
What's left behind


Seunghyun has never dodged a NYC taxi in his life. The feeling is a rush he only wanted to live once. The way people scream at you in the middle of the street is different than Korea...which is not so pleasant. The traffic lights were moving a little too slow to his liking and who knows if Jiyong will still be at the apartment. He has the keys but it doesn't mean that YoungBae didn't text Jiyong after he left. 
To find out that the person that you love is pregnant and 7 months is just a lot of emotion at one time. Seunghyun for the moment put all of that hurt and curiosity to the side. He is pretty sure the baby is his but you never know in this world. 
///////////////////////Kwon Cafe/////////////////////
Seunghyun takes the two keys and of course in he turns Bingu when he forgets which key is which. The puts the first one in and that is a fail and then he quickly puts in the second key. It works with success. He opens the door and he is not sure what to do. He remembers the door leading up to the apartments so he heads in that direction. He walks up the concrete stairs and  remembers the memories of that fated night they spent together .He makes it up the stairs and thankfully no one is in the hallway. 
He walks three doors over to face the door that he has been desperately wanting to knock on. He came there in such a rush he really didn't think about how Jiyong would react...or how he will look. He doesn't know if he will get cussed out or welcomed by tears...he is going to take that chance. 
He knocks on the door. 
Jiyong on the other side is now watching a random reality show with a bunch of bleeped out words. He loves watching the drama of these people who pretty much have everything. "Aiiish Kourtney why did you take him back again." Jiyong mutes the TV when he hears knocking again. He figures it Bae with his items but couldn't get the key in the door. 
Jiyong yells. "I will be there in a second Bae." Jiyong scoots up and slowly lifts from the couch holding his lower back. Having the weight of a baby on your front side can really throw you off balance at times. 
Seunghyun knocks on the door again. He is not sure why but he does. The door slowly opens to reveal part of Jiyong's figure. Jiyong looks and sees. "SEunghyun?!" Jiyong tries to slam the door closed but the older wedged his foot in the door. The slam hurt like hell but he is not going to let this door close. 
"Jiyong...open up..." say the older clearly in pain.
"How the did you get here!" Screams Jiyong pushing on the door to shut. 
"Bae did. He gave me the key." 
Jiyong laughs. "He would never do that you ing creeep. Leave here now! Didn't no tell you enough" 
Seunghyun knows that Jiyong is lying. "Bae gave me the keys because I know..." 
Jiyong stops pushing on the door but still keeps a strong hold. "Know what?" 
Seunghyun who is stronger pushes the door open slowly. Jiyong tries to push back but his mind is too busy processing what just happened. Seunghyun finally gets the door open to look the man in the face. He looks and sees that Jiyong is clearly pregnant with his small frame but big bump in front of him. Jiyong puts a hand on his hip. "You think I'm pregnant? Hahaha. I just gained weight...this is from partying." 
Seunghyun rolls his eyes and pushes his way into the apartment. Jiyong is annoyed that the man just walk right in. "Who said you could come in here?! Leave!" 
Seungnyun turns around. "No...not until you tell me the truth...I know you are pregnant...seven months." 
Jiyong does another fake laugh. "I told you I'm not pregnant." 
Seunghyun puts a hand to his head and looks over to Jiyong. "Jiyong I know that you are. It has been exactly seven months since we have seen each other." He walks closer and Jiyong steps back. "That bump is not full of beer..."
Jiyong laughs again. "It is full of beer. I drink a lot." He runs to the fridge and pulls out a beer that Dami left. Seunghyun runs to the kitchen and snatches the beer out of his hand. "Are you crazy? This will hurt the baby" 
The two are now closer in distance and Seunghyun can see the tummy moving from some obvious kicks. "Is it mine...?" 
Jiyong doesn't want to say he just wants him out. He was doing so well until Bae spilled the beans. Bae just put his whole family in danger. Jiyong walks out of the kitchen back into the living room. "No it's not yours. It's beer" He turns around to see Seunghyun still in his tracks. "Will you stop ing following me?!" 
"If it is not mine...then why are you ignoring me...but still wearing that necklace....why do you still have my scarf on your coat rack..??" 
Jiyong doesn't know what to say...He is scared. Scared to death to say anything. Seunghyun walks closer to Jiyong "Stop it Seunghyun...just stop..."
"Why?.I can see you want this too...why..." Seunghyun sees he wants him too. It's like every move is being restricted. 
"Because you are bad luck." Jiyong bites. 
Seunghyun gets closer and Jiyong continues to step away until he backs himself up to a wall. He mentally curses himself and tries to move but gets blocked by a hand a warm body pressed to him. That warmth he has missed and Seunghyun can see it in his eyes. "Jiyong.." The younger looks down. "Move..." 
"I won't move until you answer this question." 
Jiyong looks up at those eyes and almost loses face. He looks back down avoiding contact. "What is the ing question. Will you leave after I answer it?"
