
What's left behind


The little baby wiggles on the changing table as Seunghyun changes yet another stinky diaper.  He puts the dirty diaper in the hamper and covers the little ones pee pee to make sure to not get sprayed again. It happened once and the older is fully prepared. The baby looks up at his appa and coos. "Eeee" The little one tries wiggle the towel off of him making the older laugh. "Aigo aigo so strong my little man" 
Seunghyun finishes putting on the diaper and brings the baby back to the bed. Since the baby is still a new born, Jihyun is still on a strict feeding schedule. Jiyong the daddy is still getting use to the schedule himself. Ever since the birth, feeding schedule and healing took place he has been exhausted. He is even more exhausted than he was being pregnant. 
Jiyong slowly rolls over and watches the baby on the bed wiggle and coo. He takes one of the little hands in his and kisses it gently. Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's cheek and looks into his eyes. "Are you okay baby?" 
Jiyong yawns and stretches a bit. "I'm good....just getting use to feeding our son." He the baby's cheek again and loves the feeling of the perfect skin. Today is a good day because it's the last day in the hotel and they are all moving into their new home. Jiyong has not seen the place in person but the pictures of the renovations are beautiful. Seunghyun turned the old apartments above the Kwon Cafe into offices and napping spaces. Dami loves the pictures as well and she has been driving the couple crazy with her impatience. 
Seunghyun gets off the bed and puts a bag on the bed full of clothes and other random things that are left in the room. Jiyong looks around the room. "As much as I didn't like being cooped up in here...I'm going to miss this place." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm going to miss this place too...but I really like your other place more." 
Jiyong laughs. "That dump..." 
The older gets on the bed again and looks at their son and then back at Jiyong. "I love that place because of you." Jiyong blushes a bit to the intense stare and loves how cheesy his fiance can be at times, but still he loves it. His lover is so sincere when he says something to Jiyong and it's said with all of his heart. Jiyong takes his lover's hand and smiles. "Well you are lucky to have me." 
Seunghyun laughs. "Indeed. I'm honored." The rapper laughs again while he scoots off the bed to finish packing. Everyone else in the suite has been packing as well all of the their belongings. It's crazy how fast you get settled into a place. Things get left randomly in places like in your own home. It's about time for them to leave because with Dong Wook and Seungri in the suite as well it makes the place seem smaller....also there is a lack of privacy...even though the place is five thousand square feet. 
Jiyong sits up with his baby and puts the feeding pillow on his lap. He places the baby down and lifts up his shirt. The baby laches on and feeds from his daddy. The little one likes to coo while he feeds and Jiyong finds it a great bonding experience. Seunghyun who is now on the other side of the bed rubs the little head. "He eats so well." Jiyong nods and smiles. "Ne he does. He is going to be strong and tall" Seunghyun chuckles. "Hopefully taller than you" 
Jiyong pouts. "Yah." 
"You are perfect my love. Just kidding" 
Mrs. Choi knocks before coming into the room and walks into see her son feeding Jihyun. She almost want to cry because the sight is so precious. Jiyong laughs. "Are you going to cry again mom?" 
"He is just so beautiful. Such a healthy baby and I love it when you call me mom" She runs her fingers on the little legs and the baby coos again. Jiyong then lifts the little one to the other that is ready to feed Jihyun some more milk. "How is your stomach doing?" 
Jiyong smiles. "I feel better and the stitching doesn't hurt as much." 
"Oh that's good Jiyong ah. Seunghyun ah what time are we leaving. I can't wait to see the new house." 
Seunghyun smiles. "We will leave in an hour mother. I still need to do some prep work" 
"Oh will it be hard to leave again?" 
The rapper shakes his head. "No....no too bad. We will just leave like we did when Jiyong's water broke. The others will fill you in." 
Mrs. Choi takes Jiyong's hand in her's. "I can't wait for Jihyun to get bigger and we can bring him to Korea to meet the rest of the Choi's" Jiyong nods. "I'm excited too. I want to see where hyunnnie grew up." Mrs Choi pats the larger hand in her's "You will see everything and we will introduce you properly to the family as  Seunghyun's husband....by the way when are you getting married?" 
