Three days

What's left behind
It's been three days since the delivery and Jiyong is already back in the hotel suite. Luckily they were able to sneak the whole family back to the hotel with out getting noticed. The Choi's of course got a suite next to the Kwon's because they want to be as close as possible to their grand baby. 
Jiyong loves the family but he is so in love with his new baby Jihyun. He has to feed the baby every three hours so there is a lot of bonding time that goes by. His s are not as sore and the baby is latching properly. Seunghyun has of course been taking care of Jiyong and making sure that Jiyong has his nursing pillow ready to feed. 
Seunghyun so far has been a great daddy changing all of the diapers and giving the baby lot of love. Every time he kisses the little one it coos and stares back at his appa with his grey eyes. Babies when they are first born don't have a true eye color for a couple months. So at times the baby's eyes look grey which is a cool thing. Seunghyun feels that Jihyun will get his eyes because they are so captivating. 
Right now Jiyong is feeding the baby again. Seunghyun finds the whole feeding thing new and loves how the baby eagerly eats off his lover's . The baby coos while he eats and Jiyong loves that he is feeding his baby important nutrients that will protect him. Seunghyun rubs the little feet and smiles. "He is so beautiful." Jiyong looks over at his lover and smiles. "Ne...he truly is...because we made him." Seunghyun smiles and leans in to kiss his lover. Jiyong releases the kiss and smiles. "We need to switch." 
Jiyong is still healing from his surgery so lifting the baby is still a little hard for him. The doctor says after a week he should be fine again. For now Seunghyun helps Jiyong lift the baby from to . The baby quickly latches on again and starts to again. The little mouth takes in the milk and Jiyong chuckles. "He eats well like you do" 
Seunghyun grins "Well he has a Choi gene in him." 
Jiyong nods. "Ne he does. He likes my milk as much as you like my s." Seunghyun chuckles. "Oh I do indeed. If you need help with anything regarding those precious things I will be glad to help." The older purrs. Jiyong almost moans as he slaps his lover. "Hyunnie...not in front of the baby." 
The older chuckles and kisses Jiyong's shoulder. "He doesn't know what we are talking about love. He just love to eat and poop and love at the moment." 
Jiyong chuckles again. "Ne he does." There is a knock at the door and Dami comes into the room. The couple finds it funny that their sister is knocking now. "Hey guys." Dami smiles as she sees her brother feeding. "Those knockers producing milk still?" Jiyong chuckles. "Ne they are...if I run out Jihyun can try yours." 
"Yah" says the older getting on the edge of the bed to stare at her nephew. "You guys did a good job ing." The couple turns red and Seunghyun smirks. "Well my like Jiyong." 
"Yah yah you two. I just got use to feeding in front of the life again..." 
Dami chuckles. "What ever. We use to talk about guys all the time" 
Seunghyun sits up in interest. "Oh he did? Do tell" 
Dami smirks at an embarrassed Jiyong. "He use to gush over men's bodies when we were younger....and come to think of it...even of course. You have nice abs according to him." 
"Okay enough talks of men's bodies...geez can I feed in peace." 
"I will. Just waiting to pick up my cutie pie" 
"Cutie pie." says Jiyong. "Did you just use a pet name....?" 
Dami nods. "Ne only for Jihyun. I love him too much already." 
"Did you bathe?...and brush your teeth?" 
"Of course I did...I'm not a dirty... I sanitized..." Jiyong has been kind of OCD about everyone having clean hands around his baby. It's true that baby's are highly acceptable to sickness. Jiyong makes sure to only have family hold the baby for only so many minutes and Jihyun has to be with him. Jiyong also doesn't want the baby away from him. 
He trust Seunghyun with the baby going out for a couple of minutes but nothing more. Jiyong at the moment feels restricted due to the c section. The surgery scar is long and is below his lower abdomen. The stitches are still healing and the surgery line is still healing. A nurse has to come in every six hours to check Jiyong's levels because it is vital that he is at the proper blood pressure. Since Jiyong is a man, giving birth is something a man is not programmed to do. 
Jiyong doesn't mind being on bed rest because he gets all the food he wants and people wait on him hand and foot. Also the bonding time with the baby is tons of fun with him. Him and Seunghyun also have been looking at the plans for the house every now and then. 
The whole house bit was a total surprise to him. Eight bedroom townhouse in Queens is just luxury. He knows that the place is three stories and there are huge bedrooms and pretty much everyone will live under one roof. There is plenty of room to even grow a family. Even if Bae and Dara conceived there would be a room for their child. 
