Late Night Visit


Rain poured down heavily, when just a few minutes ago, it was a light drizzle. I sighed and filled two cups with coffee. Even though I didn't expect Jinyoung to really show up in the rain, I still hoped he would. So thats why I rushed to make coffee for him.
I had just settled on the couch when there was a knock on the door. I hurriedly opened the door and pulled Jinyoung inside. "Pabo, why did you come?"
"I wanted to talk," he answered, sheepishly.
"It just started raining after you called!" I pulled him to the couch and rushed to grab some towels. "Now look at you! You're all wet."
"Mianhae. You won't kick me out, will you?"
"Of course not," I re-entered the living room and sat next to him. I tugged on his jacket. "Take this off." He did as he was told while I started drying his hair with a towel.
"I can do this myself," he said as he pulled the towel out of my hands.
"Would you rather mess with your hair and let me handle this?" I pulled up his soaked shirt and poked his abs.
"Yah!" he jumped. "Can you just get me something dry to wear?"
I chuckled softly and went to Kira's room to search for something of Sunwoo's that he can wear. I found him a pair of sweats and one of my sweaters.
Quietly, I peeked at Jinyoung from behind the wall. His shirt was off and his flat stomach glistened in the light. He ran the towel over his chest and behind his neck. I just stood and watched, totally entranced by his body.
"Rena," he called. "Did you find anything?"
I snapped out of it. "Y-yes." I handed him the clothes and he went to the bathroom to change.
When he came out of the bathroom, the sweater hung from his body like a curtain. That didn't help my self esteem at all. Aside from that, he looked like he was modeling sports wear. He smiled at me and sat next to me on the couch.
"Uh... I'll take these." I grabbed the wet clothes from Jinyoung's hands. I ran back to the bathroom and laid them out to dry.
"So, now can we talk?" He asked me. I nodded, allowing him to continue. "Do you know why I'm doing this? Why I'm going to such lengths to make sure you're okay?"
I kept quiet and stared at my hands.
"Because I care about you like a sister. We haven't known each other very long, but I've grown a soft spot for you. And what Junghwan did to you..." he shook his head. "I feel somewhat responsible."
"What? Why?"
"Because I knew everything. I knew of his promise to you. And I didn't do anything to stop him from getting closer to Sarang. I just stood there and watched." He looked at me sympathetically. "I feel like I have to make it up to you."
"I don't need you to feel sorry for me, Jinyoung. I already feel pathetic enough."
"I don't just feel sorry. Like I said, I've grown a soft spot for you. All I want to do is protect you."
I looked him with warm eyes. "Gomawo. I'm really glad to have you to help me through this." I leaned over to kiss his cheek. When my lips met his skin, I jumped back. He was freezing!
"What?" He looked at me, confused.
"You're freezing cold! Here." I gave him a blanket and cuddled up to him. Touching his cold skin gave me goosebumps but I didn't care.
At first, he was a little hesitant toward my actions. But after a moment, he gave in. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he placed his arm around my shoulder and laid his head on mine. I'm sure if someone were to see us right now, we'd look like a couple. But maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

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MinSeung_Ra #1
interesting.. :)
Chapter 13: T.T author-nim!!! You are the best!! Jinyoung is ruining my bias list T.T at first my sandeul feels were exploding but now my jinyoung feels are exploding T.T i feel like i wanna kill sarang and sandeul T.T scratch dat... I wanna kill myself becuz of da overloading feels
Chapter 13: Plz update soon I like the fanfic it's gr8
Chapter 13: I like this fanfic alot! I hope you will continue this story till the end :)
Chapter 9: My Jinyoung feels O_o
This chapter was so...! I don't know, like squishy or something!! It was cute, kekeke and now my feels are all over the place... T^T
JungJinyoungLOVE #6
i need u on quotev! i can't SURVIVE! :(
JungJinyoungLOVE #7
Please update soon! oh…also, why did u stop on quotev? i had to create this account to read ur story! please please please please please please my sad/angry face is taking over and i look like this: >.<
Chapter 8: I love it. Please update soon!!!
Chapter 4: One expression: D8
Wait, but back in the last story, didn't Sandeul support something between Jinyoung and someone else??? So confused -.- Btw poster still coming along~