Seunghyun sighs. "When this whole press thing calms down. It's too much risk planning a wedding right now." 
Jiyong nods. "Ne I hope that you understand mother." 
Mrs. Choi nods she is not too happy that she has to wait for the wedding but also knows of her son's position as a celebrity. Everyone is always wanting to know your buisness especially in the small country of Korea where everyone knows your everymove. The older gets off the bed. "Well see you in an hour." 
/////////////////////////Terminal B43/////////////////////
Donghae gets off the plane and goes down the gate. The one thing on his mind is meeting his hyung Dong Wook. He told him that he would meet him at the baggage claim and that is exactly what he is going to. 
The whole plane ride Donghae couldn't help but look back and wonder if he is being followed. In his line of work you can't just check your back side. You have to look beside you and up and down. 
Donghae makes it past the flight gate and starts to walk down the american hallways lined in english adverts. Donghae takes a deep breath as he walks at the same pace as the crowd. A couple of people bump into him and they say sorry and other words in english he  figures is an apology. Another man bumps into him and Donghae is in shock. "Boss...." 
Deasung stands in front of his employee with a smirk on his face. "So...what you up to?" 
Donghae can't believe that his boss is here...."I'm planning on trying to find Seunghyun" 
"Oh really?" says Daesung crossing his arms in the middle of the crowded hallway. Donghae is still so shocked people are constantly having to find their way around him. "Why are you standing there? Carry on..." 
Donghae wants to slap himself. He is stuck in a bind....He just hopes that Dong Wook will see the situation before he goes to the baggage claim. SO instead Donghae starts to walk the path for the parking garage/rental cars. "Where are you going?" 
"TO the parking garage..." says Donghae with a low voice walking ahead of the other. Daesung then curves his lips. "Oh really...so is that what you and Dong Wook discussed on meeting?" Donghae stops in his tracks and freezes in place. He had no idea that Daesung knew of his intenion. Daesung walks in front of the other again and looks into his eyes. "What do your eyes spell?" He gets closer. "Fear." He then takes the man and shoves him into the bathroom that is near by. Donghae freaks and tries to move past the man but only gets pushed back. 
"ing stay there and don't move!!" Daesung finally drops the calm act and has his full look of evil on his brows. "Why the am I here Donghae." The other man doesn't know how to answer the question. "Why am I here Donghae" says Daesung a little louder. Donghae looks down. "I"m sorry sir..." 
"Sorry for what. I don't know why I'm here." He then balls his fist and punches Donghae in the stomach. Donghae falls to the floor holding his stomach. Daesung then stands in front of the other and looks down at the weak mess in front of him. "I told you to do as I say and you had to get that invovled." Donghae then looks up with pleading eyes. "Sir....forgive me...I won't see Dongwook but please just let me go...I can't do this anymore." says the man with pain in his eyes. 
Daesung kicks the man in front of him. "You don't get that choice. Dogs do what their masters tell them. Now stand." Donghae shakes a bit and tries to stand but fall to the ground. Daesung kicks the man again. "ing stand!" Donghae then with all of his might uses the wall to try to stand to his feet. Daesung then looks the man in the face and throws some liquid soap at him from the dispenser. "Clean your self up dog." Daesung then goes over to the bathroom door and unlocks it to walk out into the public of JFK air port. 
Donghae hobbles over to the sink and looks at his face. Of course it's untouched....Daesung is the dirty type of fighter. He hits where people will never see and he hits hard enough for your to remember .Never the face because that leaves too much question. Donghae then reaches into his pocket to try to grab his phone...but it's not there..."Aish" The younger slams his hands on the sink in front of him. 
Dongwook ends a call to Donghae for the sixth time and he was really hopeing that man would show up. He was just about to put his phone away when Donghae shows up on the caller ID. "Where are you Donghae? I have been waiting." There is no answer on the other line and Dongwook furrows his brows. "It's you...isn't it...?" 
Daesung chuckles on the other line. "Oh is that how you talk to your former co worker" 
"You don't deserve ." says the older looking around to try to track Daesung. "Oh you won't find me there. Try again." 