Jiyong is really getting the feeling of being a part of Seunghyun's life. He has done so much for him and now he is willing to live full time in the US with Jiyong. The younger lifts Jihyun off the and quickly turns the baby to pat it's back. "BURP" goes the little one and everyone chuckles. 
"Wow he even burps like you Jiyong." says Dami picking up the baby. "Is he wet yet? I wanna change him." Jiyong chuckles. "He's not a doll. He pisses when he feels like it." 
"Just asking." says  Dami putting a towel over her shoulder....babies tend to spit up. Mrs. Kwon comes into the room and looks at the three. "Jiyong ah...can we take the baby for a little bit. We want to take some pictures and bond a bit. I promise I will be the only one holding him...." 
Jiyong gets defensive.." You could all come in here..." 
"Jiyong..." says Seunghyun rubbing his fiance's hand. "Let them spend some time with him. They will be good. You trust them right?" 
Jiyong then sighs. "Okay...only for ten minutes....if you are not back I'm getting out of bed." 
"No you are not baby...I will come get him in ten minutes mother. Is that enough?" 
She smiles. "Ne that will be plenty. I was the same with Dami when I first had her...I understand." Jiyong then remembers. His mom was a mom too....duh..."You can keep him for 15 minutes...and only 15 mom" 
"Oh really...thank you son" 
Dami stands with the baby and smiles. "Daddies need time to make sister..." 
The couple blushes "Noona...go on now..." says Jiyong trying not to raise his voice in front of the calm baby. The little one leaves the room and Jiyong almost wants to follow.. "It's okay baby." 
Jiyong then starts to tear up. "What's wrong baby?" says the older wiping away a tear. "He he isn't here..." Jiyong tears up again. "I know he is outside the door...but because I'm not holding him..." 
Seunghyun then decides to change the 15 to maybe five or ten minutes to visit with family. Jiyong wipes his eyes and then stares at his lover. He leans in and kisses his lover on the lips for the first time in three days. They have been so busy with family it's hard to get intimate now. Seunghyun welcomes the kiss and kisses his lover sweetly. He doesn't want to kiss too hard because Jiyong will kiss too hard back making the younger hurt a bit. 
The doctor said no for four weeks. It really made Seunghyun want to shove ice down his pants....but he understands. He now has the most amazing gift from the one he loves. The older plays with Jiyong's necklace. "Remember when I gave you this." He kisses Jiyong's chest. The younger smiles. "How could I not..I was being a jerk and hiding my big belly..." 
"I still knew you loved me." 
"I know you did...and I still loved you" 
"I know." The older smiles again and kisses his lover. Jiyong releases the kiss and takes his lover's hand. "Are you ever going back to Korea?" 
"I will...but I want to get things settled here before I head to the new company. I have plenty of money don't worry baby..." 
"No not just that....but Korea is home...this is just...a concrete jungle..." 
"You are home. Where ever you are. I'm just fine. I don't need Korea...but will you ever want to visit?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne. I really wish to see the homeland." the younger smiles cheesily . "Just kidding. I really wish to visit Seoul and the company...and have Jihyun experience his appa's city." 
"Of course baby." Seunghyun is happy that Jiyong is talking about visiting Korea. In the future he wants to make sure that his family is always with him. Whether it's them in NYC or Korea. Jiyong understands that they might have to travel at times but he is perfectly content, as long as they are together. Seunghyun wants to help Jiyong improve his Korean and also he wants teach their son. Jiyong's Korean is good....but it is very american. It's cute...but could use improvement. 
The great thing about now is that the tabloids still don't know who Jiyong is and the fact that he is a man and had a child. Seunghyun is not wanting the press in anything right now. Right now his company is saying that Seunghyun is filming right now in Italy for a soft drink add. He loves the power of the press and also fearful of how scary they can be. 
Now that Jihyun is here he has to be extra careful. "Are you doing okay baby? You want something to eat?" 
"No my love. I feel just fine. Why do you ask?" 
"Well we have been through a lot...and I know that you keep things to yourself sometimes....I saw these baby..." He pulls out some tabloids that Jiyong secretly told the cleaning lady to get him. Seunghyun came across them when Jiyong fell sleep late at night and it worries him that he looks at the fake accusations all day. Stress is not good for feeding or for Jiyong. 
