Good to See You


I ran towards Kira and threw my arms around her. Finally I landed in Seoul! "Where's my boy at?"
"They have an Inkigayo performance tonight, so they're rehearsing right now." We locked arms and walked towards her car.
We left the airport and drove towards the studio. The entire car ride we talked about my short singing career in America and her life in Seoul. I looked around and everything looked so beautiful. There was a specific aura to this city that filled my heart with happiness.
"Okay, I'll let you in after they finish their rehearsal. So just wait here, kay?" I nodded and watched her walk inside the back door of the studio. I wonder how it feels for her to speak English after an entire year of speaking another language.
Butterflies filled the pit of my stomach and sweat started to line my palms. I gripped the handle of my suitcase even tighter. "This is it, Rena. After an entire year of waiting, you can finally be together." I whispered to myself, trying to calm my racing heart.
The door opened and she peeked her out. "Come! They're all anticipating your appearance... Well, all but Junghwan."
I took a deep breath and followed her inside. The fact that I get to surprise my love again after all this time made me want fo scream. But what I feared most, was actually speaking in Korean. I've been spending almost every second of last year learning the language.
We neared their dressing room and I my stomach started doing flips. Kira opened the door. "Junghwan, you have a visitor."
"Hey, what are-" When he saw me walk through the door, the smile escaped his lips and he widened his eyes. "R-Rena?"
I ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug. "Junghwan!"
He hesitated to hug me back but finally he realized that it was me. "Rena!" He picked me up off my feet and twirled me around. He set me down and the others surrounded me.
"Noona! It's good to see you again!" Chanshik hugged me and then passed me to Jinyoung.
"I'm glad to see you, Rena." There was a certain tone to his voice that made me feel nervous.
"I'm really happy to see you all." When they heard me speak, their eyes widened.
"You can speak Korean?!"
I nodded. "I learned when I was still in America. I learned for him."
I smiled at Junghwan and he smiled back awkwardly. He also let out an uneasy chuckle. Then I started to feel it. A faint but surely there feeling of uneasiness hung in the air. I did my best to push away the feeling. But everytime I looked into Jinyoung's eyes, my stomach stirred. And when ever I spoke to Junghwan, I felt like he was uncomfortable. Maybe they're still in shock. Yes, that's it. Shock...

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MinSeung_Ra #1
interesting.. :)
Chapter 13: T.T author-nim!!! You are the best!! Jinyoung is ruining my bias list T.T at first my sandeul feels were exploding but now my jinyoung feels are exploding T.T i feel like i wanna kill sarang and sandeul T.T scratch dat... I wanna kill myself becuz of da overloading feels
Chapter 13: Plz update soon I like the fanfic it's gr8
Chapter 13: I like this fanfic alot! I hope you will continue this story till the end :)
Chapter 9: My Jinyoung feels O_o
This chapter was so...! I don't know, like squishy or something!! It was cute, kekeke and now my feels are all over the place... T^T
JungJinyoungLOVE #6
i need u on quotev! i can't SURVIVE! :(
JungJinyoungLOVE #7
Please update soon! oh…also, why did u stop on quotev? i had to create this account to read ur story! please please please please please please my sad/angry face is taking over and i look like this: >.<
Chapter 8: I love it. Please update soon!!!
Chapter 4: One expression: D8
Wait, but back in the last story, didn't Sandeul support something between Jinyoung and someone else??? So confused -.- Btw poster still coming along~