The big news!

Infinite and Soojung!

Chapter 12

It didn't take long for Soojong to reach her father's office. Only a short 10 minute bus ride. Well a short 10 minute ride for everyone else on the bus. For her it felt like 10 long hours of trying not to embarrass herself by crying. She had never really liked a boy like she had started to like L and to find out that he doesn't feel the same didn't make her feel good at all.


“Don't cry.” She whispered to herself as she headed towards the elevator that would take her to the floor her father's office was on. She concentrated hard on holding in her tears and taking deep breaths. She would be fine when she got to her father's office. She would tell her dad about everything that is going on and he, being the caring dad he truly is deep down, would see this and help her. He maybe hard and mean on the outside but he is a kind, gentle man on the inside that only has his childrens best interests in mind.


She reached her father's office in no time at all and knocked lightly on the door. She waited until she heard a 'come in' from her father before she opened the door and peeked her head in a bit. She took in her father's office and the two people facing their backs towards her. She recognized one of them but couldn't quite place a name to a face. That was until he turned to look at her giving her a smile.


“Oh Soojong come in, come in.” Her father ordered when he realized it was her. Soojong stepped into the room bowing to her father and Mr. Kwang. The other guy in the room refused to turn and look at Soojong until Mr. Kwang had ordered him to do so. The guy who Soojong now realized didn't seem to be much older than her stood up from his chair and glared at her bowing slightly. 'What is his problem?' She thought to herself as she bowed back.


“Miss Soojong this is my son Jungmin.” Mr's Kwang introduced patting his son's back a few times. She nodded her head telling them she understood and introduced herself telling him that the man standing behind him and Mr. Kwang was her father. The boy scoffed at Soojong sounding very much like he didn't care what she had to say at all. At this she narrowed her eyes slightly, unbenonest to her father and Mr. Kwang who had turned to talk with each other once again.


Soojong please have a seat we have something to discuss with you.” Her father ordered breaking her glare on Jungmin and following his gesture towards a seat beside him. She walked over to the seat still glaring slightly at Jungmin as she did. He wasn't at all afraid to show his distaste in her in front of their father's.


“Did I do something for you to dislike me?” She asked the boy just as she took a seat.

“Ah I forgot how out spoken she was.” Mr. Kwang laughed looking over at Soojong.

Soojong.” Her father warned in a low authorive voice. She sat back in her seat deciding not to push it any further. She would figure out soon enough why this boy hated her so much.


Soojong as you know-,” her father started but was cut off by a knock on the door. “What is it?”

“Mr. Kim your wife is here.” My father's secretary said seconds before her mother pushed passed him into the room. She ignored her husband's surprised reaction and took a seat beside Soojong on the small couch grabbing her hands and holding them in hers.


“Yeobo why are you here?” Soojong's father asked his wife in a low voice.

“I was told that you had called our daughter in her to discuss something important about her future. Don't you think that maybe I should be a part of this also seeing as her real mother was my best friend and asked me to take care of her?” Her mother asked him.


“Y-yes.” Her father suttered out surprised by his wife's hard tone. She wasn't one to talk like that to people. She was always so gentle and kind to everyone so hearing her speak like this was a surprise to both Soojong's father and herself.


“Then contiunue.” She ordered. Soojong's father looked over at Mr. Kwang who was staring at his wife in blant surprise also. Soojong tried hard to not laugh at everyone's surprised expression. This probably wasn't the right time for that.


“Well as I was saying Soojong you know that Mr. Kwang and I are planning on merging our companies together. Well somethings were brought to the table that we felt should be discussed properly with you, and your mother.” Dajeong's father said adding the last bit when he saw the hard look his wife had given him.


“What we are trying to say is that in order to do the merger Mr. Kwang would like you to...” Soojong's father trailed off unable to say what it was he was trying to say. It must have been something he truly didn't like or want to say because he was never so hesitant on his words before.


“I would like you to honor my family by becoming a part of it.” Mr. Kwang stated helping her father with his words. She looked at Mr. Kwang slightly confused.


“What do you mean exactly. Do you want me to be adopted into your family?” She asked him.

“No idiot he wants us to get married.” Jungmin pipped up from his spot sending harsh words towards Soojong.


“Jungmin!” His father warned. Jungmin just stood up from the couch and stormed out of the room igoring his father's orders to come back. Soojong looked at the ground with even more athonisment then she had when her mother had spoken so harshly to her father.


“But I'm only 22. years old.” Soojong told her father.

“We know this. We know you are both very young but that just means that you can grow up together. Your mother and I got married young and we are still very much in love. Even your real parents got married young.” Her father tried to explain to her

“Omma?” She asked turning to look at her mother with tears b her eyes. God she was turning into a crybaby. Her mother sighed petting the back of her head and told her she would talk this over with Mr. Kwang and her father. “For now just go home and relax okay?”


