Chapter 4 (The Recording Studio and Sunggyu's Anger!!!)

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 4


The hard bump of my back hitting the bottom of the van woke me from my pleasant sleep. I groaned to myself until I remembered where I was. Throwing my hands over my mouth I peeked over the back of the seat to see if anyone heard me. Looking around at all the boys I noticed they were all asleep. Sighing to myself relieved I dropped myself lightly back onto the floor. I laid my head against the side of the van as I looked out the window beside me. All I could see threw the windows was the dimly lite sky.


“Alright guys wake up we are almost there.” I heard the manager yell from the front see. I slouched down a little more in my spot as three heads came into my view. Sungjong looked back at me smiling lightly. The van came to a slow stop and Hoya looked back at me also. He handed me a jacket and baseball cap when he was sure no one else was looking. Pulling the two things on I looked up at Sungjong to make sure no one would recognize me. He grabbed a piece of his hair and moved it up. At first I was puzzled on what he was telling me to do until Hoya reached over pretending to stretch and pushed some of my hair up into the hat. I pulled the hat off quickly and pulled all my hair together. I replaced the hat making sure that all of my hair was inside the hat also.


“Time to go.” The manager said as the sound of doors opening could be heard. The car started to shift again as they all got off leaving Hoya and Sungjong to get off last.


“Here put these on.” Sungjong said and handed me a pair of dark sunglasses. I slipped them on and smiled at the younger boy.

“Thanks for helping Sungjong.”

“Sure noona. It will be fun with you here today.” The younger boy said smiling then pushing himself out of view. I turned to look out the window sitting up more so I could see if anyone was around.


“Ready? Here is the hard part.” Hoya said as he exited the car. A second later the back door opened and I jumped out landing next to Hoya. We stood by the car for a few seconds waiting and watching the other members walk into the building. When everyone was out of view we started towards the building periodically looking in random directions.


“Hoya oppa.” I said grabbing a hold of his arm. A security guy stood just inside the door talking to the boy's manager. We stood there for a second trying to figure out what to do next.


Just when we thought that we should just give up a boy walked over to the manager and security guy grabbing both of their attention. We couldn't make out what he was saying but as the three of them moved away from the door we decided to ignore it and quickly ran through the glass doors. I never got a chance to look around at all the different things in the building as Hoya pulled me down the hallway. The hallway was filled with pictures of what I was assuming was people who have worked here and some artists. Woollim wasn't a big company and they didn't have very many groups. But I thought that the groups that did come out of it were good. Epik High was a rap group that rapped very inspirational words to their fans. Something that I had admired that group for. Infinite, the group my brother was in, was known for their dancing because of how in-sink the members were with each other. Though I never watched a performance or a music video Infinite was in I did like their music. My brother sent me their CDs as they came out telling me I needed to here what my big brother was doing.


“Ok. Here we are.” Hoya said as he came to a stop in front of a large glass door. I looked through the glass door noticing all the people that were running around inside. Every once in a while I spotted a member of my brother's group and hid myself out of view.


“What do we do now?” I asked looking up a the older boy. He threw me one of his adorable smiles before pushing me behind him and walking into the room. I followed behind him hiding from the people that might see me. We walked quickly over to the conjoined room that held things that they used to make songs and play with it. I wasn't sure what they were called because I wasn't all that interested in learning about it. I mean don't get me wrong music is my life, but I would rather enjoy it then actually make it.


“Here hid here.” Hoya said as he pushed me through the door. A man that was seated in one of the black rolling chairs just behind a big board with a lot of buttons turned to me. Looking me over once he turned back to his work. I assumed he was just going to ignore me but as he got up from his chair and walked over to me I knew I had been caught.


“Who are you?” He asked pulled the hat off my head. My long black hair fell down my back and my bangs covered my eyes slightly as I looked at the guy.


“I am Sunggyu's sister. He told me I couldn't come today but I got curious.” I told the man. He placed the hat back on my head and thought about what I said. I wasn't sure what it was but this man looked familiar.

“Sunggyu's sister? Your not Korean.”

