Chapter 6 (Being Sungyeol's Slave For A Day -_-)

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 6


“Omma I am leaving now!” I shouted out to my mother as I slipped on a pair of purple heels that matched my outfit perfectly. I looked over myself once more in the small mirror beside the front door before exiting. Today was the dreadful day that I was forced to be the servant of the evil Sungyeol. I wasn't sure what he was going to make me do today but I was sure it wasn't going to be fun.


I took my time getting to the boys dorm. I wasn't looking forward for today so I made sure to take my precious time. Unfortunately for me I was a very punctual person so I ended up there on time anyways. Sungyeol had told me I needed to be there at 6 in the morning. Today was a rare day where most of the Infinite members actually got the day off. Sunggyu and Woohyun were the only ones with a schedule today.


Just as I made it to the boys dorm and made my way up the stairs my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to find someone had left me a text message. I didn't recognize the number so I ignored it before pushing the doorbell beside the boy's dorm.


“Who is it?” Came the voice of the manager that was living with them.

“It's Soojung. I was forced to come over today.” I replied and waited patiently for him to open the door.


“I know all about it. I was actually told to tell you that he wants breakfast in bed. So there is a few things in the fridge you can make. Have fun.” He said and patted my head. He walked through the door and headed down the hall.

“Your not staying?” I asked the older man.

“No I have to go. I have stuff I need to do.”


I shrugged my shoulders before entering the apartment. I slipped off my heels, slipped into my slippers and made my way into the living room. The apartment looked like a ghost town. No one could be seen walking around so I was guessing they were all still asleep.


“Food. Should I made food just for Sungyeol or should I make some for everyone?” I questioned as I walked into the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge and threw open both doors. The fridge held a lot of food. Mostly drinks and snacks that their fans had given them. I dug around in the fridge for a bit before I found some eggs, milk, bacon and bread.


“American breakfast it is then.” I told myself as I grabbed the items and placed them on the counter. I had decided that I was going to make them french toast because it was probably the easiest thing to make. I wasn't a bad cook at all I just hated to cook. It bored me and I always made a mess and burnt myself. Thinking over what I was going to make I threw the bacon back in the fridge not at all wanting to cook that anymore.


“French toast~ french toast~ I am making french toast for boys who are awesome~ except for that mean Sungyeol who makes me his slave because of a little drool~.” I sung to myself completely oblivious to everything around me. If some one have walked in on me singing that moment I wouldn't know. “How could he make me his slave for a day? I mean dogs drool also but you don't see people making them into their slaves. No they eat them instead.” I placed the spatula I was using on the counter beside me.


“You want them to eat you? Cause people do eat dogs and if you are comparing yourself to a dog then they should just eat you also.” Someone said as they entered the kitchen. I jumped forward slightly almost running into the stove and turned towards the intruder.


“AISH L you scared the willies out of me!” I yelled as I place my hand on my chest. My heart was beating fast and I took deep breaths to try and calm it.

“Sorry. Oh by the way I liked your song.” He joked.

“What are you doing up?” I asked watching him move to the fridge and pull out a water bottle.

“I smelled food.” He said nonchalantly like it was a normal thing for him. Which is true it was, L was the member who loved to eat the most. Every time I saw him he was eating something.


“Of course that woke you up. Do you want some?” I asked holding up the plate of french toast I had already finished. He nodded his head, eye big, like a little child. I giggled at him before grabbing another plate and placing a few on the plate. I placed his plate on the table as he took the seat in front of it.


“What do you think?” I asked as he took a few bites. He looked up at me mouth full of food and gave me a thumbs up. I once again laughed at the happy kid and patted his head before I continued to work on breakfast.


“Soojung?” A new voice asked as they walked into the room. I turned my head to see Sungjong walk in rubbing his eyes. I smiled at the boy and grabbed yet another plate of the french toast.

“Good morning Sungjongie. Here take a seat and eat.” I told him and placed the plate on the table. Like a zombie he sat down at the table, picked up his fork, and started to eat. “What are you doing up so early?”


“Sungyeol said you were going to be here at 6 so I tried to get up as early as I could. I was afraid you were going to be bored by yourself.” He explained before taking another bite of his food. I quickly ran behind Sungjong before throwing my arms around his shoulders.


“You are the sweetest person ever! Sungjong you are my best friend now!” I shouted hugging the boy tight.

“Wow if I knew it was that easy to be your friend I would have said some nice words also.” Yet another voice said as they entered the room.

“Humph. Now I know not to take your words serious Hoya.” I told the boy as I walked back over to the food. I handed Hoya a plate and watched him take a seat next to Sungjong. When I had finally ran out of bread and mixing I decided to stop cooking. The three boys were still sitting at the table except Hoya had fallen back asleep. I shook my head at the boy before walking from the room.


“Where are you going?” I heard Sungjong call out to me.

