
What's left behind


Seunghyun has never been so pissed to get on a plane in his life. He knows that the flight will be 16 hours but he is so ready to be in Korea already. The idol didn't mean to be so rude to the staff on the plane but he is so livid anyone is a target at the moment. The person that he trusted for years stooped so low to threaten someone that he loves dearly. 

He feels hurt and betrayed that Daesung could just sneak around and mess with his love life. Seunghyun is not even sure if the break ups he had in the past were intentional or just set up. 
The life that he thought that he had now seems fake. It's true in the entertainment industry it is all about creating that illusion of perfection and having your fans wanting to be you. When really they have no idea what idols have to go through... all the restrictions and rules. Seunghyun blew most of them off because it's a known fact that he is the money maker of the company. 
When he thought of switching companies last year YG offered him two times as much as the others. Of course he accepted the offer....only a fool would refuse as such. Seunghyun before he met Jiyong was more of the loaner type so he didn't mind the busy schedule and the endless hours. 
Now that things are different. He now has a family he has to protect and provide for. Seunghyun's father has always taught him to take responsibility. Especially when there is a family involved. The idol knows that he has to make sacrifices and he is very prepared to do so. Of course he wants to keep the whole thing a secret because fans freak out when they think that their "husband" is stolen from them. 
Seungri waits patiently for his hyungs arrival. Daesung still doesn't know that the man managed to get a flight to New York. All thanks to Seungri he was able to do what he wanted and he got back just in time. 
The revolving doors open and Seunghyun steps out with his body guards and a tons of fans on his shadow. Seungri opens the van door and the idol quickly gets in the van. The doors close and Seungri fights off a couple of crazy fans before he gets into the van. He starts the van and starts to drive off. No words are said at the moment because when leaving the airport they think more of their own lives. 
Five minutes pass by and they are safe from crazy fans and that damn airport. Seunghyun sits up in his seat. "Hey man...sorry I didn't say much...I'm just a little upset..." 
Seungri looks in the mirror back at his hyung "What's going on? I thought that things worked out?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "Oh me and Jiyong are great." 
"Then what's wrong?" Seungri is a little confused. 
Seunghyun grips his seat. "Well looks like manager hyung decided to threaten Jiyong with a gag order." 
Seungri almost swerves the car into another lane. "He what? He threatened Jiyong? Why would he do such a thing???" 
Seunghyun shakes his head again. " Because he felt that Jiyong would ruin my image." 
"It's not like Jiyong is a druggie...what is there to be a potential threat?" 
Seunghyun sighs. "Well...don't freak out...and don't tell anyone this" 
Seungri looks in the mirror. "Okay" 
"No serious Seungri. No one can know of this." 
"Hyung come on. You know you can trust me.." The younger whines. 
"Well...Jiyong...and I...are expecting..." 
"Expecting...expecting what hyung?" 
Seunghyun doesn't know how to say this with out making the younger freak out. "Well Jiyong is 7 months pregnant. Daesung found out and gave Jiyong the gag order." 
Seungri doesn't know how to respond. He just heard the words man and "Pregnant. Hyung...like waaa going to have a baby pregnant...Jiyong is a man...how..." 
"I don't know either but that is how it is. Jiyong and I are expecting a boy so I'm going to have to change things around for them." 
Seungri smiles. "Wow. Hyung is stepping up as a family man....but wait...what about Daesung...I assume that you were not suppose to know about all of this?""
"Yes...and Jiyong doesn't know that I know this too. I had to call his close friend to tell me what's going on. Daesung must have done something just evil to him to scare him to the point of pushing me away. The look in his eyes just hurts me..." 
"So what are you going to do?" 
Seunghyun ball his fist. "Well I think it's best to settle this as soon as possible....oh and can you give Dong Wook a call and see if he has room to represent me?" 
Seungri chuckles. "I thought that you didn't like Dong Wook hyung's methods." 
"He might be a little crazy but he understands family. He represents a lot of men who have families. They still make a lot of money and have time for their families. That is what i need." 
The van pulls into Seunghyun's building and Seungri gets out to open the door for his hyung. Seunghyun unbuckles and gets out on his own before the younger can reach the door. "Hyuuuung you always do that..." 
"Aiish I can open a door maknae." 
