My Super Hero?


"And he didn't even apologize?!"
"Well, he tried to at the end but I think he just didn't want to see me cry."
"There's so many things I can say right now, Rena. You have no idea how pissed I am."
I sighed, "I know."
"You can always come back, you know. You don't have to stay there with that jerk."
"I don't want to run from this, Kimmy. And I don't want to leave before classes even start. I'll just stick around for a semester. Besides, I don't think I'll be alone."
"Whoa," she pushed her face up to the screen. "What do you mean?"
"Well, after what happened, Jinyoung took me to a music store and played the piano and sang for me."
"He did?!" she practically screamed at me. "That's so sweet!"
"Guess what else he told me."
"These are his words exactly: 'I promise you I'll make you whole again.'"
I covered my ears as she screamed even louder this time, "Oh my God, Rena! That's so romantic!"
"He came to your rescue after you just got your heart broken! He's like your super hero!"
"...My super hero?"
Just then my phone started ringing. I found that strange since it's two in the here in Seoul. Usually people would be sleeping at this hour.
"Hello?" I answered in English.
I could feel my tummy doing flips. "Jinyoung?" Kimmy gasped and covered . Quickly, I switched from English to Hanguk. "Why are you awake at this hour?"
"I could ask you the same question."
"Well I asked first so answer me."
He sighed, "I called because I couldn't sleep and I guessed that you'd still be awake as well."
"Good guess," was all I could say.
"And I also wanted to make sure you were okay."
"How do you think I'm feeling?" I asked, rhetorically. "I can't get his words out of my head."
"Right... Mianhae." I didn't answer him. After a while he asked, "So what are you doing? Why are you still awake?"
I facepalmed myself. I forgot all about Kimmy. "I'm doing a video call with my best friend. Hold on." I put the phone down and turned back to Kimmy.
"I got it, I got it." She smiled at me knowingly "Goodnight, Rena."
I gave a weak smile and blew a kiss to her. "I'll call you soon. Have a good day, okay?"
"Good luck, Rena. Bye!" And then she was gone.
"I'm back," I said, picking up the phone.
"So, why can't you sleep?"
"My heart is too troubled for me to fall asleep."
"Don't you have jetlag?"
I gave an empty laugh. "My heart is jetlagged. But not my body."
"Well... Do you want some company? Kira's here so I know that you're alone."
"No, no. I'm okay."
"Rena," he sighed heavily. "I know you're not okay."
I didn't want to answer him. Right now, I wish Jinyoung was here. I wanted him to make me feel better. But I didn't want him to see me fall apart all over again.
"That's it, I'm coming over. Wait for me okay?" Then he hung up.

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MinSeung_Ra #1
interesting.. :)
Chapter 13: T.T author-nim!!! You are the best!! Jinyoung is ruining my bias list T.T at first my sandeul feels were exploding but now my jinyoung feels are exploding T.T i feel like i wanna kill sarang and sandeul T.T scratch dat... I wanna kill myself becuz of da overloading feels
Chapter 13: Plz update soon I like the fanfic it's gr8
Chapter 13: I like this fanfic alot! I hope you will continue this story till the end :)
Chapter 9: My Jinyoung feels O_o
This chapter was so...! I don't know, like squishy or something!! It was cute, kekeke and now my feels are all over the place... T^T
JungJinyoungLOVE #6
i need u on quotev! i can't SURVIVE! :(
JungJinyoungLOVE #7
Please update soon! oh…also, why did u stop on quotev? i had to create this account to read ur story! please please please please please please my sad/angry face is taking over and i look like this: >.<
Chapter 8: I love it. Please update soon!!!
Chapter 4: One expression: D8
Wait, but back in the last story, didn't Sandeul support something between Jinyoung and someone else??? So confused -.- Btw poster still coming along~