L's true feelings? and the soccer match!

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 11


Soojong was not really sure on how she managed to do it but she actually fell asleep that night. The morning came way to early for her liking though. Soojong laid in bed for a few minutes contemplating on if she should go to work or not. She really didn't feel in the mood to do so, but if she didn't have a good enough excuse her father would kill her. Being semi-heartbroken was not a good enough excuse at all when it came to her father. He was the type of man to go to work even if he is on his death bed. Soojong sighed before rolling herself out of bed. She sluggishly got herself ready for the day no hint of enthusiasm in her movements one bit.


Soojong are you okay?” Eunsung asked as Soojong plopped herself in her desk chair. Soojong turned to look at the older girl her eyes sad and bottom lip pushed out as she shook her head back and forth. Eunsung moved her chair closer to Soojong asking her what was wrong. Soojong started explaining to her about how she was starting to like L and how L didn't seem to like her back at all.


“Did he say he didn't like you?” Eunsung asked looking intently into Soojong's eyes. Soojong once again shook her head back and forth. “Then don't just assume he doesn't. Ask him about it. That is the only way you will know how he truly feels.”


“What if he says he doesn't feel the same?” Dajeong asked hesitantly. She never was one to be confident in herself.

“Then he isn't worth it.” Eunsung replied shrugging her shoulders. Soojong sighed once again before turning back to her work. She was grateful to have such a good friend like Eunsung. Eunsung was truly a nice girl. “Oh and Soojong?”



“I told you so.” Eunsung joked before turning her attention on her work. Soojong laughed at her friend before she also go to work on the reports due for the day, her mood picked up by Eunsung's words. Time seemed to fly by a lot faster then Soojong had expected. This was probably because she had Eunsung beside her to goof off with the whole day; much like everyday at work. Soojong had made up her mind up that later today she was going to confront L about how he felt about her. The curiosity was slowly starting to kill her inside, mentally.


As the time started to near closer and closer to the time to leave Soojong started to grow more and more nervous. She had text the boys asking them to pick her up after work only to get a 'yes' reply back from Woohyun, L, and Sungjong. The rest of the boys either didn't answer back or they asked what was in it for them. Soojong was going to have to remember to beat up Hoya and Sungyeol later for expecting something in return. Wasn't her being around a gift enough to them? When she replied back to them asking them that exact question they both replied with a laugh. Soojong glared at the text message from Sungyeol before closing her phone and tossing it in her bag. She took one last look at her clock; it read 5:00p.m. It was time for her to leave. Soojong finished marking her last piece of paper before bunching up all her reports and handing them to her boss.


“Good job Soojong I will see you Monday.” The boss said releasing her for the weekend. Soojong took a deep breath, happy that it was finally the weekend again. She was sure that she was going to spend the rest of this weekend relaxing and enjoying herself, well that is what she hoped it was going to be like. She waved her goodbye to Eunsung before heading out of her workplace.


Like good little kids some of the boys were actually waiting outside for Soojong. She smiled at the 3 awesome boys before running over to give them a hug. Woohyun was the first to catch Soojong in a hug. He hugged her so tight she felt like her head might pop off, or a lung would collapse from the blocked access of air. Once he let her go she moved over to hug Sungjong. He hugged her lightly, afraid that he might hurt her in someway. L was the last to be hugged. At first the two awkwardly stared at each other, thinking the same thoughts of how Soojong actually liked L. Before either one of them could make any advance towards the hug L was pushed forward by Sungjong. L ran into Soojong, throwing his hands up to her arms to prevent himself from falling. Their eyes locked for a couple seconds before Soojong looked down to try and hide the blush that crept its way onto her face. L unsure of what exactly he was suppose to do just wrapped his arms around her and held her for a couple seconds.


“Aww aren't you two just adorable.” Woohyun joked poking L in the arm. L quickly pulled away from Soojong blushing slightly from embarrassment.

“Shut up.” L growled, turning away from everyone to climb into the van. Soojong frowned at L's reaction to Woohyun's joke. He really didn't feel the same way. She still wasn't going to be completely sure about that until she actually did ask him. She was sick and tired of always over thinking everything. She needed to hear the words from his mouth to see if her thoughts were actually correct or not. She sighed for the thousandth time that week and climbed into the back of the van also. She took a seat in the second row of seats in front of L who was in the back row of seats. Sungjong took a seat in the first row of seats turning around to face Soojong with a smile. Woohyun, who would normally take the front seat if Sunggyu wasn't in the car decided to take the seat next to Soojong. He sat close to her, so close that their arms were touching. Soojong looked down at his arm blankly, before spreading her arms out knocking Woohyun over in the process.


“Oh sorry.” She joked sarcastically. Woohyun laughed, his eyes full of amusement that changed seconds later giving Soojong a light playful glare, as a idea came to him. Soojong's face fell instantly; she was in trouble now. Woohyun leaned in close to Soojong so their faces were only centimeters apart. Soojong's eyes widened and her body tensed up. She just continued to stare at Woohyun, her eyes locked on his.


“Do you really want to start with me?” Woohyun whispered his minty hot breath fanning out across the girl's face. Soojong shook her head back and forth petrified by his words. “Then be a good little girl.”