The younger steals his hyung's bag and the two go to their elevator. They both get on and press the button to lead to the idols private entrance. The door opens and the two get off. Seunghyun throws off his shoes while the younger starts to unpack his bag for him. Seungri pulls out a "I love NY" Hoodie and chuckles. "Hyung I didn't know you liked such things?" Seunghyun grins and takes the hoodie from the younger. He holds it in his arms and sniffs it. "This is my baby's hoodie. Jiyong and Ji hyun have worn this hoodie." 
Seungri laughs. "Wow you are really in love huh?" 
The older nods. "So in love I don't even know what to do. I just want to be back there right now. I would quit my job and make coffee...that is how much I love him." 
Seungri laughs. "Well I will take my leave now and let you continue to sniff that hoodie." 
Seunghyun laughs. "Go on. I know you want to catch happy hour...." 
The younger laughs a bit. "Sorry hyung...I really do care" 
"I know you do. Go on now. I will see you tomorrow." 
The younger bows and leaves the apartment. Seunghyun listens for the elevator to close and he goes to his phone. He then dials the number that he has been wanting to the past 16 hours. It takes a couple rings before theres a answer on the other line. 
"Seunghyun Shi...?" 
"Ne it's me..." Seunghyun tries to say with out a tone. 
"Where have you been? Do you know how much of a ruckus you caused at the company?" 
"They will recover...we need to talk..." 
The manager hears the slight tone in his voice. "Is there something wrong? Why are you asking to call me out at such an hour?" 
"Oh there is plenty wrong thanks to you" 
Daesung growls on the other line. "This punk...Seunghyun! Do you realize what you have done? Yes! Let's meet because there are some words I have for you." 
Seunghyun grins on the other end. "Neee let's do that..." He hangs up the phone and walks to his coat closet. He didn't want to drag Seungri into to this so he opted to drive himself to the office. He is not sure what he will say and how he will say it but he is done...
//////////////////////YG 11pm/////////////////////////
Seunghyun surprisingly makes it to the office first. Well anyone would get anywhere fast if they are driving 80mph. The idol gets out of his car and clicks the doors to lock. He swipes his pass on the door and lets himself into the office. 
YG is a place that never sleeps, so there are people still walking around doing their business. The older makes it to his managers office and just walks in. He takes a seat at one of the office chairs and starts to patiently wait. He wants to dig through his stuff but he is trying to have a little class at the moment. 
Welll... the class. 
He's going in. 
The idol then goes around the desk with quick movements and opens the drawers. He listens out for movement while he files through all the count less papers. He then goes lower to find a drawer that has a lock on it. He tugs on it and of course there is no access. 
He looks around the desk for a possible key. "Are you looking for this Seunghyun Shi" says a familiar voice. Seunghyun curses under his breath before rising from below the desk. 
They both stare each other in the eyes. Daesung makes a smile while dangling his keys in his hand. "May I ask why you are going through my desk?" 
"I was looking for something." Says Seunghyun still eyeing the other. 
"Oh really?" Daesung moves closer. "Like what?" 
"Oh you know what it is mother er..." Seunghyun clenches his fist.
Daesung smiles again. "Oh...are you going to hit me Seunghyun Shi...over what?" 
Seunghyun unballs his fist. "Stop ing playing with me. You know exactly why I'm here." 
"Oh I see...you want to apologize?" Daesung takes a seat at one of his chairs and eyes the younger. Seunghyun growls again. "No, I didn't come here to ing apologize. I came here because of Jiyong." 
"Aaaaah I see. It's Jiyong you want to talk about"
Daesung smirks. "I don't know what you are talking about..Please refresh my memory" He crosses his legs.
Seunghyun just wants to punch the man but he needs him to live for the moment. "You threatened Jiyong and his family...you think that I would never find out?" 
Daesung smirks. "So you did go to NYC...even though I warned you not going...you know the penalties for not showing up to your appointments??" 
Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders. "What a billion won.. I don't give a . I can pay it off and get twice as much back after they sign me again.... "
"Not if they find out you are having a child with a man." 
Seunghyun laughs. "You think that scares me?! Everyone knows that I'm Bi ual!!   you! How dare you threaten me!!" 
"Oh I know not to threaten you...but I can threaten Jiyong.." 
Seunghyun some how is now across the room. He has his managers shirt gripped in his hand. If he was a super hero he would already have the man flying across the room into a wall. 
The look in his managers eyes is just sick. " Oh don't be like this Seunghyun Shi...not if you want Jiyong to live a happy life." 
Seunghyun tightens the grip. "What are you talking about..." 
