Unknown Caller


The week after my arrival in Seoul has been a busy one. Kira became their personal assistant, so I've been helping her prepare for their comeback.
Aside from the busy schedule, I spent a lot of time with B1A4. It was fun, but that same uneasy feeling still hung around. Everytime I would meet Jinyoung's eyes, I would feel a slight jump in my stomach. And whenever I was with Junghwan, he would act different. With the others he would be normal, but when I appear, his smiles would become awkward.
I asked him about it, but he only replied, "I just can't believe you're here." before pulling me into a hug. Despite my growing negative thoughts, I didn't ask again. But I think I should.
"What about these?" I held my foot up to his face, showing him the shoe I just tried on.
"Mm, it's nice." He didn't even look up from his phone.
I sighed and put the shoe away. He let out a soft chuckle, typing something. I quickly took the phone from his hand. "What are you doing?"
"Yah!" He snatched the phone away from me. "I was just playing a game!"
He's lying. I saw that he had just sent a text to an unknown number. But I didn't bring it up. I just let him lead me out of the store and into the restaurant. Baro and Kira were already there.
"So, Rena." Sunwoo said with a mouth full of food. "You're studying Music here?"
I nodded. "I'll be attending Seoul University of the Arts*."
"For singing, right?" Kira chimed in. "You have a beautiful voice."
"Thank y-" Junghwan's cell phone rang, interrupting me.
He looked at the caller ID before he silenced the call. Then he and Sunwoo exchanged a look. Sunwoo slightly shook his head before returning back to his meal. Two more calls came after. Junghwan only repeated the same action. I tried to suppress my suspicion, but it only grew when he stayed silent the rest of the meal.
Who was this person and why were they calling him?

I sighed and laid down on my bed. Today has been a little stressful for me.
"It was her, wasn't it?"
"What?" I sat up and Sunwoo was looking at me with suspicious eyes.
"The calls. They were from her, right?"
"How did you know?"
"I'm not stupid... And neither is Rena." He sat next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I think you should tell her."
My eyes widened in horror. "NO! I can't tell Rena."
"You have to, Junghwan. She'll only grow more suspicious if you continue to keep this from her."
I ran my hands through my hair. "Aishh!"
"What if she finds out?"
"Okay!" I threw my hands up in defeat. "I'll tell her! Just not yet."
"Do it soon. You're starting to make her feel bad."
"What? Why?"
"I overheard her telling Kira that she felt sad because she feels like you're unhappy to see her."
"Of course I'm happy to see her!"
He stood suddenly. "Then show it, hyung."

"Where are going?" I whined.
"Honestly, I don't know."
I sighed loudly and dragged my feet. "So you made me come out in the dark for nothing?"
"Not nothing. I just wanted to spend some time with you before my shoot tomorrow."
"Shoot? For what?"
"You know the drama we recorded the OST for, Second Chance**?"
I nodded. "What about it?"
He smiled at me. "I'm making a cameo appearence in it."
"Can I go with you?"
His smile slowly left his face. "I don't think that'd be a good idea, Rena."
"Why not?"
"These kinds of things can last for a long time. And besides, don't you have school?"
"I can wait for you. And the semester hasn't started yet." My eyes begged his. "So can I please go with you? I haven't seen you in so long."
He hesitated before answering me. Then he sighed. "Alright."
Somehow we found our way to a park. We both sat at a swing and stared at the stars in the night sky. A few minutes passed in silence. But I needed to ask him.
"I-" We both said at the same time.
He chuckled softly. "You go first."
"I have a question for you." He nodded, allowing me to go on. Before I asked, I took a deep breath and met his eyes. "Do you love me, Junghwan?"
My question must've caught him off guard. "What?"
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do." He answered quickly.
"Then can you tell me why you've been acting strange around me? And why you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend yet?"
This time, he didn't answer me as fast. He continued to stare at the stars. "Junghwan?"
"I'm happy you're here, Rena. I really am. I guess I'm still in shock that you're actually here in front of me." He sighed. "But I can't ask you to be my girlfriend right now."
I only nodded. Relationships were hard for idols to maintain, almost impossible. But still... A small part of me couldn't help but think that the mysterious caller has something to do with this. Then almost as if on cue, the shrill ring of Junghwan's cell phone cut through the quiet atmosphere.

*Made the name up. I can't remember the name of Seoul's art school.
**Also made this name up. As far as I know, there is no drama with the name Second Chance.

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MinSeung_Ra #1
interesting.. :)
Chapter 13: T.T author-nim!!! You are the best!! Jinyoung is ruining my bias list T.T at first my sandeul feels were exploding but now my jinyoung feels are exploding T.T i feel like i wanna kill sarang and sandeul T.T scratch dat... I wanna kill myself becuz of da overloading feels
Chapter 13: Plz update soon I like the fanfic it's gr8
Chapter 13: I like this fanfic alot! I hope you will continue this story till the end :)
Chapter 9: My Jinyoung feels O_o
This chapter was so...! I don't know, like squishy or something!! It was cute, kekeke and now my feels are all over the place... T^T
JungJinyoungLOVE #6
i need u on quotev! i can't SURVIVE! :(
JungJinyoungLOVE #7
Please update soon! oh…also, why did u stop on quotev? i had to create this account to read ur story! please please please please please please my sad/angry face is taking over and i look like this: >.<
Chapter 8: I love it. Please update soon!!!
Chapter 4: One expression: D8
Wait, but back in the last story, didn't Sandeul support something between Jinyoung and someone else??? So confused -.- Btw poster still coming along~