Auto Delivery

What's left behind


The time has come for baby Jihyun to be born. Jiyong feels the baby trying to figure a way out and it's painful. The baby is kicking more than ever and combined with labor pains it's pure hell. The whole way to the hospital suite Jiyong is bitting his lip to suppress the pain. Seunghyun feels as the smaller hand in his tightens and releases as the contractions get stronger and stronger. 
Jiyong is in a beautiful room in luxurious linens and in a Chanel hospital gown...but the younger doesn't really notice the surroundings. Jiyong remembers pain and fusing over his mother slipping him into his hospital gown. He just wants the baby out and he wants it now. Seunghyun is just as stressed but he doesn't show it. He figures that he will have at least two working fingers before the surgery since Jiyong has taken the circulation out the others. Since Seunghyun is only allowed in the room as a guest during the C section everyone else has to wait in the hospital suite for the baby's arrival. 
Dr. Park comes into the room and goes over to a uncomfortable Jiyong. He smiles gently "We can prepare you for surgery now Jiyong Shi." He pats Seunghyun's shoulder. "You are about to become father's" He looks the two over and Jiyong smiles a bit. "Can you numb the pain a bit." The doctor nods. "I have already sent the nurse to get your medicine to numb you for surgery. You won't feel a thing. Just a little pressure and then will come baby" 
Jiyong smiles and looks over at his fiance. "'s almost time" The younger looks at the round belly and watches as it moves. Mrs. Kwon wipes tears from her eyes and Dami chuckles. "Mom the baby is not here yet." She wipes her tear. "It's just so beautiful..." Everyone else chuckles and hopes that Jiyong's nurse will be there soon. 
Seunghyun kisses his lover. "How are you feeling baby?" 
"Like I'm going to be split in two..." Jiyong groans as he leans his head to the side. He is ready for that shot. " can I get some drugs." Jiyong has another contraction and it's a strong one. Everyone hates to see the younger in so much pain. Seunghyun then yells towards the hall. '"Where the ing nurse. My husband is in pain..." 
Jiyong chuckles which makes Seunghyun look down. "I'm not your husband yet pabo." 
Seunghyun chuckles and pushes back Jiyong's sweaty hair. " can you chuckle in so much pain" 
"I come from a long line of Kwons." Jiyong chuckles again and winces due to another contraction. Finally the nurse comes into the room with the meds. Dr. Park then apologizes as he injects the numbing medicine in his blood stream. In seconds Jiyong's lower half is completely numb. The sharp pains quickly change to light thumps. 
Seunghyun is relieved that Jiyong is no longer wincing and biting his lip. "You feel better baby?" says the older concerned. Jiyong looks up. "So much better baby bear." 
Dami comes up to the hospital bed and takes her other brother's hand. "When you get knocked up again it won't be as bad." She grins and Jiyong chuckles. "You just know how to make me feel warm noona." 
The older pats Jiyong's shoulder. "Glad to be of good news...I was scared for a bit...I have never seen you in such pain before." Jiyong squeezes his sister's hand. "I'm okay noona. Thank you for being there for me in the beginning. I love you" Jiyong smiles gently and Dami tears up a bit. " me all emotional...they need to hurry up and bring me my nephew." 
Seungri grins over at the couple. "Hyung's can I be a uncle?" The younger grins and Seunghyun can't help but laugh. "Of course Ri and you too Dong Wook Hyung." 
The older nods in agreement. "Good decision. Oh and I cleared your schedule and told people you are on vacation" 
"Well I pretty much am. Here with my wonderful baby" 
Mr. Kwon goes over to Seunghyun and pats his shoulder. "Thank you for taking care of my son...for loving him as much as we do." Seunghyun turns and hugs Jiyong's father. "I love you father." The older laughs gently "Such a sweet son...Jiyong you have a good one." 
Jiyong smiles "I know" 
A couple of nurses including Dr. Park come into the room. "Okay Jiyong and Seunghyun let's  head to the operating room" 
//////////////The Operating Room///////////////////
Dr. Park and his assistants are now proceeding with the operation. Jiyong has a blue tarp of separation in front of him while they operate. In a C section the patient stays awake. Seunghyun who is in scrubs as well is holding his lover's hand while they patiently wait for their baby's cry. 
The Doctor makes the incision across the belly and gets busy getting to the womb. He then makes it to the prize area. Jiyong looks over at his lover and smiles. "I'm so excited..." Seunghyun noods. "Nee the beeps have increased a bit. I can't wait to" Seunghyun gets cut off to the most amazing sound of his life. His son. 