Daesung brings up his hands and takes the younger man's grip off of him. He straightens his clothes and smiles. "Well....I knew you went to NYC...so I decided to make another plan. So Seunghyun Shi...if you want your baby to live a nice life and Jiyong not to be destroyed...you will do as I say." 
Seunghyun can't believe his ears. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ING TALKING TO?!" 
"Oh I do. The person that I created. The fat boy that had no friend became rich...I know who you are...if you want Jiyong to live a happy life you will forget him and do as I say. You will never speak to him again. If you don't I will destroy his families cafe and they will have to try to rub two pennies together to make a coin." 
"You can't do this! I can ing provide for them! You have no control!!" Seunghyun screams
"Oh I can I can. Should I make the call to deport his parents first." He pulls out the phone and dials a number and puts the phone to his ear. Seunghyun watches as the calls is starting to connect. "Ohhhh hello Kim Shi of United States immigration...what we talked about. Can you still do it? Nee nee" 
Seunghyun's eyes widen and he grabs the phone. Daesung smiles. "I was just finishing my call Seunghyun Shi..why did you interrupts me." 
The younger doesn't know what to do..." You are sick...You can't get away with this." 
Daesung smiles. "Watch me...let's see how much you care for your new family Seunghyun Shi...is it the power of love or the power sacrifice...you can choose..." 
"I will tell the president!" 
"Tell who you want. They are right behind me in this...they don't want their prized procession messing things up." 
Daesung smiles again as he walks to the door. "Oh you are my puppet...you will do as I say....or you will pay..." He walks out the door leaving Seunghyun speechless. He never thought that Daesung would go to such lengths to threaten him. 
//////////////////Seunghyun's Villa//////////////////////
The older didn't drive back as fast to his villa. He doesn't know what to do at this point...but he doesn't want Jiyong to worry about him. He takes out his phone to call his lover. It's about 4am in NYC so he knows that the younger might not pick up...but he needs to hear his voice... 
The phone answers and there is some sleepy breathing on the other end. "Seunghyun...?" 
"Neee Yongie...sorry to call so late..." 
Jiyong sits up on his bed. "It's okay...what's wrong...your voice..?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head on the other end. "It's nothing my love...I'm just tired. How are you and baby?" 
"We are fine. Ji Hyun is currently sleeping." 
Seunghyun laughs. "It's so amazing that there is a copy of us growing inside of you." 
Jiyong rubs his belly. "Ne. I love it now that you are here.." 
A tear rolls down Seunghyun's face. "I miss you so much." 
Jiyong turns on a light "Hyunnie...what is wrong...you sound upset." 
Seunghyun didn't mean to stress out his lover. "Sorry baby...I just miss you...I just want to hold you right now." 
Jiyong smiles. "I'm here. I'm here right now. I will stay up as long as you like my love." 
Seunghyun lays across his bed. "You know that I will be there for you right?" 
"Of course" 
"No matter what I will always be there for you" Seunghyun almost sounds desperate. 
Jiyong makes a face. "Hyunnie..." 
"I like that name." 
Jiyong furrows his brows. "What are you hiding?" 
"What are you hiding?" 
"Hyunnie?!" Jiyong is a little snappy now. 
"Aigo aigo I don't wanna upset you. Sorry. I'm just a little weird..." The older almost lost his senses for a moment. Doesn't want Jiyong to find out. "When I come back to New York I'm going to fix up the Cafe and make you and your family live well." 
Jiyong smiles. "Baby...I just want you. You don't have to spend so much on us.." 
"Let me...I love you." Seunghyun sits up on the bed. He smiles when he hears the younger laugh on the other end. "I love your laugh." Jiyong chuckles again. "I didn't know you were so mushy baby." 
"I'm a big teddy bear. I can't help it." 
Jiyong lays down in the bed again. "Well you sound better. Can you call me later baby? I need to rest a couple more hours" 
Seunghyun smiles on the other end. "Of course my love. I love you. Go back to bed." 
"Hmmm it would be better if you were here to rub my belly..." Jiyong yawns.
"I will soon my love.." Seunghyun almost cries again...he doesn't know when soon will be.

"Hmm kay...bye love you.." Jiyong drifts off and hangs up the phone. Seunghyun rolls his blanket over him and wraps himself up like a mummy. He is not sure how things will go...Daesung is the puppet master...and his strings are cable...which are impossible to cut. 

Hey Draaaaaamaaa I added some in hehe. I read all of your comments and got this chapter based off of you all. See how your feedback is important keke. Anyways I love writing about drama. I hope that you love this story as much as I do. Please leave feedback and a upvote. Love! BTW what you think of the picture lol. I did it lol...

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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^