"Can you look me in the eyes...and say that you don't love me? If you do..then I will leave...I will never bother you again..." Seunghyun feels a kick from Jiyong's stomach and Jiyong frowns knowing the beer lie is out the window. He looks into the olders eyes that are full of kindness and love. Those eyes that get him every time...
He then starts to speak with a tremble. "I...I..." He can't can't say it...he just can't. "I'm in love with you.." Seunghyun smiles and Jiyong looks down as if he has been defeated. Seunghyun wraps his arms around his lover. "That's all I wanted to hear...baby likes that you don't lie in front of him.." Jiyong doesn't know what to do now...he just told the man he loves him still. 
The contract. 
Jiyong then panics.
"Jiyong...that look...there is something bothering you...tell me?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "It's nothing." 
"Don't lie...you and your sister are terrible at lying." 
Jiyong can't tell him. "I just was scared of what you would think of me..." 
Seunghyun soften his face. He knows this is not the real answer but he just lets it slide for now. He puts a hand to Jiyong's belly. "Can you answer another question for me?" Jiyong slowly nods.." Ne..." 
"Is it mine" Seunghyun smiles gently while feeling the kicks. 
"Ne...he is yours..." 
"He? It's a boy?" Seunghyun never thought that he would be so happy. Jiyong makes a little smile to the excitement of the other man. "You are not mad at me...I said terrible things...I pushed you away...from this..." He points to his belly. 
Seunghyun gently places his head on top of the baby bump. Jiyong is not sure what the man is doing but lets him. "Little baby in Jiyong's belly...tell your daddy that I love him soooo much and that I love you too." Jiyong smiles...he can't help it. 
Seunghyun lifts to see the smile. "Aah that is what I like to see. You are most beautiful when you smile." 
Jiyong looks into his eyes. "Seriously...how can you not be mad..." 
Seunghyun laugh. "Because I love you Jiyong. I don't know what it is that is making you frown but I will find out..." Jiyong makes a fearful look. "Tell me Jiyong ah..." He takes the smaller hands in his. "I can't...you are not even suppose to be here." Jiyong said too much already. Seunghyun furrows his brows. "Did someone threaten you?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "Don't listen to me..." He decides to change the subject. "Come see Ji hyun's room" He pulls the man into the room. Seunghyun looks at the almost decorated room. "Ji hyun?" Seunghyun smiles. "I like it" Jiyong smiles up at Seunghyun he loves that he is enjoying this moment with him. 
Seunghyun pulls the younger into an embrace but not too hard of an embrace. Ji hyun wouldn't like it. The long arms move around the small man and Jiyong rest his head on the strong chest. Seunghyun rest his head on top of Jiyongs and grins. "I have missed this....us...you have no idea how hard it was for me." 
Jiyong nods into the chest..." I'm sorry..." 
Seunghyun loosens the hugs to look into JIyong's eyes. "It's okay baby. We are together now...that's all that counts. Now that I'm here I can take responsibility as a father." He leans down and places his hand under JIyong's chin. "I love you both so much." He leans in and places a kiss on the plump lips. Jiyong's eyes flutter shut to the feeling they both have been missing for months. 
The memories of them being together for the first time come back to them. They slowly kiss each other mapping out each others mouths to taste what they have missed. They on each others lips and tongues  and the kiss beings to become more passionate. Seunghyun turns his head to the side to deepen the kiss and Jiyong wraps his arms tighter around the older. He loves the feeling of his lover at his lips. The warm tongue makes it way between his lips to be on gently. The kiss stops when Jiyong suddenly giggles. 
Seunghyun pulls back and smiles. "What is it?" 
"The baby thinks that this is too much daddy action.." Jiyong rubs his kicking belly. "Ji Hyun goes crazy when he feels his daddy. Our baby loves your voice." 
Seunghyun leans down. "Oh really" He places a soft kiss on the hoodie and reads the writing. "I love NY?" 
Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "It's what fits at the moment..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I will buy you some suitable clothes." 
Jiyong waves his hands. "Ohhh you don't have to do that...they would have to be custom made...that's expensive." 
"Don't ever worry about money. I will pay for everything for now on..." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Idols.."
"My son has a father as a idol my...boyfriend has a boyfriend of a idol.." 
Jiyong blushes. "Boyfriend...you just got here..." 
"You were mine ever since we first made love." 
Dami comes into the apartment and yells. "Jiyong...where are you.." 
Jiyong freaks out and runs out the room. "Dami..." 
"What's that look Ji?" Dami looks at her brother and then hears another set of feet in the room. "Who's there? Bae?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. He reaches his hand back and Seunghyun takes a hold. He slowly peaks out the room. "Hi Noona.." 
Dami is speechless. "Wait a minute...how the hell did..Jiyong don't tell me you." Jiyong cuts her off. "No...Bae told him" 
"Everything?!" She looks freaked out. 