"You are just sick in the head....just leave us alone...president let it go....why the hell are you still holding on." 
Daesung clenches the phone tighter. "Becase Seunghyun doesn't know how to appreciate people. I made him. How dare he with me." 
"You are never going to get anywhere, but jail. This is harassement." 
"Oh I don't think that will happen to me. I'm smarter than that. I will just make your lives miserable with press. I'm sure that would love some attention." 
"Watch it er. Where is Donghae." 
"Oh he is near and where he supose to be. Nice try trying to lure him in. It will never work. My dogs obey me." 
"You can kick a dog only so many times....before it bites back." DongWook hang up the phone. He doesn't want to wait for Donghae any longer because now the situation is not safe. Daesung is a man who can be very stupid so the best thing to do is to get out of sight. 
///////////////////////////////New Home//////////////////////
Jiyong has finally made in to his new home. He is currently blind folded and he is going crazy at how his family members are talking about the space and how lovely it all is. "Hyunnieeeee...." Jiyong whines. "Why am I the only one blind folded?" 
Seunghyun chuckles and takes the smaller hand in his. "Just a little longer." Jiyong is being carefully moved over to a sofa. He takes a seat in the plush fabric and Jiyong takes a feel at the fabric. "Omo....so soft." Seungyun and everyone else chuckles. Jiyong laughs a bit as well. 
Finally Seunghyun starts to untie the blindfold. "You ready for this?" 
Jiyong nods. "Really...." 
The blind fold is taken off and Jiyong is flabergasted. The place that he is sitting in is huge. So big he would think it's a hotel lobby, but this is home. It's over 8 thousand square feet and in NYC...it would make anyone way to slap themselves to see if it's all real. "Hyunnie...it's beautiful." The decor is beautiful with it's dark woods and silver accents. There are fresh flowers everywhere with designer vases. Jiyong looks at his lover. "Baby...it's beautiful." 
Seunghyun then kneels on one knee taking the smaller hand in his. Jiyong smiles. "What are you up to mister?" Seunghyun smiles and brings out yet another ring box. He opens it to reveal the engagement ring that Jiyong already owns, but had to be taken off due to the weight gain. "Kwon Jiyong...I know that we kinda did things out of order, but our dysfunction makes life perfect. What I would love the most is having you by my side. With your family to witness us sharing our love. I couldn't be happier. You mean so much to me you deserve a proper proposal...Marry me...properly" Seunghyun stares up into the coffee eyes with the ring still in his hand. Jiyong of course nods. " I can't imagine life with someone else." 
"You better stay by my side." 
"Always" Jiyong smiles as the ring is slipped on his finger
. Everyone starts to cry and show signs of joy. Jiyong who is still a little hormonal sheads tears. He leans forwards and gives his lover a couple of quick kisses. "I love you. Your first proposal was perfect and this one is even more perfect." 
YoungBae then pulls out a bucket of champain. "Let's celebrate!!" Everyone gathers around taking glasses in hand. Jiyong and Seunghyun for now choose not to drink because Jiyong is still healing and also Jiyong is feeding, but they don't mind everyone else drinking. With the baby in Jiyong's arms he looks at how this place already feels like home....even though it's massive. 
Dami comes over to her brother. "I get to touch of this stuff anytime I want to right?" 
Jiyong laughs. "Of course. It's our home." 
"Good..." The older smirks... she then points at her father. "Appa...one glass is enough." Everyone chuckles and Jiyong is brought back to another sense of normal. His ghetto family is still the same...slightly unclassy and he loves it. Seunghyun brings a paper over to the sofa next to his lover. "Look the press is being nice today..." 
"Yea thanks to our Public relations team." says Dongwook coming into the house followed by a grinning Seungri. The younger comes over to Jiyong and looks him over. "Did you use the pump yet hyungs?" 
Jiyong chuckles and looks at his lover. "Aish is he always like this." 
Seunghyun chuckles and nods. "Ne." 
Jiyong then looks at the younger then smiles. "I will use one day" 
****Beeen a while eh? Well thank you for reading. I know it's been a while so leave me so feeed back after you are done reading. I love comments no matter how long. Thank you again for reading!!
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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^