Deja Vu?!

bad girl N good Man = Love ?


“Just go home.” You said and close your eyes. Next day you wake up with a heavy headache. You try to walk slowly to get shower. You never like this, you hate being sick. When you shower your phone ring. You turn of the shower and answer the phone. “Hello?” “Boss, our ‘North Club’ has been attacked by Tiger Gang.”The other line said.

“What?! I’m on the way.” You rush to your card and race to your club. For a while you forget about your headache. All in your mind is how to get there in less than a minute. Finally you reach your club in time. You run to them, and you skillfully kick and punch them. You let out no mercy.

One of them come to you, and try to slash you with knife, but you dodge him. In reply, you kick him in his crotch and let him screaming in pain. You search for another enemy, but they are becoming more and more.

You grow furious buttired. But still, you don’t let off your guard. While you try to fight with them again, suddenly your headache comes again. When you reach for your forehead, one of your enemies grabs your neck and slammed your body to ground. You let out hissed of pain. And then you pull his leg. You reach his two of his hand to behind and crack them all together. He lost his consciousness. You try to get up in fight again.

You can’t believe how they can get many of man, after you beat them all not too long ago. Finally your man lose to them, you still the one that could stand. You don’t want to run, but it’s not your luck today, you being stabbed in stomach with a knife. You feel into ground. But before he could stab you again, you kick him in chest and run from your club.

It’s hard to get a place to hide since is still a day.
You could loss consiouness at any time. So you stay in behind a car that parked in front of a supermarket. You get rest in there. You ripped your clothe and rolled it to snow then place it in your wounded stomach. You let out a small hissed from your mouth.

You want to go the supermarket and buy a bandage for your wound. But before you think far away, you looked down to your body. All of your white-blue clothes turn into red color. How can you go to the supermarket with this condition? You will attract attention, and they may be able to get you then.
You think again while close your eyes.

Finally you choose to go back to your car where parked in your club. But before you could stand properly, you fall down again. But before that happen, someone hold your body.
Your mind snaps to open. ‘Who’s there?’ you think and turn your head to see.
“You?” you asked with open-wide eyes.

“HI again. ~” he said with smile.

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It's fine unnie! Remember i still support you!
OMG!!!! Unnie!!! Goosebump!!! y? I feel weird..... But i like it. <br />
Update more unnie. Sorry i was so late...:D
JockerFace #3
yap.<br />
u so quick.<br />
finally~ hahaha<br />
JockerFace #5
secret@hei,,,<br />
XD<br />
corra@ he's coming soon..~~<br />
juz wait,,<br />
Oh Where Hero in this Chapter unnie? I can't to see him. Update soon!
Hei~! XD
JockerFace #8
tqz for reading!!<br />
new reader here!~<br />
is it coincidence or is it destiny for them to meet for the second time?..hehehe..<br />
<br />
and omo~<br />
she will use jae?..<br />
poor jae..<br />
he doesn't know a single thing about his father's doings..:(<br />
<br />
looking forward for the next chapter~<br />
can't wait!<br />
update soon~<br />
WOW!!!! Unnie I'm sorry i haven't comment i love it!!! Hero is such a stubborn.<br />
Update more