
What's left behind
Daesung wipes his clean his hands over his cheap motel room sink. "I told you to listen to me Donghae ah" says the older staring at himself in the mirror. "If you would have listened this wouldn't have happened to you. "
The younger lays on the bed with  his hand covering his stomach. Daesung wasn't finished teaching the man a lesson at the airport. Donghae could have fought back but his life would have been more at stake. He doesn't want to lose at life just yet...but he is close to a breaking point.  
"Get up" says Daesung kicking the end of the other man's shoe. "Yah yah...I said get up." Dong Hae looks up at the man with blurry eyes. He sits up with pain running through is body. "Arrrrgh" says the man as he sits up out of breath. His body is so beaten up it takes twice as long to do one action. 
"Now what are you going to do?" says Daesung looking at the man. "Huh?" he says again with a high tone. 
"Find Jiyong...." 
"And do what..." 
Donghae grits his teeth. "And kill him...." 
"Good good. Now go before I decide to do something else you worthless dog...." 
Donghae trails into the hallways of the cheap hotel. He gets looks from other guest but they are just as cheap as he looks right now. Donghae makes his way into the newyork alley and walks into the streets. From the outside he looks okay but like I said Daesung fights dirty...his dogs are always clean on the outside but the damage is hidden. 
Donghae hails a cab. "Where to buddy....woah you don't look so good" says the cabbie looking the sweating man over. "Just drive." 
"To the hospital?" 
"Just drive and I will tell you when to stop...." 
"Sir I" 
Donghae pulls out a gun as he holds his side in pain. "Just ing do it man. I don't want to hurt you" The cabbie starts the car and drives as commanded. Donghae has no idea where to look....he doesn't want to do this....he could do better....but every time he thinks he could be free....he remembers how hard it is to  not be a dog. He takes orders and follows them. "Baby...." says Donghae on his phone. "Donghae ah....why are you calling so early? Where are you?" 
"New York" 
"New York...what are you....I thought that you were getting out...I thought that we were moving on from this life..." says the other disappointed
"I'm sorry....I can't" 
"Donghae ah just come home just" "Eunhyuk ah....I'm sorry...I love might see me or you might not" 
"I'm sorry...." 
The house is huge and Jiyong is already lost in it. He walked into the wrong rooms more than a couple times today. Everyone else is getting use to the huge surroundings and Seunghhyun is glad that they are all getting along. 
The tabloids have calmed down a bit and the older is now able to feel more comfortable about the situation. For now Jihyun is going to be his main focus. His son and his soon to be husband is the most important thing in his life. He can't live with out them. 
Jiyong waddles over to the baby's room. Seunghyun finds the sight adorable as he follow his lover into the room. Jiyong looks into the crib  of their child. "He is so tiny. Ne?" says Jiyong in a whisper. Seunghyun back hugs his lover. "Ne. He will be a big boy soon." 
"Neee. I can't wait to see him grow and talk" 
"Me too. I guess that we will have to see how his brother's and sisters will turn out too." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Hold on there mister eager. One is enough for now." 
Seunghyun smirks and kisses his lover's neck. " I can't make any promises." 
Jiyong laughs. "You are so bad." 
Seunghyun kisses his lover's neck again. "Oh soooo bad bad" 
Dami comes into the room. "Oh so you two in the baby's room too?" 
"Noona...." says Jiyong in a tone.
"Whatever" says the older walking over to the crib. "Aiiiiiiigo you are beautiful my beautiful nephew." The couple watches as Auntie Dami talks to their kid. It's totally a sight because her voice goes up high and she sounds a woman. "Aiiigo I love you baby boy" she wiggles the little one's feet. The baby blinks back at her and wiggles a bit. 
Jiyong laughs. "I think that he is starting to recognize our voices now." 
Seunghyun smiles. "I'm sure he knows when noona is near." 
"yah yah. Auntie Auntie Dami." says the older correcting the two. "So...I want to say thank you..." 