Jiyong looks down. "Sorry baby....I didn't mean to hide things from you" 
Seunghyun lifts Jiyong's chin and kisses him. "I don't want you worrying over these things baby. All of it is fake. This life that we are going to live now we will have to ignore the press. They can be your friend and they can turn against you at any second ...just ignore it...don't read it please..." 
"I won't baby....I'm sorry...." 
"Jiyong never have to say sorry. I just want you to be happy. My job is to protect you and our family. Our new baby is the most important thing to us so we need to be a team...and not hid things." The older chuckles stealing another kiss. The door opens and Jihyun comes back in with Dami holding him. She places the baby back into Jiyong's arms
 Jiyong tears up. "My baby, I have missed you" 
"Oh gosh" Dami rolls her eyes. 
Jiyong hugs his little one and Jihyun wraps his little hand around Jiyong's finger. "I love you little one" Seunghyun kisses his son. "I love you my son. Daddies love you" He kisses Jihyun and Jiyong both on the forehead. He lifts Jiyong's hand. "So when are we getting hitched baby?" 
"When this whole crazy paparazzi mess stops." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "There will always be someone taking our picture." 
"True" Jiyong nods and agrees with a laugh. "Well after the current scandal before the next scandal." 
Seunghyun chuckles "Before the next one. What are we up to?"
Jiyong smiles and sits up straight making the baby coo. "This just in Jiyong is now Seunghyun's husband. How glamorous is he with their beautiful baby. Omo is that a ring on his finger....he is so glamorous. I wish I was them. What a scandal" says the younger impersonating the news. Seunghyun can't help from laughing. "Indeed you will be glamor. I had no idea you were so into fashion." 
Jiyong shrugs  his shoulder. "I never was because I couldn't afford it." 
"Oh you will have fashion sense and even more. You will be spoiled rotten by me personally" 
Jiyong laughs. "I don't need that. I just need you." 
"I know...but gifts is my way of showing love too." The older reaches behind his pillow and pulls out a box. Jiyong eyes the box and grins. "You..." he lightly punches his lover. He opens the box to reveal another necklace. "It's another necklace with the date of Jihyun's birth. Do you like it?" Jiyong grins. "I love it. So beautiful...when our baby gets big enough he can wear it" 
"That's the plan." One for you for the day we first met. One for our baby's birth and one for me. " Seunghyun then reveals a necklace of his own. "baby that's a day ahead of the day we first met...." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "This is the day that I fell in love with you...which is while we were making love...which is technically the next day..." Jiyong chuckles and kisses his lover. "You nerd." 
"You are about to marry one and you have a son that is a half a nerd...because of me." 
Jiyong steals a kiss. "I welcome you both." 
Daesung spins in his chair. He throws papers at his secretary. "I told you to search dammit!" 
"But he is not in Italy sir....I asked every where and the company refuses to talk to me...." 
"Well it..." he picks up the phone. "President. I have some information that you might like to hear...." 
Yang sighs. "Give up Daesung...." 
"But sir I really do have.." 
Yang hangs up on the man. He is tired of fighting with the press. Seunghyun clearly doesn't care and he has left the company. He can't use bad press himself. 
Daesung growls and slams his phone down on the receiver. "How dare he!" Donghae comes into the room and bows. "You called me sir?" 
"Ne. I need you and Siwoon to go back to Queens....They are still there....Go to Okay magazine and tell them what I told you." 
Donghae hates that he is doing this. "But sir..." 
"Just do it!" 
Donghae sighs. "Fine..." says the younger walking out the door. Donghae then picks up his phone as he goes down the hallway. "Hyung...I can't do this anymore..." Donghae really can. Him and Siwoon are tired of being the dogs of the company. 
"You are doing the right thing" says the other on the other line.
"What should I do...he gave me orders to come back again..." 
"Come...but call me as soon as you get here. Okay?" 
"Ne...thanks Dongwook hyung...I hope that Jiyong will forgive me one day..." 
"He will be mad...but in time he might understand. The fact that you are stepping out from your position is a great start for your are too young. I'm proud of you" 
"Really sir?" 
The older chuckles. "Ne I'am. I was once a dog of YG...and I over came it. Don't miss your flight. See you in a couple hours."
"I will get on the flight now..." 
Donghae hangs up the phone and gets on the elevator. Little did he know...
Daesung heard the whole conversation....
***Thank you for reading! I really enjoy your comments! Please leave me feed back no matter how short or how long I love them. Also upvote this story. Thanks for reading!! Later!!
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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^