Chapter 3 (Hoya and Soojung's plan)

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 3


I returned home not long after meeting the Infinite members and having Hoya and Woohyun cook us all something to eat. Sunggyu told me that when I finished eating I had to leave. I thought it was funny when the other members kept stealing my food telling me that I was not allowed to eat and then leave. Some even said I was using them for their food and once I got it I didn't need them anymore. I just smiled at Sungyeol as he said that leaving him to look at me surprised. I was sure he probably thought I was actually agreeing to that......oh well.


“Soojung, welcome home!” My mother shouted at me as Sunggyu and I entered the apartment. She threw her arms around me pulling me into a tight embrace. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or something but I could have sworn my mother smelled like strawberries. I looked at her suspiciously as she pulled away. Taking a small step closer to her I sniffed the air around her.


“Strawberries?” I asked. My mother's dark brown eyes shot open and she looked at me surprised.

“Stop smelling!” She ordered. “Go take your stuff to your room. Sunggyu help her ok?” She picked up my baby blue suitcase and handed it to my brother before quickly walking away. As I watched her retreat back to the kitchen, Sunggyu nudged me making me turn my eyes on him.


“She is probably making you a cake.” My brother pointed out as he made his way down the hall to his right. I followed my brother and watched as he placed my suitcase down on my bed. My room was exactly as I remembered it. From the pale white walls that held some posters of a group I liked when I was younger to the light blue comforter on my bed that smelled as if my mother just got done washing it. I threw myself on my bed my body bouncing slightly from the impact.


“Happy to be home?” My brother asked smiling down at me as I rolled around on my bed.

“You have no idea.” I grabbed one of my pillows and pulled it under my head before looking at my brother.


“Oppa. I missed you.” I blurted out randomly. He chuckled at me before patting the nearest part of my bed which happened to be my knee.

“I missed you to Dajeong. I would love to stay but I have to be up early so I am going to have to go.” He said and started towards the door.


“Oppa! What are you doing tomorrow?” He turned around to face me as I got off the bed.

“We are putting out a new album soon so I have to sing my part of the song and then we have dance practice.” I nodded my head showing I understood. My eyes shifted to the ceiling as an idea came into my head.


“I want to come.” I said smiling big at my older brother.

“You can't Soojung. We are not suppose to have people watch us. They are very strict about this. Maybe some other time you can come watch me.” He reached up and ruffled my hair lightly before leaving the room.


“What time are you leaving tomorrow?” I yelled after him.

“6:30.” I heard him faintly yell back. I smiled even bigger getting an even better idea in my head. I ran over to my phone and grabbed a hold of it. I remembered that my brother had called me from Sungjong's phone so I decided to text the younger boy. I knew Sungjong was not going to help me with my plan but I knew a member that would. A mischievous member that would make sure my plan followed through. 'Sungjong can you ask Hoya if I can have his number?' I text the boy. It didn't take to long for him to text me back giving me said person's number. As I laughed evilly I ran from my room and into the kitchen where my mother stood decorating a cake with strawberries.


“Omma!” I shouted at her. She quickly covered what she was doing and looked at me.

“Yes Soojung?” She asked.

“Can I go with Oppa tomorrow and watch him practice?”

“Did he say you can go?” She questioned pushing the cake behind her back to try and prevent me from seeing it even more. I laughed at my mother and nodded my head saying my brother said it was ok. When I got a 'fine but be careful' from her I ran back down the hall and decided to get to bed early. I text Hoya my plan and once he was in on it I my alarm clock and went to sleep.


The alarm clock went off at 4:30 in the morning. I had gone to bed at 10:00 but I liked my sleep so completely forgetting what I was going to do I rolled over in my bed and slammed my hand down on the small blue alarm clock. It knocked to the floor startling me slightly and I sat up quickly in bed. I looked around my room seeing it was pitch black. I couldn't really make out anything as I tried to feel my way to my light switch. My feet shuffled lightly on the hard wood floor as I made my way around my bed. I was doing so well not falling until my foot hooked through something causing me to fall flat on the floor. I rolled onto my back holding my face and groaning from the pain.


“Ouch.” I whined and pushed myself off the floor. I kicked whatever it was that made me trip and walked a little faster towards the light switch. Quickly turning it on I glared down at my stupid green purse that had made me fall before walking out of the room. The first thing I was going to have to do was get myself something to drink. Scratch that, the first thing I was going to have to do was get me a big glass of orange juice. I loved orange juice more than any other drink in the world.


