Jungmin's secret and L's feelings revealed~!

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 13

The whole walk back to Sunggyu's dorm Soojong and Jungmin bickered mush like a married couple do when they have been together for a very long time. She was mad at him for threatening to tell L and Jungmin was mad at her for acting like she could have a relationship with some boy behind his back while he can't be in a relationship with another girl behind her back. Sunggyu did nothing but rub his temples the whole way back. His anger towards the both of them was building up so much that by the time they got back to Sunggyu's dorm he just exploded on them.


“Will you two just shut up! Oh my god you two are annoy. You both are being imature and very selfish. So just shut up about it for right now!” Sunggyu yelled. The two young adults just looked at him like two little kids who have been caught doing something they weren't suppose to. Those innocent looks of guilt. “Thank you.”


“Sorry oppa.” Soojong appologized glaring over at Jungmin. Sunggyu sighed as he made his way inside the apartment Jungmin and Soojong following close behind. As they stood in the elevator waiting for it to reach the designated floor Jungmin and Soojong started up once again. Sunggyu sighed heavily and banged his hand on the elevator door as his eyes narrowed until you could no longer see them. He was pissed now. But he knew he really had no right to but into the fight. They would have to work it out for themselves.


“Do you honestly think you can get away with that?” Jungmin asked her.

“Yes, because we are not getting married so it doesn't matter who I date.” Soojong retorted just as the elevator doors opened. Sunggyu ran from the elevator and over to his apartment door. The two young adults followed after him still bickering along the way.


“Do not make me tell you two to shut up again!” Sunggyu yelled as they entered the apartment.

“Oppa it's not my fault. He is basically calling me a and a cheater.” Soojong defended.

“It's because that is what you are suggesting with your words.” Jungmin told her.”

“I am suggesting no such thing!” She yelled at him.

“What is going on?” Soojong heard Woohyun asked from the entrance way.

“The two have been fighting ever since I got to them. Please make them shut up.” Sunggyu complained running off into his room. Soojong looked at Woohyun her eyes still all puffy and red from crying so much. Woohyun looked at her concerned, reaching over and pulling her into a hug.


“Aww has our little Soojong been crying. What's wrong hun? Has this mean boy been tourchering you?” Woohyun asked.

“Yes.” She answered wrapping her arms around Woohyun also.

“Are you L?” Jungmin asked Woohyun.

“No, I'm Woohyun. Why are you looking for L?” Woohyun questioned.

“That's none of your business. Where is L?” Jungmin asked not at all showing an sort of manner towards Woohyun.


“Ask me again nicely and maybe I will tell you.” Woohyun countered.

“Oh please, like you are any match for me.” Jungmin retorted.

“Excuse me?” Woohyun asked letting go of Soojong and moving closer to Jungmin.

“What is going on here?” Sungyeol asked coming out from the kitchen L and Sungjong in tow.

“Who is L?” Jungmin asked once again.

“Why?” L asked from beside Sungyeol.

“Are you L?”

“So what if I am what is it to you?” L asked glaring slightly at Jungmin.

“Ah so this is who you like?” Jungmin asked looking at me then at L. Everyone turned to look at Soojong but she just covered her face with her hair. “I figured her would be better looking than that.”


“What did you just say?” L asked narrowing in on Jungmin a bit. Sungyeol held him back to prevent him from doing something he was going to regret later.

“Well L let's get one thing straight. Stay away from Soojong. She is going to be my wife now and I want you to be no where near her.” Jungmin ordered. L looked at him surprised.


“What?” He asked turning his eyes on Soojong. She chance a look in his direction but that only caused her to start tearing up again.

“You heard me. She is going to be my wife.” Jungmin repeated.

“What? Soojong's getting married?” Dongwoo asked as he and Hoya came from a room off to the left of the living room. Everyone turned to look at Dajeong once again.


“I have no choice.” She told them her voice cracking slightly.

