
What's left behind


Seunghyun can't believe this. His manager is totally nuts. He has no idea where this attitude is coming from. The man dared to threaten him and his family. There was no hiding today. The way he looked Seunghyun in the eyes was just sickening. 
The rapper is not sure what to do now. He was now threatened with almost the same gag order that Jiyong had to sign. He is not sure whether to go to the police or to the press. The funny thing is that the press can do far more damage than the authorities. 
He is not sure if he will be back in three days, but it will be his goal to at least try. Seunghyun is not going to tell Jiyong any thing for the time being. The stress is just too much for a pregnant person to handle. Also he just rekindled their relationship he doesn't want to tell him he is leaving him again. 
Now that there is a child in the picture he can't just say he is not coming back. Seunghyun at the moment is close to giving up his career...but the thing is that the decision will not only effect him...but others. He is putting his older sister through college and he is currently building his parents a new house. Also Seunghyun wants his kid to have the things in life that he didn't have growing up. 
It is not that Seunghyun didn't have a happy child hood. He did. It was just that his family grew up very poor in the beginning. The only thing that kept Seunghyun out of trouble was rapping. He got the name Tempo and that is what he was known for in the streets. His raps were so sick he was picked up by YG. His family rejoiced because Seunghyun was going to live a good life but also their financial worries were over. 
Seunghyun in a way always felt the pressure to make money...but now he lives carefree and people are bending over backwards for him. All of that work he has done...and now he is being threatened..because the company doesn't want their prized possession ruining things? It is as if he is a damn dog on a chain and is getting a collar tightened every time he wants to move. 
The boundaries are starting to become tighter and the rapper does not like it. He decides to call he friend Dong Wook. The two knew each other in the past because Dong Wook almost became his manager. It was almost a done deal until suddenly Dong Wook disappeared. Seunghyun was kinda happy he left because he worked the young rapper so hard. 
Now that Seunghyun is older and knows what hard work is...Dong Wook is not so bad. He still wonders why he suddenly left the company. 
////////////////Coco Cafe...Seoul////////////////////
Seunghyun is meeting in a expensive cafe in Seoul. The smell of coffee beans and pastries remind him of Jiyong. He misses the man everyday and he can't stand not being around him. 
Dong Wook comes into the cafe wearing a bright orange but stylish coat. Seunghyun stands and bows when the man comes near the table. Dong Wook raises and eyebrow and takes a seat. It is not often the older comes out in public settings. "So why did you call me?" Dong Wook takes off his gloves and places them on the table. He knows that Seunghyun wants something.
"Well.." Seunghyun adjust himself in his seat. "Well I'm in a situation and I don't want to be treated as such..." 
Dong Wook looks enlightened by the if he already knows. "Hmmm...let me guess...the company threatened you because you are not cooperating?" 
Seunghyun nods at the man who seems like  a mind reader. " did you know?" 
"You are not the first from the company to talk to me. They want to leave the company and have me represent them again or they just want insight." 
"Well the reason why I left YG is because I saw these threats before. I have even seen the company act on their threats. It's a scary situation and I refuse to work for a company that is so dirty..." 
"Oh I understand now..." 
Dong Wook smiles. "Ne that is was not that I didn't want to represent you..." 
"I understand now. I thought that some other company got ahold of you" 
"Oh I wish that was the case...but I just left.  When I saw that you texted me...I figured something was up...this company still does this stuff...I hear it from other managers." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "This is the first that I have heard of this." 
"Well...Seunghyun you have been sheltered from a lot of thing at the company. They like to keep things what do you need me for?" 
"Well I was threatened...and others were threatened..." 
Dong Wook sits back in his chair. "So you have a lover?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne, I have a lover....and...." 
"And he is...pregnant..." 
Dong Wook chuckles a little and puts a hand over his mouth while he laughs. "Wait a said he." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "I know sounds crazy...his name is Jiyong...he is carrying my child." 
" are seriously saying that there is a man...pregnant?" He laughs again.
"Right...hyung if you are going to be like this I'm going to go." The older starts to get up from his chair. Dong Wook stops him. "Wait wait...I'm sorry...this is just a little...different..." The older smiles weakly. "Please sit back down... " 
Seunghyun decides to give the man another chance. "Please hyung...this is serious" 
"I'm sorry...seriously...anyways...what do you need me for." Dong Wook tries to turn the subject back over to the problem at hand.
"Well I do need you to be my new manager...I was reading my contract and I can change managers if I don't see that they are fit for my needs..." 
"Well yea  but there is still a penalty for breach of contract...I bet it it millions of won" 
"I can pay for it. I just got an endorsement with FUBU again for 2 billion won...I can buy out my contract..." 
Dong Wook smiles. "Well sounds like you already have your plan ready to go. Just one thing...did you read through the whole contract?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Yea I did" 