“I was adopted. If you don't believe me go ask him.” The man nodded his head and grabbed the door handle that was beside me. I quickly grabbed his arm stopping him from opening the door. “Wait he will kill me if he knows I am here.”


“Relax.” The man said and opened the door. “Sunggyu!” I heard him shout out into the crowd outside the door.

“Yes hyung?” My brother shouted back. I moved away from the door slightly hiding myself in the wall.

“Do you have an adopted younger sister?” The man looked at me slightly out of the corner of his eyes.

“Yes her name is Soojung. She is from America. Why?”

“No reason. Just heard you had one and got curious.” The man closed the door before looking at me once again. “So your Soojung huh? Ok I guess you can stay for today but don't let anyone else find out you are here. I don't make the songs so other people will be coming in. I usually just watch. He patted my head as he threw me a crooked teethed smile. As I looked at the man smile it finally dawned on me who he was. He was Tablo of Epik High.


“Your Tablo aren't you?” I asked the man looking him over once. His dark hair and dark eyes were the same as a lot of Korean boys so that was probably why I got confused. I had never actually seen very many pictures of Epik High but I did remember him from one of the pictures my brother sent me in a letter. He was close to the Infinite members and they all got along so well.


“Yes I am. Now take a seat in that chair and put your hair back in your hat. The boys will be starting soon. They might be able to see you through the glass so make sure you try to be invisible.” Tablo said before exiting the room. I watched him go before pushing my hair back in my hat and taking a seat where he told me.

“Ok Sunggyu, Woohyun, we will start with you two!” I heard someone shout from outside the small room. The door opened and in walked a few men, Tablo in tow. They took the empty seats in front of the big, black, sound system and looked over at me.


“Just ignore her.” Tablo said to the men and took the empty seat beside me. “How old are you?”

“I am 24.” I told him as I watched my brother and Woohyun walk through the door on the other side of the glass. They both looked in my direction and I froze. 'Oh no have I been found out already?' I thought to myself as I quickly lowered my head. My hat covered my face and I forced myself to peek out from under it. Sunggyu and Woohyun were now looking at the music in front of them and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. They hadn't realized it was me. I can understand why Woohyun wouldn't but why had my brother not realized it was me? Who cares I didn't need to be found out after all of Hoya and my work now.


“Alright you can start.” The man on the other side of Tablo said. Instantly music started to play. The music was nice and had an upbeat tone to it. My brother was the first to sing, showing of his amazing singing skills. I had always admired my brother's singing voice when we were younger. I knew once day he was going to be a great singer. As Woohyun started his part I couldn't help but start to move to the music slightly. Woohyun had an amazing voice also. He was so passionate and into his music that it made me smile to myself.


“What do you think Woohyun is cute?” Tablo asked looking over at me. I blushed slightly at the thought of that and shook my head.

“He is good looking but I don't have feeling for him.” I honestly told him. He just gave me a look that said I was lying and doing a very bad job at it.

“What was the blush about then?” He asked poking my cheek slightly.

“I blush easily. I have never had a boyfriend so I wouldn't know what it is like to like someone.” “Then you wouldn't know if you actually liked Woohyun or not.” He pointed out.

“I don't. I barely know him.” I said a little louder.

“Hey you two be quiet.” A man a few people down said to us. Instantly we both looked down like we were wrong.


“Sorry.” Tablo whispered to the man. I silently laughed at him and continued to watch the two boys sing. A couple hours flew by before they decided they were done with those two and that they needed new people to come in. Dongwoo and Hoya were the next to enter. Taking their places behind the mic they both looked over at me and smiled. I waved to them and waited patiently for them to start their part of the song.


“How many of the members know your here?” Tablo asked as he stared at the two younger boys in the recording room.

“Hmm. Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol and Sungjong know I am here. Hoya was the one that helped me sneak into the van and in the building. I told him and then covered my mouth when I had realized I just ratted the boys out causing Tablo to chuckle at me.


“Don't worry. they are not in trouble.” He stated.