“It's an arranged marriage. Jungmin's father said the only way he would merge his company with our father's is if Soojong married Jungmin.” Sunggyu explained coming out of his room.

“I didn't want you to find out this way.” Soojong told them.

“No.” L whispered after about a minute of silence. Sungyeol and Sungjong, the only two beside him, were close enough to hear what he had said.


“I won't let this happen.” Woohyun protested.

“And what do you possibly think you can do to stop our fathers? By all means go ahead and try because I don't want to marry her either.” Everyone turned to look at Jungmin as he said this.


“Wait if you don't want to marry her then why did you tell me to stay away from her?” L asked taking a step towards Jungmin. Jungmin turned his eyes on L looking him over; taking in all his features. From his nicely styled hair, to his killer piercing black eyes down to his cartoon sock adorned feet. There was nothing about L that a normal person would find unattractvie whether they were a guy or a girl; including him. Truthfully he was jealous of L, not only because the guy was very good-looking but also because he had Soojong's interests. In all reality Jungmin did want to marry Soojong, he just didn't want to be forced or her to be forced into it. He liked her too much to want it to be this way.


Years ago, back when Jungmin was only 6 and Soojong was 5 he was sitting at Soojong's father's company in a small room just off of the guy's office. His father was working on a project with Soojong's father to help develop their companies further. Jungmin was bored and sick of sitting there so he decided to walk around the place for a little bit. He knew if his father caught him doing this he would be in serious trouble, but he had to risk it. So he stood up from his chair and walked out of the room. A commotion of people talking and laughing was coming from a room just off to the right of the hallway a couple doors down so Jungmin made his way to the door pushing it open. Inside many workers were talking and enjoying some snacks that looked very yummy.


“Oh thank you. You are so sweet.” A worker said from beside him. He looked over to the worker to find the man talking to a young American girl standing just a few feet from him. The young girl who he assumed to be called Soojong looked over in his direction and smiled sweetly. Jungmin stared at her confused and unsure of what to do. He had never seen an American girl before let alone someone so cute. He instantly found a liking in her as she bounced over to a Korean woman holding a bag and returned seconds later holding out a handful of yummy looking treats to Jungmin. He hesitantly took a treat forcing on a small faint smile.


“Hello, my name is Soojong. My father is the presidant here.” She told him.

“I'm Jungmin. My father is working with yours right now.” Jungmin told her.

“Cool.” Soojong replied smiling brightly.

“Soojong it's time to go.” The Korean woman from before said calling out to the young girl.

“Well it was nice meeting you but I have to go now.” She told him with a smile. She waved good-bye to him and she never once saw him again. Jungmin on the other hand had saw her a couple more times since that day, admiring her from afar. He wanted so much to go and talk to her, to become friends with her but by the time he worked up the courage she was sent off to finish school in America. He lost out on his chance and now that she was back and so close to being his he felt it wasn't right, because she didn't like him, no she liked someone else. That was why he was being so hostal towards L and the others. It had nothing to do with them as people, not at all. He was upset that they were closer to Soojong then he could ever get.


“He asked you a question.” Sungyeol pointed.

“Because I don't want her to get in trouble.” He told them honestly.

“What?” Everyone asked in unison as they all gave him puzzled looks.

“Wait so you actually do like Soojong?” Woohyun asked looking Jungmin over.

“So what if I do? She is going to be my wife.” Jungmin stated. Soojong looked at the boy with wide eyes. She had never once had a boy tell her he felt that way about her. Frankly, even though it wasn't the boy she liked, it did make her happy to hear that someone who was as good-looking as Jungmin with his tall, thin frame, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, actually liked her.


“When did this happen? Didn't you two just meet today?” Sunggyu asked taking a step over to Soojong and Jungmin pulling his little sister away from Jungmin a bit. Soojong just continued to stare at Jungmin in pure shock. She was speechless. She didn't really know what to say or do.