Jiyong shakes his head.. "Ne...almost everything..." 
"Jiyong...we need to talk..." She walks up to her brother and takes his other hand. "We will be in the other room" She takes her brother and pulls him into the other room. Jiyong takes a seat on his bed while his sister paces up and down the room. "So Bae told him?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne." 
Dami continues to pace in a stressed fashion. "So he knows that is his baby?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne.." 
"Aigo aigio..." She puts her hands to her head. "Jiyong do you realize what you just did...what is going to happen...this is not good this is not good." 
"I was think of maybe telling him..." Jiyong says quietly.
She stop and look at her brother. "Is that going to ensure your safety?" 
Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know..." 
"Jiyong ah...this is not a time to say I don't know....the money...the contract...what if our parents get deported..." 
"Seunghyun wouldn't let that happen..." 
"Can  you really trust him like that?" 
"Noona...I love him..." 
Dami knows this very well. She just wants to make sure that they have a plan. "Well I support you...I don't like that this happened so soon but I support you.." Jiyong gets up from the bed. "Thank you noona. This makes me happy. I couldn't lie to him anymore...when he showed up...he grabbed me mentally" 
/////////////////////////living room//////////////////
Seunghyun is pacing like his noona just did. He has no idea what they were talking about but he hopes that it is good. Nothing to push him away from him again. Jiyong looked so happy showing the baby room to him. 
The bedroom door opens and Seunghyun stops pacing. "Is he still my boyfriend?" 
Dami raises an eyebrow "Already?" 
Jiyong grins. "We couldn't wait..." 
Dami looks at the belly. "Well obviously." The couple blushes and Dami walks out of the apartment. Seunghyun takes Jiyong's hand and leads him to the sofa. "Jiyong ah...I'm so happy that you accepted me back into your heart." 
"You have always been there. That is why I wear this necklace...whether you were here or not when Ji hyun was born. I would always tell him how great you are.." Jiyong smiles warmly. 
"Well I will be there for everything for now on.." Seunghyun looks at his watch and then sighs..." But the bad thing is that ...I have to go back to Korea..." Jiyong's smile drops. He the man just got here." Sorry Jiyong ah...I have to go back to straighten some things out but I will be back in a couple days." 
Jiyong looks up. "But what about your schedule. I saw on the YG website that TOP has a busy schedule all this month..." 
Seunghyun smiles. "I'm TOP...I can do whatever I want. I will reschedule...or they will come to me." 
Jiyong rolls his eyes. "Wow the King has spoken." 
The older brings a hand up and caresses Jiyong's face. "My beautiful, I will be here for you. I plan to move to NYC and live here with you and your family. When I come back I will properly introduce myself to your family." 
Jiyong smiles. "They will love you." 
"One more thing?" 
"Can you tell me a little of what is bothering you?" 
Jiyong sighs. "Ask your manager..." 
"What?" Seunghyun furrows his brows. "What about him...did something happen?" Jiyong continues to look down. Seunghyun puts his hands on Jiyong's shoulders "Tell me baby..." 
Jiyong shakes his head. "It's nothing...forget it..." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "This is more than nothing...and I'm going to find out.." 
Jiyong then screams. "Don't!"
Seunghyun sees Jiyong's fear. "For now I won't do anything...ne?" He pulls his lover into a hug. I love you." 
"I love you too..." 
/////////////////////////9pm Taxi to JFK airport/////////////////////////
Seunghyun enjoyed his time with is lover mainly talking to catch up. He didn't think that Jiyong would let him in but it all worked out. He is now a father and he is excited. Most people would freak out in this situation but to have the person you love have your child makes things amazingly great. Still Jiyong not telling him what is wrong is eating him up. 
He feels he can trust Bae so he pulls out his phone to text him. He is happy he kept the business card from the first time they met in his wallet. 
Seconds later Young Bae calls the older. 
"Hey hyung..." 
"Hey tell me what's up. I need to know Bae." 
"Well...your manager forced Jiyong to sign a contract when he found out that he was pregnant. The contract is a gag order with many threat attached to it. He didn't want to sign and he was forced to sign it. " Seunghyun on the other line clenched his fist. "They forced him...and he was pregnant?" 
"Ne...he was about 3 week pregnant. They told him to never tell you and if you ever found out he would deport his parents and ruin his life. They gave him 100 thousand dollars as hush money...they used it...and they lived out the contract out of fear. Jiyong mainly wanted to protect the baby..." 
Seunghyun nods. "I understand. I'm glad he did what was best for you all. Those ing pricks will pay " 
"That's not all...when he came back he was so stressed out...he fainted and went to the hospital...he woke up the next morning.." 
Seunghyun hates this. "Don't worry Bae...I will fix this." says the older with a growl. "They messed with the wrong person." 
//////////////////////////JFK airport//////////////////////////


Hey new chapter! Seunghyun knows!! Please leave a upvote and feedback. I love this story :)

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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^