
What's left behind


Coffee and broken ceramic is everywhere. Jiyong is trembling in his bones. He never expected to hear that voice ever again. He was careful...but I guess not careful enough. He knew that he broke the contract, but he didn't think that Daesung would find out so fast. 
Daesung walks into the Cafe. There are currently no customers at the moment and JIyong wishes that someone would come in. Two men are behind the manager and he remembers their faces well. They are both dressed in black and ready to do what is ordered. Daesung walks up to the counter and smirks. "Why the look Jiyong Shi?" 
Jiyong moves back and almost makes it to the back door. Daesung waves a finger "Nah ah ah...I wouldn't do that Jiyong boys just got off of a 16hr flight. They are rather..." He leans in and whispers. "Irritable at the moment." Jiyong still stays in the same position. He wants to yell he wants to throw the coffee pot at the man. 
"Jiyong..I'm disappointed..." 
Jiyong looks into the man's eyes. He hates the sarcasm of his voice. "Why are you here...?" 
"Oh you know why Jiyong decided to be rebelious and now we are fix things." 
Jiyong has no idea what the man means by the words fix but he starts to make a run for it. He slips through the back door and with his arms supporting his belly he runs up the stairs. He hears two heavier feet behind him and moving quick. The rest of the Kwon family is shopping at the market so it is only Jiyong. The pregnant man makes it to his door just before the two puppets make there way. 
Jiyong runs into his bedroom and locks the door too. He pulls out his phone in a hurried motion. The only person who could help at the moment is Bae. 
Jiyong throws his phone to the side. He heard Seunghyun screaming on the managers phone before he hung the phone up. He knows that his lover is on a plane to come to him...but he is 16 hours too far. 
Finally the two body guards kick the front door down. The door hinge is broken and the two men could give a . They look around then they go to Jiyong's door. Daesung parts between the men and walk up to the door. 
"Jiyong ah...why did you run? Now open the door..." 
Jiyong gets in the middle of his bed and just hopes and prays that they don't kick the other door down. He rubs his belly as he can feel his baby moving. "It's okay baby..." He rubs his stomach and and then flinches as he hears the men starting to kick down yet another door. 
"Stop it!! Just leave me alone!!" Jiyong yells from his bed. The men continue to kick and since the door is lighter it easily folds in. The door is flung open and the two men move to let Daesung in. The older man comes in the room and looks at Jiyong. The younger has fearful eyes and has his arms wrapped around his belly. Daesung continues to look around the room. 
"Well I see that you have taste for such a poor man." 
Jiyong continues to stare as the man gets close. Daesung takes a seat at the foot of the bed. Jiyong curls his toes closer to his body. He doesn't want to be anywhere near. 
Daesung then snaps and the body guard brings yet another folder. "Jiyong just had to be bad...." Daesung opens the folder and scoots it over to the younger. "Just sign there please." Jiyong shakes his head. "I don't know what this is..." 
"You should know already...first we are giving your baby up for we are getting rid of your parents...then we are putting you and your sister on the streets...this is all because of you. Now so that we will not have will never speak of this or I will make your life even worse than it will be..." 
Jiyong clenches his fist. "My baby will never be taken away from me." 
Daesung smirks. "Not if you are an unfit proper nutrition...I wonder how the baby will survive." 
"You are an animal" Jiyong growls. 
"Just sign Jiyong and this will be over soon." 
Jiyong screams again. "Never!! Never!!" 
Daesung snaps and Jiyong knows that movement. He tries to get off the bed and make a run for it but the body guards once again have him. One of the guards makes a face. "Just cooperate will ya...I don't want to do this either." He say quietly as he moves JIyong's squished hand across the paper. The guard closes the document and hands it to Daesung. Jiyong then runs up to the man and tries to punch him, but then there is a jolt of electricity running through his body...he has been tasered. (A Taser or Stun gun is a gun that shoots electricity into your body and it paralyzes the muscles up to ten minutes. Cops use them and people use them as self defense.) 
Jiyong felt every bit of the electric jolt and quickly fell to the floor. The current is so strong at the moment he can not move his body. Daesung leans down. "Now if you would have listened this would have never happened. Goh call the listing agent and II call immigration. The Kwons will be leaving today." He smiles in Jiyong's face and starts to walk out. 
YoungBae finally makes it to the apartment and sees Jiyong on the ground. He looks over the three men and screams "What the hell did you do to him!!" He punches one of the men in the face. The other body guard was about to retaliate but Daesung stops him with a show of the hand. YoungBae looks the man over and then runs to Jiyong. The three men leave the apartment now only leaving Bae and Jiyong. 