“No we met years ago. I was around six when we met. Our father's were doing a project back then and Soojong and her mother had come to the office to give everyone snacks. It was my first time ever seeing someone so pretty before. For years after that I tried to work up the courage to talk to her but she left for America. So I felt like I lost my chance and as much as I didn't want a relationship with her to work out like this I am happy that I actually get to be with her, regardless of who she loves.” Jungmin explained his harsh tone being replaced with a soft, gentle tone as his words went on. Soojong stood there still completely speechless. She didn't remember ever meeting someone when she took snack to her father's office. She of course did remember going there and giving people snacks but not once did she remember Jungmin being there. At first she didn't believe him but as his story went on he seemed more and more serious about everything he was saying that she had no reason to not believe him.


“Wait if you like her then why were you being so hostle to her on the way here and to everyone else.” Sunggyu questioned.

“Because I didn't want things to work out this way. I am not at all happy that my father is forcing us into this. I wanted things to work out with her in a different way. When it came to being hotsle towards her and some of you it was because I was jealous. I was mad at her for worrying so much with L was going to think and I was jealous that you were all so close to her. You were close to her and I worked my whole life to find the courage to tell her how I felt and now I am too late.” He told them his eyes lowering to the floor. Everyone stood there in silence. No one was really sure on what to say or do.


“Can we talk?” L asked as he walked up to Jungmin gesturing to the front door behind them. Jungmin followed him out into the hallway, closing the front door behind them and bracing himself for what L was going to say or do. He didn't know L enough to know if he was a violent person or if he used his words. So he was worried about what L might do because Jungmin really wasn't a fighter.


“I understand that you have feelings for Soojong but so do I.” L started.

“Really, because she kept saying you didn't?”

“I do. I was a little unsure about what type of feeling it was but I know now that I do like her, a lot, and I won't let you take her away.” L told him his jaw tightening a little.

“Do you honestly think she is someone who would defy her father even for something like love? You honestly think she would turn against the people that gave her a home after her parents were killed?” Jungmin asked. L looked at the boy thinking his words over. He was right, Soojong wasn't the type of person to defy her parents. She loved them very much and she always told Sunggyu she felt like she owed the world to them. But that wasn't going to stop him from trying to stop her father. There had to be someway for them to be together.


“I don't want this as much as you do. I wanted her to fall in love with me and then we get married. I never expected for the girl I have loved for this long to like someone else.” Jungmin told him. L who had turned his eyes down to the ground when Jungmin mentioned how Soojong would never defy her parents, turned to look at him once again.


“I refuse to let this happy.” He repeated himself.

“Sometimes L there are things in life that you can't do. You just have to live with it.” Jungmin stated patting the boy's shoulder and walking back over to the front door. He knocked on it and waited until someone answered. Sungjong pushed the door open looking Jungmin over and then L making sure nothing back had happened. Jungmin ignored this and reached inside the door to Soojong, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the door. With a gentle voice he told her he really needed to take her home. If later she decided to come back so be it, but for the time being he wasn't allowed to leave until she was home. She slipped on her shoes telling everyone her good-byes and allowed him to pull her down the hall to the elevator. She stood there waiting for it to reach them looking at L who continued to stand in the hallway looking a little defeated. He watched her also taking in her features from her black hair to her blue eyes and her thin bare legs that weren't covered from her sundress.


He had really fallen for Soojong. He wasn't sure when or how it had happened, and he realized that he hadn't know her for very long but he knew she was the one. 'It only takes 3 seconds for a guy to fall in love,' a line taken straight from dramas and movies he had watched before. And he believed that that had happened when he met Soojong, he just wasn't sure if it was a sister-brother love or if it was actually real love. He knew now that it was real love. It was real love that the two share for each other. The sistuation right now may not be very beneficial to their relationship, but he knew one thing that was bound to happen. He and her would be together, he just wasn't sure on how yet.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3