“Wow hyung, way to scare the poor girl.” Sungjong stated as he watched the two in the second row. “For a second their I thought you were going to kiss her.”

“Kiss her? Sorry I'm not L.” Woohyun joked looking back at the younger boy.

“Hyung shut up! She isn't my girlfriend!” L exclaimed defending himself. Soojong once again frowned at L's reaction her eyes lowering slightly. Well its not like that wasn't true, L and her weren't dating. So he didn't say anything that wasn't true. She shook off her thoughts before looking up to find Sungjong staring at her with sad eyes.


“Noona why do you look so sad?” Sungjong questioned leaning a little closer to her.

“I am not sad. I am just tired.” Soojong lied forcing a smile onto her face. She slouched down in her seat. Woohyun slouched down also as he pulled his Ipad from his bag. Instantly Soojong ripped it from his hands to find a game to play. She always had a tendency to steal one of the member's Ipads. They never said anything about it, at least they didn't until she found something on Sungyeol's that she didn't want to see. He really was a ert.


“Two player.” Woohyun ordered as they both grabbed an end of the Ipad. They played games with each other until they made it back to the boy's dorm.


The second the 4 stepped inside the apartment they were engulfed with shouts from the other members. All 4 of the other members were sitting in the living room shouting and cheering about something on the TV. Confused Soojong and the 3 boys with her walked into the living room. Sunggyu looked over at the new comers, smiling when he saw Soojong. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the couch. Forcefully he pushed her down on the soft couch next to Hoya. Hoya looked over at Soojong giving her a big smile, then shoving a bowl full of popcorn onto her lap. She ate a few pieces still looking at everyone confused. Why was everyone crowed in the living room and so excited about whatever was on the TV?


“What is going on?” Woohyun asked taking the words straight from Soojong's thought.

“We are watching a soccer game.” Dongwoo pointed out throwing his finger over his lips in a 'shush' type manner. Soojong rolled her eyes, placed the bowl of popcorn back in Hoya's lap, and stood up from the couch making her way to the kitchen for something to drink. The kitchen was much quieter then the living room; she enjoyed that very much. Soojong did like watching soccer with her brother and the rest of the members, but she wasn't really in the mood to watch it at the moment. Her mind was racing too much to be able to concentrate on something like that anyways.


“Why are you in here by yourself?” Someone asked from behind her. Soojong turned around to find L standing in the doorway.

“It's quiet in here and I was thirsty.” She stated moving towards the fridge to find something to drink. L just stood their quietly watching the girl move around the room, making her feel very uncomfortable. Soojong turned to look at L just as she finished pouring herself some water. “Would you like some?”


“Sure.” He said as he moved over to grab a cup from the cupboard. He lightly held the cup out to her waiting for her to pour him some also. She looked up at him for a couple seconds asking him with her eyes if he was really going to make her pour it for him. L smiled lightly at her waiting very patiently for her to pour the drink. She finally gave in, pouring water into the small glass cup. She returned the jug of water to the fridge and took a seat at the dinner table. L took the seat across from her still smiling to himself. They sat there in silence for what felt like an hour but it was only 2 minutes. L sick of the silence took the obligation of being the one to break it.


“So how was work?” He asked taking a sip of his water.

“Oh you know it's the best time of the day.” She joked sarcastically, smiling lightly at the younger boy in front of her. L laughed also placing his glass on the table. Soojong stared at L for a few seconds knowing this would be her only chance to actually ask him how he felt about her. Gathering up all her courage and even the courage she didn't know she had she asked him the question they both knew was coming.


“Myungsoo-ah. How do you feel about me?” Myungsoo's eyes widened as they locked on hers. He blinked a couple times before lowering his eyes to the table in thought. He still wasn't sure on how exactly he felt about her. He did have feelings for her, that he was sure of, but he still wasn't positive on exactly what kind of feelings they were. He knew though that he had to tell her something. He couldn't just sit there and not say anything. Soojong would become upset and possibly leave, he would even be risking the chance of never being able to see her again. He didn't want to see her leave and be upset at him, and he sure as hell didn't want to never see her again. So at this moment he had to tell her how he honestly felt.


“Well...” he started locking his eyes back on her. Soojong grew scared from the look he was giving her. He seemed almost appologetic and Soojong regretted asking the question in the first place. Seconds before L could continue his sentence Sunggyu walked into the room.


Soojong-ah! Appa called he said you need to go to the company right now. He needs to talk to you about something.” He told her interrupting L in the process. Soojong quickly stood up from the table happy and disappointed on the inside that her brother had just prevented her from hearing L's true feelings. She told everyone good-bye and rushed from the apartment. Just a few steps from the house someone called out to her. She turned around to find L standing just outside the apartment.


Soojong I didn't get a chance to answer your question.”He pointed out. Soojong laughed nervously before shaking her head quickly.

“It's okay. It's obvious you don't feel the same. And that is fine. I have to go now. See you later.” She rushed away from him, not even waiting a second for him to say anything back. She just wanted to leave before tears started to come. She didn't want him to see her like that and feel guilty or sorry to her. She just focused on getting to her dad's company. The curiousity of what he wants to talk about was just strong enough to prevent her from crying.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3