Jiyong's mouth almost drops. "You are thanking him?" 
"Don't make this harder...." Dami grits her teeth. 
Seunghyun smiles. "NO problem. You are my family. I love you all" 
Dami smiles. "Aw you did so well Jiyong" 
"You always say that Noona" says Jiyong in a chuckle.
"Really...well what ever. You have a rich husband...fiance....wait when are you two getting married again." 
"Aish noona you don't listen." says Jiyong. "We are waiting for the tabloids to rest...." 
"Ooooooh ne ne....well I hope it settles fast..." 
Seunghyun sits on the rocking chair. "It will. No worries" 
Jiyong then turns to tug at his lover's arm. "Hyunnie....get up from there....I need to feed Jihyun..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Aigo....well let me help the father of my child." The older then takes the tiny one out of the crib. Jihyun blinks a bit at his appa and coos. Seunghyun kisses the baby as Jiyong takes the baby in his arms. He s his jacket to to then feed the baby. Jihyun latches on and drinks from his daddy. "mmmm" coos the baby while he eats. 
Jiyong plays with the little ones hands as he feeds. Seunghyun just watches in awe. "This will never get old." Jiyong nods. " won' baby....when are you going back?" 
Seunghyun doesn't want to yet...but he will eventually have to go back to Korea to do some work. Since he is a music artist and actor he is  in high demand and his disappearance is starting to get some of his sponsors worried. "I will go back soon soon as I feel you all are safe." 
Jiyong smiles as he rocks the chair. "But I'm safe. You are here....our family is here." 
"Still...there are people out there....I need to be here for a bit." 
Jiyong doesn't argue. He doesn't mind the extra protection. Now that he has his baby now he doesn't want to play around with safety. The risk are still too high for him to even go outside. Still this world doesn't know that Kwon Jiyong is Choi Seunghyun's lover...and they had a child. It iwll be a huge thing for the fans to get over but the couple is prepared for when the day comes. 
"You hungry baby?" says Jiyong looking up at his lover. Seunghyun smiles. "I think that your mom is cooking with the girls down stairs." Jiyong smiles "Ne ne....this home is beautiful..." 
"It's all for you and our son. For you to live happy." Seunghyun bends down to pick up the baby and places him on his chest to burp him. The little one burps a couple times and Jiyong chuckles. "His burps are so cute..." 
"Yea everything is so cute right now." 
//////////////////////////Local Queens Cafe/////////////////////
Donghae walks into the cafe looking for his hyung. The man in the back raises his hand. Donghae goes other to the other and bows without a wince. "I'm glad that you made it. You are okay?" 
"Ne hyung." 
He is with Dongwook. He managed to call him while he was in the cab. He is not sure if he is bugged or not so he opted for them to meet at a random place. The older looks the man over. "What happen to you?" 
Donghae shakes his head. "It's nothing..." 
"It's more than nothing. We need to go to the are almost blue...I know he messed you up at the airport..." 
"I will be fine" 
Dongwook stands up and grabs the man's arm. "Aaah" screams Donghae in pain. The people in the Cafe stare at the man who screamed like a murder. "My God....we are going to a buts...." 
Donghae manages to release the grip and pull away. "No....I'm fine...I just came here to warn you...." 
Dongwook looks the man in the eyes. "Warn me what?" 
"That there is a hit." 
"A hit....towards who...." Dongwook gets closer. "Who?!" 
"Who is going to do it....who is it. Tell me and we can work together to fix this..." 
Donghae shakes his head with tears. "We can't fix can't be can't...." 
Dongwook watches as the man breaks in front of him. "It's you...isn't it...." 
He looks up in shame "I have no choice."
"You have a choice. You can do this....stop this Donghae...." 
"I can't do this anymore...." 
"That's right...we should DONGHAE NO!!" 