Without another word Soojong stood up from the couch, bowed to her parents and left the room. She heard Mr. Kwang and Jungmin arguing in the hallway just a few doors away from her father's office. Mr. Kwang was telling him how disrepectful he was being and that no matter what Jungmin was going to have to marry Soojong. He tried to reason with his son by saying that he too was in an arranged marriage and he actually ended up falling in love with the woman he married. He told his son to look at it positively. Of course Jungmin wouldn't allow that. Nothing about this was positive, not to Jungmin, and certaintly not to Soojong. She didn't want to get married, not right now at least. She was only 22 years old. She never even thought about getting married that young before. She isn't saying she wouldn't if she had found the right guy but Jungmin was certaintly not the right guy. She felt that marriage was ment for two people who love each other. Not for a girl who liked someone who wasn't her husband to be and who didn't like her back, and a boy who hated his wife to be.


“Oh Soojong.” Mr. Kwang had called as he exited the room. “Are you leaving?”

“Yes, sorry. My mother told me to go home.” She explained to him.

“Okay. Jungmin walk her home.” Mr. Kwang ordered. “And I will be able to tell if you took her home or not.”


“Fine. Let's go.” Jungmin ordered exiting the room his father and him were just in. She watched him make his way down the hall and stood there hesitant on following after him.


“Don't worry Soojong. He is cold and harsh at first but after awhile he becomes much more kind and gentle. He is just upset right now.” Mr. Kwang told her as he gently nudged her in the direction his son had just gone. Soojong took a deep breath before following after him.


Jungmin and Soojong walked silently out of the building and into the streets of Seoul. Not really sure on where she was going she just continued to walk. Jungmin, who surprisingly had listened to his father, follow after me. Soojong was surprised that he actually had, but after a while when she noticed the black car that was following after them she realized why he was so afraid to leave her. Someone really was following them to make sure that Jungmin took her home.


She ignored this though, drowning out the cars, drowning out Jungmin's complaints about the marriage and having to walk her home that had picked up soon after she had turned to find the car following us. She just let her mind run, taking in everything that was going on. The rejection from L, the arranged marriage from her father, and the fact that Jungmin hated her. Everything was just too much for her to handle at the moment. Too much.


She dropped into a squating position wrapping her arms around her knees and just balled. It was childish and embarrassing but she couldn't help it. She couldn't stop herself from crying. It was just too much for her to deal with. She was 22 years old and being forced into a marriage that she don't want with a person she don't want to marry or even love.


She heard Jungmin scoff behind her and laugh nervously telling her to stand up and stop crying because people were starting to stare. She didn't care though. She wanted nothing more than to just run away from it all. To just go back to America where she now realize her life was much eaiser.


“Soojong?” She head someone ask. She refused to look up thinking that it was just Jungmin trying to get her to stand up once again before she embarassed him further. But when the voice called out to her again this time a little more worried and caring then the first she knew it wasn't Jungmin. No, it was a voice she actually knew very well. It was Eunsung's voice. She looked up at her friend in a despret attempt to ask for help.


“What's wrong?” Eungsung asked dropping down beside Soojong.

“I....I....” Soojong tried hard to get her words out but she just couldn't.

“Our father's just told her that they are forcing us to get married.” Jungmin answered for her, not at all sounding harsh anymore. He actually sounded a little bit sympathetic. Eunsung looked at Jungmin then back at Soojong is shock. Instantly she just wrapped her arms arounf the poor girl and pulled her to her petting her hair much like Soojong's mother had earlier.


“Do you want me to call your brother?” Eunsung asked. Soojong nodded her head, she really would like to see her brother at the moment. But then she realized that if her brother found out about this then so would L and she didn't want that at all, even if he didn't feel the same way. She grabbed Eunsung's phone and pushed the end call button as fast as she could.


“I don't want him to know. I can't tell him.” Soojong protested.

Soojong he is gonna find out sooner or later.” She tried to reason.

“But what if L finds out?” Soojong asked her.

“Well not to be a damper on this even more but hun it looks like he has no choice in the matter now.” She poined out. Those words hit deep. Soojong's chances with L were completely over now. There was no way that she was ever going to be able to be in a relationship with him now. That only caused her eyes to bury her face in her knees and start balling once again. Eunsung took her phone back from the sobbing mess of a girl and quickly called Sunggyu.


Sunggyu's POV


“Hahaha you are so stupid.” Woohyun laughed at Dongwoo as they played video games and Dongwoo kept losing. Sunggyu, who was watching the whole time, just shook his head at his imature dongsaengs.


