
bad girl N good Man = Love ?

I got you~~ under my skin.
I got you~~ under my skin.

Your phone rang. Your eyes snap open in no time. “yeoboseyeo?”
“Boss! I found them.” Junki said.
“Ten Minutes in ‘Majesty club’ and don’t forget to bring them.”
You said and ended the call.
You rush into shower, and quickly dressed up. You pick a black long jacket from your closet and wore it since it's snow outside. You walked along your bed to grab your car key. You drive it as speed as the car can. You don’t care if the cop or people shout at you. The point is you don’t want to be late.

You park your car in a front of your club and tossed the key to one of your man. “Where Junki?” you ask he. “In the Cold Room boss”

“Okay.” You speed up your walked when you see the Cold Room. Before you arrive there’s a man waiting you outside. You enter and he follows you. “BOSS!” all of your man bow to you. “Hmm.” It’s all you answer.
“Junki !! Bring them here!” you order while you seat at your big dragon carved chair

Junki with another of your man drag seven people out.
“Boss, there known as U-Kiss. They were the one that mess with our ‘Majesty Club’. “
You take a better look of them from up to down. ‘I’m going to make you all feel like hell after what you have done with my club. You all deserve it.’

“Junki ! Kill all of them” you said with merciless
“Wait!” one of U-kiss shout
“Who dare to Shout at me?” you narrow your eyes with anger.

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It's fine unnie! Remember i still support you!
OMG!!!! Unnie!!! Goosebump!!! y? I feel weird..... But i like it. <br />
Update more unnie. Sorry i was so late...:D
JockerFace #3
yap.<br />
u so quick.<br />
finally~ hahaha<br />
JockerFace #5
secret@hei,,,<br />
XD<br />
corra@ he's coming soon..~~<br />
juz wait,,<br />
Oh Where Hero in this Chapter unnie? I can't to see him. Update soon!
Hei~! XD
JockerFace #8
tqz for reading!!<br />
new reader here!~<br />
is it coincidence or is it destiny for them to meet for the second time?..hehehe..<br />
<br />
and omo~<br />
she will use jae?..<br />
poor jae..<br />
he doesn't know a single thing about his father's doings..:(<br />
<br />
looking forward for the next chapter~<br />
can't wait!<br />
update soon~<br />
WOW!!!! Unnie I'm sorry i haven't comment i love it!!! Hero is such a stubborn.<br />
Update more