The younger then brings a gun to his head. Everyone in the Cafe screams as they witness a broken man in a room full of sweets. Dongwook is in shock. He knew the man was broken but not to this extreme. "YAAAAAH! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS!" 
Donghae continues to cry. "I DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE...." 
Dongwook takes a step daringly forward making the other freak out a bit. "STOP IT! DON'T COME NEAR ME" says the man with a shaky hand. Dongwook just stares at the man. "It's okay. You can have a life outside of this. You can live a good life...just put the gun down." 
Donghae then lowers his voice. "Either way I'm dead....he will kill me...." 
"No he won't...." 
Donghae looks the man in the eyes. "Stop giving me FALSE promises...." 
With all the talking Dongwook has managed to get closer. With a quickness he takes the gun out of the man's hands. Donghae slumps to the floor as the people in the cafe cheer that the man didn't kill himself. Dongwook helps the man to his feet with a smile. "You did good" 
"I'm sorry hyung...I'm sorry i disappointed you...." 
"You didn't disappoint me....what I'm disappointed about is that you don't know how to work a are you going to kill yourself and the safety is on." (meaning that he couldn't shoot the gun with the safety on. Before you shoot a gun you turn the safety off then shoot. Lol learned this from watching too many dramas hehehe)
Donghae smiles a bit laced with pain. "Yah jokes." 
"SO will you go to the hospital...?" 
With all the pain Donghae has fallen sleep. The younger wakes as he hears movement in the room in the room. He looks up to see a tall figure next to his bed. Donghae's eyes widen....
"I'm not going to hurt you....I really wanted to before...but I won't hurt you..." 
Donghae stares at the man no other than Choi Seunghyun. "I'm sorry...." 
"Please don't....I'm not ready for that yet...." says the man looking slightly annoyed.
Donghae sheds a tear. "I know that you may never forgive me....but just know that I'm truly sorry...." 
"What you and your other dogs have done is make Jiyong live a scared life. He was just fine until you forced him to sign a paper and oh yea tasered him. I could hurt you." He leans closer with a growl. "I could kill you too while I'm at it....but you know the difference between me and matter how much they pushed me I was never a dog. Thanks for changing.... I don't hate you...but I'm not going to just forgive you....I have said my peace...." 
"I'm sorry" says Donghae once again. To face the person that you effected is a scary sight. He really thought that Seunghyun was going to kill him because with his money he could get away with it. "I'm sorry.." 
Seunghyun stands and walks over to the door. "I know you are....just give us time..." Seunghyun slides the suite door open. "Just do one thing." 
Donghae sits up. "Ne..." 
"Remember that you are human" The door slides closed. Seunghyun walks down the hall to meet his hyung. "How was it...." 
Seunghyun clenches his fist. "I could have killed him...." 
"But you didn't...." 
"But I didn't...I shared a bit with him...I don't forgive him..." 
"I don't expect you to. I just want you to be able to get some closure from him. He really wants to change..." 
Seunghyun sighs. "I can see it...I hear it in his voice..." the younger admits. "I just wish he made some better choices in life." 
"We all can't plan everything in life Seunghyun...he was so poor being a dog was the only option..." 
"Don't make excuses for him hyung..." 
Dongwook chuckles. "Did you forget already....I once lived that life...." 
Seunghyun almost forgot. "Well I guess there is a chance." Dongwook smiles. "Come come...we have some plans to speak of..the PR team and SM security is waiting for us." 
"Do they know everything?" says the younger stopping in his tracks. Dongwook chuckles ."Now now you think that I'm that stupid. It's to protect you pabo. Kim Woo BIn of security is a good friend of mine and he might have some good insight." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Okay....I will let you take the lead." 
"Don't I always..." 
***Heyy all thank you all for reading! Hope that you are enjoying this story still. Are you all still entertained?Feedback is a great thing, so comment please. I love what you all write no matter how long or how short. Remember there will be drama but there is always a happy ending with all of my just have to handle the things in between. Until next time. Love!


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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^