"All of it?" 
"Well...most of it." 
"Okay well that plan sounds good...but that part you said about changing managers is not your power...but the companies power. You really don't have a say in that position." 
"....." Seunghyun is speechless...he really thought he read things over. "Well I will buy it out." 
"It's not that still have a threat. What if they do something...because YG does not want a paper trail...especially media..." 
"I will cover my tracks...and I will join another company..." 
Dong Wook grins. "Well over at M entertainment we would love to have you get vacation." 
"Hyung...don't try to do that right now..." 
"Just letting you know your options." The older gets up from his chair. "Well let me know what happens. I will do everything in my power to try to get you away from that company as soon as possible. I can't stand those bastards."
/////////////////Jiyong's apt//////////////////////
"Noona!!" Jiyong is struggling this morning...he can't reach his feet to tie his shoes. "NOONA!" 
Dami comes busting into the apartment expecting to see her brother in trouble. She runs into the room to find her brother sitting on his bed. There are tons of shoes every where. Jiyong is trying to reach one but his belly is in the way. "Really scream for this..." 
Jiyong pouts. "But I can't see my shoes...I don't know if I match..." The younger is  a little depressed because such a simple function is now hard to do. Dami comes over to her brother and puts two matching shoes on his feet. "There you go baby bro." 
Jiyong slides off the bed. He walks over to his mirror to find the shoes are on and laced up. "Thank you noona...just one problem..." 
Dami rolls her eyes. "What now.." 
"How will I take these off at night..." 
"Oh god do I have to take them off at night too?" 
Jiyong nods "I can't reach them...." 
"You are so lucky you are pregnant because any other time I would have said nope nope and nope" Dami crosses her arm and leaves the room. Jiyong throws on his hoodie and follows his sister down to the Cafe. The flight of stairs wakes up Ji Hyun from his nap. Jiyong starts to feel the baby do some gymnastics in his stomach. 
The younger then starts to laugh and Dami turns around while opening the blinds to the front windows. "Is he wake now?" 
Jiyong rubs his belly "He is awake and very healthy" The baby kicks again and then seems to settle down when he feels his daddy's voice rumbling in the womb. 
Dami comes back to the register. "Soooo do you think he will come back..." 
Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "I'm sure he will....I just don't know when..." 
"Well I'm sure it will be soon" 
"Ne..." The cafe door chimes and a regular comes into the Cafe. "Welcome customer." 
//////////////////////Bae's apartment//////////////////
The young pregnant man doesn't know how but he some how made it over to Bae's apartment. He has not heard from him since the day that Seunghyun came over. He figures the man is scared that he betrayed Jiyong...when really he didn't. 
Jiyong knocks on the door a couple times and waits. The door slowly opens and Jiyong is greeted by Daras charming face. "Hey Jiyong ah..." 
Jiyong smiles. "Are you going to let me in or make me and baby suffer." Jiyong didn't mean to throw that joke out might make them feel even more guilty.
Jiyong takes a seat in the living room. YoungBae comes out of the bedroom and didn't expect to see Jiyong either. When he heard his voice in the other room...he figured it was time to talk. "Hey man..." 
Jiyong laughs again. "Will you two stop acting like this." 
Dara take a seat on the sofa next to Jiyong. "It's all our fault...we didn't mean to spill the secret in public."
YoungBae nods. "Sorry..." 
Jiyong laughs. "You did nothing wrong...I was a little shocked with the situation but it all turned out good. It was something that needed to happen..." 
The couple then starts to relax. Dara speaks up. "Really...we really are sorry...has anything happened?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "No nothing happened...Seunghyun said he will be back soon..." 
"Oh really man. That's great he is taking responsibility." 
Jiyong nods. "I know he will...I just didn't tell him everything..." 
YoungBae shifts in his seat...the other two know that position very well. "Baby...what is it..." 
Bae chuckles. "It's nothing I'm just getting comfortable." 
"Bull..." Jiyong chuckles. "What is it..." 
Bae doesn't want to worry Jiyong he can't tell him his girlfriend doesn't know. He doesn't want to tell. He will leave that to Seunghyun. "It's nothing man. I'm just happy that things are working out" The other two probably didn't know Bae as well as they thought. Or so they thought. 
Jiyong is happy that they are talking again. He couldn't stand not hearing Dara talking loudly in the Cafe and other public places and seeing his other best friend complaining about something random that doesn't consern him. He loves them so dearly. 
Seunghyun looks at his phone and he can see that it's Daesung calling him. He doesn't know what the man wants but he is not going to let him have the upper hand. "What do you want" The bastard doesn't deserve a hello. 
"Aaah Seunghyun Shi. I was just calling to see if you will cooperate." 
"cooperate with what? Your bull threats. I can buy you out." 
"Oh really? Hmmm I think that I could make you change your mind." 
Seunghyun clenches his fist. "You can't threaten me.." 
A door opens with a chime...Seunghyun knows those chimes. "Ah Hello Jiyong shi" A coffee cup crashes to the ground. 


Cliiiiifff haaaannnger hehehehe...Please don't kill me hehehe. Please comment and feed back. I love this story hehe. Love! Please Upvote this story. 

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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^