"WAAAAAAAHHH WAH WAAAAH WAAAAAAAAH" Screams the newborn baby. Jiyong and Seunghyun instantly start crying. Dr. Park cuts the umbilical cord and then places the baby blood and all on Jiyong's chest. Jiyong sees his son for the first time and it's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in his life. "Oh God you are so beautiful" Jiyong cries. Seunghyun looks in awe as his son screams. He looks up at Dr. Park. "He's a Choi with that scream." The Doctor nods and lets the new family bond more with the baby as he finishes the operation.
"Jihyun ah it's daddy" Jiyong coos to the baby and instantly it starts to calm down. "Jihyun it's appa" The baby continues to cry a bit and looks around at it's parents. It's little arms and legs wiggle on Jiyong's chest and the two laugh at their beautiful son. The nurse comes over. "I will clean your baby now." 
Jiyong nods as the baby is taken away. The two watch as their son is cleaned, measured, and printed before their eyes. Jiyong then gets emotional again as he sees his son being swaddled in the blanket that was once his as a baby. Dr. Park comes over. "You did well Jiyong. Your baby is 8lbs and 4oz. He is 20 inches long." Seunghyun then grins "Aigo he will be a tall one like appa."
Dr. Park nods. "Ne he has a chance to out grow Jiyong." 
"Yah Doc. I'm a good height." 
"Just playing Jiyong Shi. I will get the nurse to bring you back to the room. Your baby will be in the room when you get there. Jiyong nods and Seunghyun stands. "I'm going to tell the family." Jiyong nods as the nurses come over to help him. 
///////////////////////Hospital Suite///////////////////
Everyone stands as they see Seunghyun enter the room with his blue scrubs and cap. "He's a healthy boy 8bls 4oz and 20"s tall." Everyone breaks out in emotion to the fact that the baby is finally here. One of the nurses wheels the baby into the room. The little hands behind the glass are wiggling like crazy. Dami and Dara go up to the glass. " are so beautiful." says Dami looking at the little one. "We are your Aunties." says Dara talking to the little one. 
Bae comes up behind his lover and back hugs her gently "He looks just like the both of them." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "That's a good thing." 
Dara smiles. "He really takes after Jiyong  with his nose and he has your eyes Seunghyun" 
Seunghyun comes over to the baby incubator and puts a hand in. He lets the little hand squeeze it and play with him. Mrs. Kwon comes over. "He already knows who you are. This is a moment that only parents know." 
The younger chuckles and takes his hand out as he hears his fiance's bed approaching. Jiyong looks beautiful for after just having surgery with his hair tucked behind his ears and that natural glow. The pain meds are still in high gear so Jiyong feels like a million bucks. The nurse wheels the baby over. "Would you like to try to feed him now?" Jiyong blushes a bit. "In front of everyone...?" 
Mrs. Kwon then takes the hint. "Come on everyone...Jiyong needs to feed my shoo.." Everyone leaves the room except for Seunghyun and Mrs. Kwon. Jiyong looks over and whines. "Mom..." 
"Oh whatever, you two will need my help the next couple of weeks. You need to learn a few more things from me" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Thank you mother." 
"Of course my wonderful son" 
The nurse comes over with the baby again. This is Jiyong's second meeting and he is in awe once again. "Omo his eyes are like yours hyunnie." 
"Neee and he has your nose Yongie." 
The nurse then helps Jiyong expose his now milk filled . Everyone in the room listens as the nurse gives instructions on how to latch the baby to the . Jiyong then leans the baby to the and the baby latches. Jiyong winces in pain. "Aaaaaiiiigooooo" Mrs. Kwon chuckles. "Hurts huh?" 
Jiyong looks up at his mom and nods and then looks down as his baby feeds off his . Seunghyun watches in awe how his son feeds. "He eats well." 
"Neee he is really letting me know how much he likes it." The baby gums down on the again making Jiyong slightly jump. He laughs "My gosh is it always this painful?" The nurse shakes her head. "You will get use to it. Your will be tender for a while. We will be feeding your baby every three hours. You will get use to the feeling soon" 
Jiyong nods while the nurse helps him to latch the baby on the other . "Look I'm flat chested again. I'm a boy mama. A real boy" Mrs. Kwon chuckles. "Quoting Pinocchio are we." 
Seunghyun makes a confused face. "I didn't watch that one..." 
Jiyong chuckles. "It's an American movie...I will fill you in later" 
The baby finishes it's feeding and Jiyong request to bond for a little bit. Mrs. Kwon leaves the room for the new family to spend time with their baby. "Hyunnie" Jiyong looks up at his fiance. "I love you so much" Seunghyun grins and leans in to kiss his lover sweetly. He then kisses his son who wiggles beneath him. "I love you so much Jiyong. Thank you for our beautiful son." 