Bae bends down and looks Jiyong over. He clearly sees that he has been tasered and doesn't want to move him. He takes a hand and runs it through his hair. "Jiyong...I'm sorry....I came too late...I'm sorry" Bae puts his head down and starts to cry. Dara then runs into the apartment with a can of mase. "Where are they!!!" She runs over and sees her boyfriend and Jiyong laying on the ground. "What is wrong with him baby?" She starts to freak out. "He has been hit  with with a taser" 
"A taser?!! a ing taser gun?!" Dara then looks over. "He still can't move?" 
"No his muscles are paralyzed. He needs to come around on his own. It will be another five minutes." The couple sits in worry while JIyong regains most of his muscle memory. Soon his is fully able to speak and not feel the pain of stiff muscles. He puts a hand to his belly and sits up. "Whoa whoa Jiyong lie back down." 
The couple looks down and sees Jiyong rubbing his belly. "Is he moving?" 
Jiyong starts to cry. "He hasn't moved since I have been baby...Ji Hyun ah...move for daddy. Ne? Ne?" He continues to rub his belly "Move for daddy...." The couple doesn't know what to do at the moment. "Call Seunghyun.." says Bae.
Jiyong looks over to his bed "..they crushed my phone..."  YoungBae pulls out his phone and presses call to hopefully have Seunghyun pick up. The phone rings forever and then finally the call is answered with a frantic. 
"Hello!?" Seunghyun sounds scared. 
"Bae what is it?" 
"Baby..." says Jiyong in the background. Seunghyun can hear that there is something wrong. He hates that he is only in Japan at the moment. Bae hands Jiyong the phone. The younger takes the phone in one hand and hold his stomach with the other. "Baby what happened...tell me..." Jiyong sniffs and continues to rub his stomach. The silence is killing him. "Jiyong ah please tell me..." 
"They did it again. They ing did it again....they made me sign another parents are leaving...the cafe is being put up for sale...they tasered me..." 
Seunghyun takes a second to take this all in. "They tasered you" He clenches his fist and punches the wall in front of him. He could care less about the dent. "Are you okay?! How's the baby...please tell me that you two are okay..." 
"....." Jiyong doesn't know what to say..."He is not moving hyunnie....he's not moving..." Jiyong breaks down and cries into the phone. Bae and Dara are equally upset knowing that the baby could be dead due to such a shock. Plus this is too much stress for a pregnant person. 
Seunghyun is numb. He doesn't want to believe it. He shakes his head over and over and again. "No...he's not dead.." 
"Hyunnie...he's not moving baby..." Jiyong cries again. 
"Put me on speaker phone..." 
"Just do it baby...please..." 
Jiyong does as he is told. "Okay...I did it." 
"Put the phone on your stomach..." 
Jiyong does it...
"Ji hyun ah...this is daddy...please move for me." Dara puts a hand to and holds back a cry..."Ji hyun ah...we love you so much. Daddy's just want you to move for baby...Appa loves you so much. I want to hug you ...I want to meet you...will you make that promise for me...? " 
*Kick* goes Jiyong's stomach. Jiyong sit's up with the phone. "Keep talking!" 
Seunghyun figures it's good news. "Baby I love you. Daddy loves you." 
The baby kicks again and again and continues to move in the womb. The tears of sorrow quickly turn into tears of joy. "Hyunnie he heard you! He is moving!!" 
Seunghyun leans against the airport wall and breathes a sigh of relief. "We did it baby. I'm so happy right now." He sniffles on the phone. This by far was the scariest moment of his life. He now really has the motivation to kick some . "Don't worry baby. I have people working on this. I will make sure that this will all end soon. I love you." 
"Baby...this is all so much..." 
"Just trust me you trust me?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne I do. I love you too..." 
Seunghyun smiles on his end. "Can you give the phone to Bae I need to talk to him." Jiyong nods and hands the phone over to his best friend. "Hey hyung." 
"Bae....I need a big favor." 
"Anything man." 
"Can you watch Jiyong and his take them to your place? It is too dangerous to have them there." 
Bae nods. "I agree. I will do that" 
"Thanks man. Take them to your place for now...give me your account information. I'm going to wire you money and then put you all in a nice hotel." Bae nods "Okay I will do that asap." 
They both hang up the phone and Jiyong looks over at his best friends. "We need to go now to my place. Dara I need you to text our account info to Seunghyun from my phone. Give me yours so I can text Dami." 
His girlfriend does as she was told and text the account info to Seunghyun. Dara then helps Jiyong off the floor. "Come let's pack you some hoodies and lotion." Jiyong can't help but laugh. "You can't crack jokes right now pabo." 
"The best time for jokes is in a situation like this. We need a little comic relief." 
Bae then text Dami. 
