Meeting Mr. Kwang and Eunsung~!

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 8

It's amazing how fast 3 weeks can pass by when you are sick and working. My father did eventually give in and helped me find a job in his company. I am now a secretary at my father's company. Well not really a secretary but more like an assistant. I would run around and get people things if they needed them. I would organize their work and everything. This was defiantly not the kind of job I wanted but I would have to live with it for now.


“Soojung could you please get the president some coffee?” My boss asked me as he passed by my small desk. I was lucky enough to get a small desk in the same office floor as my father. Probably because he was my father.


“Yes.” I typed in the last few things I needed to before printing off my work and handing it to my boss. We were currently working on a big project right now. We were also in the middle of a merger with another big company in Seoul. My father, the president, has been so busy with work lately that I haven't gotten to see him much. I assumed that was why my boss was nice enough to let me take him coffee.


“Here is the printed copy of the file you asked me to finish.” I handed my work to my boss and received a big smile from her.

“Why can't I have more good workers like you?” My boss asked patting the top of my head. I smiled at the older woman and bowed before making my way to the small kitchen we had on the floor. I quickly made my father a cup of coffee the way he liked it. I even made an extra just in case he wanted me to stay. I didn't drink coffee but if it was an excuse to see my father I would just drink it anyways. Coffee ready I made my way to his office. Just outside his door I was stopped by his secretary.


“What are you doing?” The male asked blocking my path.

“I am taking the president some coffee.” I told him and tried to step around him.

“He is busy right now. Leave it here and I will give it to him.” I looked the boy up and down, taking in his dark blue suit, short black hair, and chocolate brown eyes.


“He is my father. Isn't there someway I can see him?” I asked the man.

“Your father?” The boy questioned looking me up and down. I fidgeted under his gaze and nodded my head.

“Yes my father.” I quickly moved around him before knocking on the door.


“Yes?” Came a faint, muffled voice. I lightly pushed the door open and stepped inside. I turned to close the door catching my father's secretary's glare out of the corner of my eye.

Soojung.” My father greeted standing up from his desk. I turned back to the man to find one other person in the room. The man didn't look like any guy I had seen these past 4 days at the office. He was older; older then my father even. I bowed to my father and the man. 'Good thing I made two cups'. I thought to myself and walked over to my father's desk.


“Sorry to interrupt. I brought you both some coffee.” I told him and placed the glasses in front of them.

“Thank you Soojung.” My father said taking a seat. The older man looked me up and down. “Oh Mr. Kwang this is my daughter, Soojung.” My father motioned to me and the man gave me a surprised look.


“Your daughter?” Mr Kwang asked. “But she is not Korean.” I frowned slightly at the man but quickly recovered. I should be used to those comments by now but I wasn't.


“Yes. She was adopted at a young age. We were really good friends with her parents.” My father pointed out. Mr Kwang looked at my father then me once again before smiling.

“Well it is nice to meet you Soojung. It is nice to see a diverse family here in Korea. You don't really see that.” I looked at the man surprised before running over and throwing my arms around him.


Soojung!” My father exclaimed eyes wide. Mr. Kwang chuckled at my action but instead of pushing me away patted my back a couple times.

“What a sweet girl.” Mr Kwang said when I pulled away. “Miss Soojong do you have a boyfriend?”


“No I do not.” I told him smiling big.

“Well there is a surprise. You are too pretty to not have a boyfriend.” Mr Kwang said. I smiled even bigger if possible and bowed him my thanks.


“How old are you?” Mr. Kwang asked throwing another question at me.

“I am 24 years old.” I told him and looked at my watch. It had already been 20 minutes. My boss was not going to be happy.


“It was nice meeting you. I must get back to work now. My boss will be mad if I stay much longer.” I bowed once again before exiting the room. I walked past my father's secretary sticking my tongue out at him. He quickly got up from his chair startling me. I quickly ran from the room to escape the boy.


When I made it back to my desk my boss was standing beside it waiting for me. When she spotted me she gave me a confused look and handed me a few more papers. I looked at the work left for me to do and realized I was going to have to stay over for a bit.


“What took you so long?” She asked when I took a seat at my desk.

“My father was in a meeting. The man asked me a few things.” I explained.

“What man?” My boss asked curiously. I was starting to wonder if my boss had no friends. Is that the reason she was talking to me so much? Or was it because my father owned the place?


“Mr. Kwang.” I told her.

“Mr. Kwang? You mean the same Mr. Kwang from Kwang enterprise that your father is merging with?” She asked her eyes wide.

“Yes, probably.” I looked at her trying hard to hide the annoyance on my face. I needed to finish this work as soon as I could. I was suppose to go to to dinner with some of the Infinite members tonight and I was already going to be late.


“Well you must have made an impact on him.” The older woman said looking at me.

“Why do you say that?” I scribbled a few things down on one of the papers before looking up at the woman.