Jiyong holds the baby close and watches as it sleeps in his arms. Seunghyun plays with the little bit of hair on the small head and caresses the soft skin. "He is beautiful just like you." Jiyong leans in and kisses his lover again. They softly kiss each other with the passion. Jiyong is so happy that their baby is safe and that Seunghyun is by his side. 
He feels so lucky to have a man that can provide so much for him in their situation. Seunghyun gave up so much just to be with him and he is thankful everyday for it. Now they have a son and they are truly bonded for life. The scandal at the moment is on the back burner. Family is the most important right now. 
"Hyunnie...." Jiyong whispers. The baby has snuggled into Jiyong's arms. Seunghyun leans closer to the bed and kisses the baby again. "Beautiful." Seunghyun takes the smaller hand in his and looks into Jiyong's eyes. "Baby...I promise life will be wonderful for now on. Just focus on being a great daddy and husband. Ne?" 
Jiyong nods. "I will always stay by your side." 
///////////////////The next Morning//////////////////////
It's 9am and Jiyong is up early feeding his son. Seunghyun has made sure to get up with Jiyong and help him. The C section is considered to be a major surgery so Jiyong has to take time to heal. Which means a lot of resting which is nothing too different from a regular delivery. The rest of the family was so excited to see the baby they all stayed up into the night. Most didn't get to sleep until 6am because they just wanted to stare at the baby. Jiyong has gotten use to people being around while he is feeding. He learned to conceal his while the baby eats. Now nothing is awkward for him. It's just simply laughs at the moment as stories of how the Kwons where when they were little. 
Now that's it's 9am everyone is catching up on rest in the other rooms of the three bedroom suite. Seunghyun really out did himself selecting a top of the line hospital with wonderful rooms. Jiyong looks up as he sees people entering the suite. Seunghyun lights up. "Eomma! Appa! You finally made it!" 
Jiyong had no idea that the Choi's were coming to the delivery. He watches as Seunghyun hugs his parents who he has not seen in months. It's  a tearful reunion. "My son we came out on the first plane out when we heard the news."  Mr. Choi looks over at Jiyong. "You are right. He is a handsome lad" 
Jiyong blushes and Seunghyun takes the hand of his lover. "Jiyong. Meet my parents." They all bow and Jiyong is so excited to meet his in laws but also a little guilty due to the fact that he is the reason his fiance has been in the states for so long. Mr. Choi  shakes Jiyong's hand. "I'm shaking your hand American style." Jiyong chuckles at the goofy father. Just like Seunghyun. 
"Jiyong please don't look so guilty. We love that our son finally found love. When he came back to Korea the first time he couldn't stop talking about you. I knew that you would be the one for him." 
"Really?" Jiyong looks over at his fiance blushing.
Mrs. Choi nods. "Ne he wanted to cancel his schedule for a year just to see you again. He was in love from the start. We are happy to have you in the family." Jiyong tears up ."Thank you....thank you...I don't know why I was nervous meeting two are wonderful." 
Mr. Choi chuckles. "Son don't ever be nervous around us. We love you. Now where's my new grandson." Jiyong chuckles and reaches over to the baby bed. He picks up the wiggling son and presents it to the Choi's. "Here is your wiggling grandson." Mrs. Choi instantly starts to cry as she has the little one in her arms. "Oh he is so wonderful. Congrats you two. How do you feed him?" 
Jiyong blushes a bit. "I feed him...." 
Mrs. Choi nods. "Don't be embarrassed Jiyong ah. I fed Seunghyun too and he came out to be a healthy boy" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Mom...." 
"Oh whatever. Most children in this world drank from their mother's milk." 
"Aish mom you have to say it like that." Seunghyun whines. 
Jiyong chuckles. "Are you tired mother?" 
The Choi's shake their heads. "We didn't get off a plane to sleep. We want to talk to you and get to know you more and help you set up." 
Jiyong chuckles. "We have nothing to set up actually." 
Seunghyun grins and brings a paper over. "Actually...we do...I brought us a 8 thousand square foot house in Queens. It's close to your Cafe and Bae's. We can all live together. 
Jiyong tears up. "Ba ba by...really? So big...omo...." say the younger looking at the blue print to the house. 
"Ne...the house is still getting renovated to our taste, so we will stay at the hotel for a bit more. Then after media calms down we will move in." Seunghyun grins and places a kiss on his lover's speechless lips. "Hyunnie..." 
"You will never have to worry again." Seunghyun chuckles. "I think our son agrees too" The little one grabs on to his father's finger. 
Life is good. 

*Hey all long time no write eh? Well sorry about that. I'm a graduate student  and finals week was this past week. I'm finally done with everything for the summer. Thank you for reading. Please write what you think. I love your comments.**


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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^