////////////////////////Bae's apt./////////////////
Jiyong and everyone is at the apartment. When Jiyong's family heard of what happened they all freaked out. They are all now officially in danger. They are not sure if anyone followed them but they sure are keeping a look out for anything or any one suspicious. Mr. Kwon just wants to go to the police but it seems that Daesung has connections with the crooked cops already. 
Mrs. Kwon can't help but just be happy that everyone is okay especially their grand baby. They commend Jiyong for his bravery and they all knew the whole situation was such a scare. 
Bae then receives a text from Seunghyun. 
Bae locks his phone and Mr. Kwon looks at the younger. "So what do we do now?" 
"We move to the hotel. Seunghyun will meet us there in the morning. He gave us money and arranged for a car. He said that they are minutes away." Everyone then starts to pick up bags and make sure that they have everything. For every ones safety they are all leaving the residence like Seunghyun said. Jiyong is still nervous because anything could happen. 
Mrs. Kwon hugs her son. "Don't worry Jiyong ah. Seunghyun is going to fix this.." 
Jiyong hugs his mother back. "I know's just the fear of the unknowing..." 
Bae's phone rings "Hello...yes...yes...we will be right there" He hangs up the phone. Let's go down." 
//////////////////////The Ritz Carlton////////////////////
The Kwons, Bae and Dara get out of the luxury SUV. Mr. Kwon looks at Jiyong and smirks at the hotel. "He is that famous...?" 
Jiyong nods at the building. "Ne appa..Very famous." 
"Yaaah" He looks the building over. The family looks over when they see a white man in a black and white suit come to them. 
They all then are greeted by a butler. "Hello and Welcome to The Ritz Carlton. My name is Drew I will be your butler to your Royal Suite. Please Follow me." 
Dami gets wide eyed to the word suite. Hey have never stepped foot in a place as nice as this. They all follow the butler while their luggage is pulled along by the bellboy. They get onto a private elevator and they all look as the numbers get higher and higher. They had no idea that Seunghyun was thinking of a place with such extravagance. 
The doors open and they are in a hallway and the doors are spread far apart. Jiyong figures that these rooms are big. The butler unlocks the door. "You may enter first." Dami nudges Jiyong and the younger goes in first. He walks in and his jaw drops and if he hand anything in his hands they would drop too. The suite is huge it is five time the size of his apartment and the views over look central park. The whole family can't help but look at the furniture like the place is a museum. 
The butler comes in the room and points the bellboy to place their luggage in the living room. He then get clears his throat. "Jiyong...which of you is Jiyong" The butler smiles amongst the party. Jiyong points to himself. "I'm Jiyong..." 
"Oh Jiyong Shi your husband will be coming shortly. He wishes that you are happy here. If you need another room it will be not a problem. " Jiyong's eyes get wide. "Husband...another" Jiyong shakes his head. "No this is fine...this is plenty fine." The butler smiles again. "Well I'm here 24hrs at your service. This  Royal Suite is approximately 2900 square feet. There are two bedroom three bathrooms and a sleeper sofa here in the living room. Please make your selves comfortable. Your dinner menu will be up shortly. The chef is delighted to serve you all today." 
The butler leaves the room and the door closes with a soft click. YoungBae looks over at his girlfriend. "Dara...pinch me..." 
Dara shakes her head." Only if you will pinch me first...this is too crazy..." 
Mr and Mrs Kwon laugh. "Aigo aigo kids. The great thing is that we here and we are safe. I think that we should take a rest Ne?" says Mr. Kwon exhausted from all of the moving and stress. Jiyong nods. "Ne...Ji Hyun has had enough for today." 
The family grabs their bags and make their way to their rooms. Dami and Jiyong  will take one room and the older Kwons will take the other room. Dara and YoungBae are going to take the sleeper sofa in the living room. They had no complaints. 
//////////////////////Dami and Jiyong's room/////////////////
"Are you sleeping?" 
"Nah..." Jiyong rolls over with a pillow between his legs. "Are you sleep"
"Yea just about know Seunghyun is a good man.." 
Jiyong smiles in the dark. "He really is...he really did put us in a nice hotel and took care of us..." 
"Well he is your husband" Dami snickers. 
"He probably made a mistake..." 
"Nah..he is totally in love."
"Well so am I" 
Dami chuckles. "Awww how cuuuute" 
"Yah yah go to bed...noona..." Jiyong laughs. This is the first time today he actually laughed and didn't have to fake it to make people not worry. Hopefully things will work out. 

Hey draaaaama. What you think of today's story. Please leave feedback. I love your comments. Especially the ones who are really into the story. Once again Thank you for reading!! Upvote this story please please :)

This is the suite 




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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^