled. I was not really sure why they were not the best boy group in Korea. I admired their passion with their music and it made me start to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. Now that I was done with college I really did need to get a job. I needed to find something that makes me as happy as these boys are with their music.




“Soojung you don't have to sit in the trunk now.” L pointed out as we all made our way back to the van. They were done practicing for the day and I was happy. It was 3:00 in the morning and I was dead tired. I had never been so tired before. Today was a great day and I got to experience some great things.


I shuffled my way to the side door of the van trying hard to keep my eyes open and not fall over. Climbing into the van was proved a little difficult as I had almost fell over. Woohyun grabbed my hand and pulling me into the seat beside him also stopping my fall. I smiled at him and watched as Sungyeol took the seat beside me ignoring Sungjong's vents of the older boy trying to steal his friend away. I laughed at the younger boys and closed my eyes. My head fell back on the back of the seat and instantly I fell into a deep sleep.




“Soojung wake up.” Someone said pulling me out of my dream of the Infinite members dancing around in animal outfits. I opened my eyes to see everything in front of me was sideways. My head was laying on something firm and I pulled away from it confused. I looked down at the spot my head once was and realized it to be someone's shoulder. I looked up at the person still a little confused on what happened and found Sungyeol staring back at me.


“Did I sleep on you?” I questioned the boy with a slightly groggy voice.

“Yes. You did. You also drooled on me too.” He stated. Instantly my cheeks heated up and a red flush took over them. I bowed my head at him repeating over and over how sorry I was. “Sorry is not enough. Now you have to make it up to me.”


“How? How do I make it up to you?” I asked my eyes becoming big with hope of him not being mad.

“You are going to be my slave for a day.” He told me as he pushed himself off of the seat. Stunned I sat there not moving an inch.


“Huh?” I questioned not really believing what I heard him say.

“My slave. Be here tomorrow at 6:00 in the morning. You have a lot to do tomorrow.” He told me as he jumped out of the van. I turned to look at the remaining boys in the car to see them laughing. Woohyun placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me towards the door of the van. I crawled out of the van standing just outside of it.


“I am so sorry.” Sungjong said from beside me. I looked at the younger boy and sighed deep.

“I am in trouble aren't I?” I questioned. It was more of a rhetorical question then an actual question but someone decided to answer anyways.


“Little more than in trouble. Good luck tomorrow Soojung.” L said as he pat me on the head. I pushed his hand away and watched him, Woohyun, Dongwoo, and my brother head inside their apartment.


“Guessing I shouldn't have come.” I told the two remaining boys. They both laughed and pulled me into a group hug.

“It's ok Soojung. We will help you and make sure Sungyeol isn't too mean.” Sungjong said as he pulled away.

“Come on we will take you home.” Hoya said as he link my arm in his. Sungjong did the same to my other arm and we walked towards a different car that was going to take me home.



Sorry about the late update. I have been a bit busy lately. I have my finals for college this week and I have been out of town for a few days. My older brother got into a horrible motorcycle accident because a deer thought it would be fun to LITERATLY jump into his lap and knock him over. He is doing ok now and will be out of the hospital soon. Thank god he is ok. Just a few broken vertebra, a few staples in the head and a few stiches on the face. He also had a metal plate in his shoulder and cut open his knee. Ok so he has a lot of therepy to go though now but as long as he is alive I am happy. So again sorry for the late update. I promise to try and update sooner. I am excited about the next chapter so it might be up soon. Anyways I want to say thanks to my subscribers and the generous people who have been leaving comments. Maybe just maybe if you read this I may put you in the story. All I would need to know is your name, age, who you want to end up with (if they are not already taken), your personality and looks. Maybe......just maybe I will put you in it. I will not tell you if you are going to be in it or not. This is also only for the first 1-3 people who comment me back. Depends on if it is possible for me. I am also not promising big parts either. I am now done with my rant. Thanks for reading? If you read this far. You must be bored. ^_^


With Love,


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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3