“Music is starting.” The man said and Tablo and I instantly grew quiet again. As the music started up again I watched as the two boys on the other side of the glass both started to head bang to the music slightly. Dongwoo was the first to start showing off his talented rap voice. He was a very good rapper and I liked the way his words flowed out. That was another reason why I liked Epik High, they were great rappers also. Though I did prefer hearing boys actually sing then rap I still admired peoples many talents. I wish I was born with the ability to sing or dance. I was way to clumsy to ever learn how to dance.


As Hoya started off his rap he looked over at me throwing me a smile. His rap voice was also pure talent. He had more of musical type sound to his rap and his voice was a little more high pitched then Dongwoo's.



“Alright guys you can send in the last three now.” The man next to Tablo said. Hoya and Dongwoo walked from the small room.

“Tablo oppa, how is your wife and daughter doing?” I asked the man. He looked at me surprised. I was guessing he didn't think I knew that he was married and had a daughter. “My brother talked about you sometimes when we talked.”

“Oh. They are fine.” He looked back at the small room and laughed slightly.

“Alright music is starting.” The man beside Tablo yelled once again. Turning my attention back on the boys inside the small room I noticed Sungjong staring at me. I smiled big at him and waved excitedly. He returned the gesture smiling just as big as me.


“I love that kid. He is so cute.” I blurted out.

“Sungjong? Yes he is very cute.” Tablo said. I looked at the other two boys in the room and blushed slightly when I saw them both smiling at me.

“Well L knows I am here now also.” Tablo laughed at me before getting up and leaving the room. I ignored him and turned my attention on L as he started to sing. His head started rocking back and forth lightly to the music. His voice was different from the others, more sweet and unique. Sungjong and Sungyeol didn't get very many lines to sing but they both did very well on the small parts that they got. Sungjong had a cute, baby voice that fit so well with him. Sungyeol himself also had a voice that was more cute then I expected it to be. His singing voice and speaking voice were both so very cute, and on top of that he had an adorable baby face. That was probably why a lot of people found him cute. I wasn't really sure what it was, maybe the way he was really into the song or by the way he periodically kept looking in my direction I found myself unable to look away from Sungyeol. I tried hard to stop myself form smiling; biting my bottom lip to a point where I thought it would bleed.


“Alright guys one more time.” The man said. The music started from the beginning and I tried to force myself to look away from Sungyeol.

“Soojung?” Someone asked coming into the room. I looked in the direction of the voice and noticed my brother staring at me with a very displeased look. 'Uh oh.' I thought to myself as I quickly looked away. I sound of laughter came through the room confusing us all. I looked at the three boys to see them staring at my brother and I laughing their heads off.


“Alright she has to go now.” The same man that yelled at me once before said as he stood up from his chair.

“I'm sorry about my sister. Soojung tell him your sorry and lets go.” My brother ordered me. I stood up from my chair and bowed the man my apologies before my brother pulled me from the room. My brother didn't bother to stop in the room outside of the recording booth he walked straight threw the doors we came in from and into the hallway.


“Didn't I tell you you couldn't come?” He yelled at me. I looked down at the ground guilty and started to twirl my thumbs embarrassed.

“I'm sorry oppa. I got curious.” I mumbled to him. He scuffed at me before moving slightly closer to me.

“Are you sure you are really 24 years old? You act like such a child sometimes.” His harsh glare made me instantly regret everything I did. “How did you even get here? You know what I don't even care. After today you are not allowed to ever come here again.” He ordered and walked back into the room slamming the door. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I didn't like my brother being mad at me, it made me feel like I was a bad sister. Maybe I was too childish for my age.


“Hey you ok?” I heard someone ask from the doorway. I looked over at the voice to find Hoya and Sungjong stepping out towards me. Sungjong pulled me into a light hug as Hoya rubbed my back.

“I'll be ok.” I told them pulling away from them. They both frowned slightly as they watched me walk back into the room. I took a seat on the light brown couch that sat in the back of the waiting room. I sat there waiting for the day to be over. I thought today was going to be a fun day but the only thing that came of it was my brother being mad at me.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3