“Yah! Like you are any better at that game!” L countered from his spot next to Sunggyu on the couch. Just as Woohyun started his reply Sunggyu's phone went off shutting them all up. Sunggyu pulled his phone from his pocket and looked to see who was calling.


“Eunsung? Why is she calling me?” Sunggyu asked confused. He answered the phone showing his confusion through his hello reply.

“Sunggyu, Soojong need you right now. She just got some upsetting news and she won't stop crying.” Eunsung tried to explain to him. Sunggyu who could clearly hear Soojong's crying in the background stood up from the couch.


“What is wrong with my sister?”

“Something your parents told her. It's not my place to say.” Eunsung explained.

“Where are you?” Sunggyu asked. Just as Eunsung told him where they were he hung up and ran out of the apartment telling his manager that he has a family emergency. L had asked him is he could come but Sunggyu refused to let him go telling him that Soojong would be back her later and it was something he needed to deal with on his own.


Soojong's POV


Soojong, Eunsung, and a reluctant Jungmin sat in a cafe waiting for Sunggyu to arrive. How Eunsung had persuaded her to go inside the cafe then continue to crouch outside neither of them were really sure. But the second Sunggyu walked through the door Soojong jumped up from her spot at the table and ran over to him throwing her arms around him. Sunggyu held her trying to calm her down by rubbing her back and telling her everything would be okay.


“Joonie tell me what happened.” He ordered pulling away and forcing her to sit back at the table. She pulled him down in the chair next to hers and just continued to cry. She tried her hardest to get her words out but they only came out as a jumbled, muffled mess.


“I think I can explain this a little bit more than Jungmin since there are things he doesn't know.” Eunsung pipped up. “Well let's start off with the problem she was having lately. She has developed a crush on L. Which we both know isn't really common with Soojong. Soon L found out that she had feelings for her and then Soojong felt she should confront him about them. I am not really sure on how that went.” She started.


“Horrible.” Soojong cut in.

“Is that what you and L were talking about in the kitchen?” Sunggyu asked. Soojong just nodded her head.

“And now Jungmin can take it over from her.” Eunsung stated gesturing over to Jungmin.

“Well my father and your father called a meeting with us and your mother. Apparently the only way my father with merge his company with yours is if Soojong becomes a part of our family.” Jungmin explained. Sunggyu wrapped his arms tighter around his little sister becoming that protective brother he was once again.


“So you two are going to get married?” Sunggyu asked.

“I suppose so.” Jungmin answered.

“Wow,” was all Sunggyu could get out. He wasn't really sure on what else to say. “Come on I will call mom and dad and tell them you will be at my place for a little while. The guys will do a better job cheering you up then me.”


“No. I don't want L to know.” Soojong told him.

“Eunsung already told you that there is no way of gettting out of that. It's not like I am happy about this.” Jungmin told her in a harsh tone. Soojong just glared at him.

“Just shut up!” She yelled at him.

Soojong.” Sunggyu and Eunsung both said in suprise at Soojong's words.

“I am so sick of hearing about how unhappy you are with this. We both hate it okay and if you don't want it that much then tell your father that or keep your comments to yourself and stay out of my business.” She told him forcefully.

“One, if I could tell him I would. Two, don't you think that at this point your business is my business? You know since you are going to be my wife?” Jungmin asked glaring even more at her.

“No it's not. I will never be your wife no matter what I have to do!” She yelled back.

“Good cause I don't want you to be either!” He yelled back.

“Shut up you two!” Sunggyu yelled cutting them both off. He stood up from the table grabbing Soojong's arm and pulling her up from the table. “Now let's go I am sick of being here.”


“Good let's go then. We will have to see how this L person feels about the fact that you are going to be my wife.” Jungmin stated standing up from the table and following after Sunggyu and Dajeong as they made their way to Infinite's dorm.

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deardiaryyou #1
omg!! infinite!!
HelloSquishyDayz #2
Uwaaaa an arranged marriage?! NOOOOOO what about Soojong and L *sobs*
Jungmin you evil little thing!
HelloSquishyDayz #3
Kyaaa~! She likes L!! :3 fjdgkdfgdr noooo Soojung don't cry ;;
HelloSquishyDayz #4
*flails* gahhhh I wanna know who!! xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Haha! Cute~ update soon^^
HelloSquishyDayz #6
Ooh a slave for Sungyeol.... dun dun duuh.<br />
<br />
Oh my gosh - It's good that your brother's okay!!
lolitabunny #7
so childeish~~~~but anyways love your update!!! update soon!!!
HelloSquishyDayz #8
So cute so cute ♥<br />
Gah I can't tell who she might fall for!<br />
This is so cute so far <3