“To give Sungyeol his breakfast.” I grumbled as I walked towards said boy's room. I knocked on the door lightly trying hard not to drop the tray of food I had. When I heard nothing I pushed the door open slightly and peeked my head in. Three beds were sat out in the living room. Two of them were empty and I was guessing they belonged to some of the boys who were in the kitchen right now. As for the other bed in the room and lump was formed underneath the blanket. I walked over to the bed and placed the tray on the bed beside it.


“Sungyeol wake up.” I told the boy as I lightly pushed his exposed arm. When the boy didn't budge I pushed him slightly harder and raised my voice. “Sungyeol get up!” Still there was no movement from the boy and I sighed irritated. What was I going to have to do to get the boy awake? I thought about what I should do for a few minutes before a smirk took over my lips and an evil thought came to my head. I ran from the room quickly returning shortly after with a glass of cold water. I walked back up to the sleeping boy and held the glass just above his head.


“If you dump that on me you are going to have a much harder day than what I already have planned.” The boy said making me jump back.

“What are you talking about? Dump what on you? This water is for you to drink.” I told him as I held the cup out to him. He sat up and took the glass from me chugging down the whole glass.


“Dangit.” I mumbled under my breath before I reached for the tray. I handed him the food and started to leave.

“Where are you going?” He asked stopping me in my tracks.

“To give Dongwoo his breakfast. He is the only one that hasn't eaten.” I stated.

“Fine but come back as soon as you are done. I am going to shower so I need clothes for when I am done. Also I need to tell you what you need to do today.” I sighed to myself even more irritated and walked quickly from the room. I wasn't going to let the boy get to me and ruin my day.


“Soojung change the channel.” Sungyeol said as we sat on the couch watching TV. Harry Potter was currently playing and I was a big fan of the Harry Potter movies. I looked over at the younger boy frowning.

“But I love this movie.” I told him. He looked at me his face falling.

“You are my servant for today so change the channel.” He ordered. I sighed for the 10th time today and grabbed the remote. I flipped through the channels for a bit before Sungyeol finally told me to stop. I wasn't sure what was playing but I didn't care. I grabbed my cellphone from beside me and looked at the time. It was only about 8:30. I had been Sungyeol's slave for 2 and a half hours but it felt like a century. I was already tired of him and all I had done was make him breakfast, get clothes for him and watch TV with him. 'Was this really what the slaves had to go through back when America made black people slaves? Man I feel bad for them. That must have .' I thought to myself as I threw my phone away from me on a pile of blankets on the floor.


“Soojung I am thirsty.” I stood up from the couch knowing that I was now being ordered to get him a drink and started towards the kitchen.


“How is it going?” Dongwoo asked from his spot at the table as I entered the kitchen. The other three members who didn't have a schedule were also at the table and were playing a card game I knew nothing about.

“I want to kill him already.” I told them as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I didn't care what he wanted to drink. Besides water was good for you, so that is what he was getting. As much as the boy was irritating me I did care about his health.


“Soojung!” I heard Sungyeol shout from the living room. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the living room. I handed him the water and took my seat back on the couch. “Thanks. Now lets talk about what I want you to do today.”


“Ok. What?” I asked looking over at him. I turned my body towards his to show him he had my full attention.

“Well first you can make my bed. When I am hungry I want you to make me something. Get me drinks when I am thirsty. Do my laundry, and give me a massage.” As he listed off the things he wanted me to do I made a mental note to get back at him someday. He was going to have to watch his back from now on.


“Give you a massage?” I questioned him looking at him like he lost his mind. “I am not going to touch you.” I told him moving away slightly.

“Haha you think you have a choice? It's just on the shoulders. I have a bad not in my right shoulder so I want you to help me with it.” He explained toning his voice down from an ordering tone to a more pleading tone.


“Fine.” I grumbled and stood up on the couch. I pushed him forwards slightly and sat on the back of the couch.

“What are you doing?” He asked sitting forwards and looking back at me.

“Massage. Now shut up and sit back.” I told him and grabbed a hold of his shoulders. I worked my magic on this shoulders and laughed at his comments when I pressed down to hard or not hard enough. I was good at giving people massages. I wasn't really sure why but I was. Changwoo would beg me for days to give him a shoulder massage. Only when he resorted to offering to buy me new clothes would I agree to it. This was the first time I had given a massage to someone to didn't give me something like clothes.


The say went by so slow that by the end of the day I was exhausted and I was going to have to go home and sleep for days. Sungyeol did calm down after the massage and didn't really make me do much more, much to my enjoyment. So for the rest of the day we just hung out together and cracked jokes on each other. We danced around to music and played a few games. I don't know how it happened but when I said I was hungry Sungyeol went into the kitchen and got me a snack. When he had realized what he did he yelled at me for switching roles and took the food back from me. Eventually we ate it together. Every time one of the other members came into the room to join us Sungyeol would yell at them and tell them I was working. To that I would just laugh and shake my head at the boy. Sungyeol and I became much better friends after that day. Sungjong wasn't really happy about that, he liked being my best friend of the members.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3