Orange juice drank, shower done, and dressed I grabbed my cellphone and Ipod and made my way out of my parents home. I had to take a bus to get to my brother's house and I was afraid that I wasn't going to make it there on time. I continuously looked down at my cellphone watching as the minutes clicked by and noticing they would be leaving in 10 minutes. The bus ride alone still had about 15 minutes. My phone vibrated heavily in my pocket startling me for the seconds time this morning. I pulled it from my pocket and saw that Hoya had text me.


“Soojung are you almost here?” I read to myself. I quickly made my reply telling him I was still 15 minutes away and that he needed to stall them. 'Ok I will stall but hurry up.', he replied back. I replaced the phone to the front pocket of my blue jeans and waited very impatiently for the bus to reach my brother's apartment. When the building came into view I stood up not waiting for the bus to stop. It finally came to a stop opening the glass, black rubber trimmed doors. I ran from the rectangular transportation and towards the bid building in front of me. Hoya stood outside the apartment building shivering slightly in the light breeze that had picked up. You could already tell that it was going to rain today because of the faint smell the wind was carrying.


“About time. Now come on.” He grabbed my hand as soon as I reached him and ran towards a large black van that was parked out front. “We need to hurry because they are coming down now.”


“Hoya! Why are you outside?” Someone shouted from behind us. We both froze like we were deer caught in a headlight. “Soojung is that you?” The person asked before I could hear the the shuffling of footstep coming towards us.


“Shh.” I told the person turning around to face them. The stopped walking and looked at me confused. “My brother doesn't know I'm here so be quiet.”

“Oh ok. But why are you here?” The boy, who I now remembered was named Dongwoo, asked. The sound of a few voice could be heard coming from the building and I turned to look at Hoya. We were never going to be able to pull this off now. My brother was going to find out and then he was going to get mad at me for even trying to make a plan behind his back.


“Dongwoo help us.” Hoya said and pushed the boy towards the entrance. The second he did Hoya grabbed my hand and pulled me into the shadows of the other cars parked there. We watched Dongwoo as he made it way towards the boys that were coming out of the building and started talking to them. Slowly Hoya and I inched our way towards the car trying not to get caught. A couple feet from the van I looked over my shoulder once again to make sure that no one saw us. I scanned the boys eyes as all but one were looking at Dongwoo. Sungyeol stood to the far right of everyone watching Hoya and I closely. I raised my right pointer finger to my lips telling him to not say anything. He shook his head at me smirking. Afraid that he was about to tell I pushed Hoya faster towards the van. He quickly opened the the back two doors of the van. I jumped into the small area that would be called the trunk and gave him a thumbs up telling him it was ok to shut the door. He closed the door quickly before I saw him run away towards the other cars. I was not really sure what he was doing so I ignored it and crouched down farther so no one could see me when they got into the van.


“Where is Hoya?” I heard someone ask as the van doors opened and they all started piling in. The van shifted back and forth from the weight of their bodies as the scrambled for their seats. “There you are.”


“Sorry. I was running behind.” I heard Hoya lie. I looked up at the space between the back of the seat and the ceiling hoping that none of them would look over the back when they were taking their seats. I couldn't make out who it was that took the seat in front of me. But as the van started and lurched forward I found myself wanting to fall asleep. Just as I was about to sleep I felt the light brush of something on my knee. I opened my eyes and looked at my knee seeing nothing. Ignored it for a second and closed my eyes again. 'It was probably nothing.' I told myself.


“Hey. What are you doing in here?” I heard someone ask as they shook my knee back and forth. I quickly opened my eyes and saw someone leaning over the seat. I couldn't quite make out their face because of the dark but recognized the voice to be Sungjong's.


“Shh. Later.” I whispered back.

“Who are you talking to?” Someone asked from beside Sungjong. I saw Sungjong quickly retreat his arm and look at the person next to him shaking his head.

“Probably himself.” I heard Hoya say. Hoya was sitting directly in front of me as I had pushed myself to the left side of the van when I entered it.


I knew two of the three boys sitting in front of me were people who knew I was here. I didn't know who the other boy was but I assumed by him questioning Sungjong that he didn't know I was here. I ran my hand threw my long black hair relieved that the boy hadn't decided to question further.


“Alright everyone rest a little.” The manager ordered from the drivers seat. I sighed once again relieved and would have to thank the manager if he wasn't to mad when he found out I was here. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep excited about what I was going to be watching later that day.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3