Sleep Over


"Are you sure you're okay?" Jinyoung asked me, for the thousandth time. "You keep sighing."


"No, don't tell me you're fine. Clearly something is wrong."

I gave him a look. "Then why do you keep asking?"

"Just tell me what's bothering you. I know it's something to do with what happened but I can tell that there's more to it." I didn't answer immediately. I just stared at my hands, unsure of how to start. "Let me make it easer for you. What is it exactly, that upsets you? The fact that he basically cheated on you? Or that he didn't even seem to be truly sorry?"

"Aniya! None of that!" I was surprised he would even say such a thing. "To be honest... I'm not mad at Junghwan at all. I was in the beginning then I realized... it was myself that I was mad at."

"What?" He looked at me incredulously. "Why would you be mad at yourself? You didn't even do anything wrong!"

"Thats it though... I didn't do anything."

"What do you mean?"

"I let myself fall for him. I fell for an idol, even though I knew how ridiculous it would be."

Jinyoung sighed. "Thats why you're mad? Because you let yourself love him? You can't blame yourself for feeling this way."

I shook my head. I needed to stop this conversation before I started.crying. "Aish, Jinyoung! You don't get it! But I have no energy left in me to cry so can we just drop it?"

"Arasseo..." He squeezed me lightly and stood from the couch, and walked to the window. "Aigo, its raining even heavier now." Just as he spoke, lighting lit up the sky and thunder roared in the distance. I jumped and curled into a ball on the couch. I hated thunderstorms.


I heard her yelp. When I looked back, she was curled up and covering her ears. I immediately went over to comfort her, but I hesitated when I was only a few inches from her. Was this appropriate? Another flash lit up the room, followed by the crack of lighting striking the earth. She yelled again and I saw a tears slowly running down her face. I didn't hesitate this time.

I pulled her up and enveloped her in my arms. She was shaking and her heart was beating twice as fast as mine. Her hands were grasping on my sweater and she had her head in my shoulder. I could feel the tears soaking into the cloth but I didn't care. Gently, I pulled her towards her bedroom. I led her to her bed and let her bury herself under the covers. Then I walked over to the window and closed the curtains. I her radio and cuddled up next to her. This time she hugged me back. She threw the covers off and wrapped her arms around my waist. It was so sudden, I felt my cheeks burn. "Rena-ya?"

"Thank you, oppa." She scooted just a little closer to me. "Will you stay with me, tonight? I don't want you walking in the storm and I'm...afraid to be alone."

She sounded so pitiful, of course I agreed. I smiled softly and pulled the cover up to her cheeks. I laid us back against the pillows and counted the seconds it took for her to fall asleep. 127. Rena's cheeks and nose were red and her hands were still cold. I took them in mine and them softly while I watched her sleep. Every few seconds she'd let out a sigh and move slighty closer to me. Before I knew it, she was completely curled into my side.

"Jinyoung, what are you doing?" I whispered aloud.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed loudly. I shouldn't be here. I should go. Rena is just a friend; a little sister. Being with her like this is almost wrong. Not to forget, she just broke up with Junghwan. This can't be good for her. I had to leave. I slowly slid off the bed, careful not to make any noises to wake her. Before going, I took one last look at her and everything I thought before was gone from my mind. Rena looked so peaceful, so...pretty. I actually didnt want to leave. So I didn't.

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MinSeung_Ra #1
interesting.. :)
Chapter 13: T.T author-nim!!! You are the best!! Jinyoung is ruining my bias list T.T at first my sandeul feels were exploding but now my jinyoung feels are exploding T.T i feel like i wanna kill sarang and sandeul T.T scratch dat... I wanna kill myself becuz of da overloading feels
Chapter 13: Plz update soon I like the fanfic it's gr8
Chapter 13: I like this fanfic alot! I hope you will continue this story till the end :)
Chapter 9: My Jinyoung feels O_o
This chapter was so...! I don't know, like squishy or something!! It was cute, kekeke and now my feels are all over the place... T^T
JungJinyoungLOVE #6
i need u on quotev! i can't SURVIVE! :(
JungJinyoungLOVE #7
Please update soon! oh…also, why did u stop on quotev? i had to create this account to read ur story! please please please please please please my sad/angry face is taking over and i look like this: >.<
Chapter 8: I love it. Please update soon!!!
Chapter 4: One expression: D8
Wait, but back in the last story, didn't Sandeul support something between Jinyoung and someone else??? So confused -.- Btw poster still coming along~