“He doesn't usually talk to anyone. Must be because you are the president's daughter.” She said and walked away from the desk. I shook my head a few times before focusing on the work I had in front of me. Every 10 minutes I would look at the clock. The time was going by so fast and I had so much I still needed to do. I was suppose to get off in 20 minutes and I still had 3 more files to go through. I sighed and slammed my pen down on my desk. The girl from beside me jumped and looked over at me.


“Are you okay?” She asked sounding slightly concerned. I looked at the girl with a stressed look.

“No I have to be somewhere as soon as I am done with work and I am going to be late because there is too much work to be done here.” I mumbled. She girl moved her chair beside mine and grabbed one of the files.


“Here I will help. This actually happened to me yesterday. My boyfriend wanted me to go out to eat with him but I had to cancel at last minute because of work. He wasn't too happy about that.” She laughed and started scribbling down on the files. Soon the work was all done and I was free to go.


“Thank you so much.” I told the girl and grabbed my purse. “I will have to return the favor to you someday. I promise.”

“Oh no worries.” She laughed and waved good-bye to me. I ran to my bosses desk and handed her the files I had just finished.


“I will be going now. Have a good night.” I told her and quickly ran to the elevator. While I waited for the elevator to open the girl that had helped me with my work walked over to the elevators also. “Are you done with work?” I asked her looking at her.


“Ah, yes. I am done for today also.” She said. We both walked into the elevator and pushed the button for the first floor.

“So what is your name?” I asked her making conversation.

“I am Eunsung. Lee Eungsung.” She said.

“Ah I am Kim Soojung.” I told her and bowed slightly. She smiled and bowed back. “I am really thankful for you helping me.”

“Your welcome.” She said just as the doors of the elevator opened indicating we had made it to the first floor. We both stepped out and walked towards the front doors.


“Eunsung. Would you like to go out to dinner with me and my friends tonight. To say thank you for helping me?” I asked her. She looked at me surprised before slowly smiling.

“Yes. That sounds like fun.” She agreed. I smiled back and walked over to the bus stop. I expected her to follow me but when she didn't I thought maybe she had already changed her mind. She got into a car not to far from the office and stop just in front of the bus stop.


“We can take my car.” She said opening her passenger side door. I laughed and climbed into the car beside her. I told her the address to the boys dorm and made small conversation with her. Eunsung was a nice girl. Normally because of who my brother was and who my father was I wouldn't have made friends with people this easily. But I felt like I could trust Eunsung. She was different from the other girls I hung out with. She obliviously wasn't out to be friends with me because of my brother. She was happily in a relationship. She also talked about how she thinks he was going to ask her to marry him soon. I found out during our conversation that she was 2 years older than me and has been working at my father's company for 2 years. She said she was happy with working there but she couldn't stand our boss.


"Soojong you are here!” I heard the girlish voice of Sungjong yell at me. I jumped out of the car and ran up to the younger boy. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.


“Sungjung!” I shouted excited. He pulled away and smiled big at me.

“It's been too long.” He said sticking his bottom lip out.

“I know. 5 days is too long to spend away from you guys.” I told him. “Sungjong I would like you to meet Eunsung. She was a lot of help for me today so I wanted to say thanks by inviting her along.” I told the younger boy motioning to Eunsung as she walked up to us. She smiled at Sungjong and bowed politely. Sungjong bowed back just as more of the members walked out of the building. I looked around Sungjong to see Woohyun, Hoya, Sunggyu, and Sungyeol walk towards us. I ran up to the boys and hugged my brother tightly.


“Oppa. I would like you to meet Eunsung. She is a co-worker of mine.” I introduced her to my brother. Eunsung bowed once again to all the other boys and grabbed my arm lightly. She pulled me away from the boy and turned to look at me.


“I didn't know it was going to be the Infinite members. Sunggyu is your brother?” She asked confused.

“I'm sorry. I should have told you. And yes he is I was adopted at a young age. I thought you would have realized that.” I told her laughing slightly.

“I guess I didn't think of that.” She said laughing also. I smiled at her and pulled her back towards the boys. “So do you like any of them?” She asked me.

“What do you mean?” I asked her looking at the boys then her.

“I mean do you 'like' any of them.” She said emphasizing the word like.

“I never really thought about it I guess. They are all such great friends.” I told her. I looked at the boys for a few seconds. I really hadn't thought of any of the boys in that way. I mean they were all great boys. They were fun to be around and the always made me happy. Why hadn't I thought of them in that way?


“Well you are 24 years old. Maybe you can start to think of them in that way.” She said nudging me. I hadn't known the members of Infinite that long. I mean feelings like love and wanting to date someone don't just happen right away do they? I mean I had only know them for about a month. Why would I need to think of them like that already? I blew off Eunsung's comment and continued over to the boys. I was starving and ready to go get some food.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3