bad girl N good Man = Love ?


Four days gone without anything happen. Your wound already close and you plan for revenge. In the night you call all of your man, and told out your plan. They nodded.

You let them prepare their self with anything they want for two hours. You really mean that when you said you let them to do their want even for making out for some in your club. You don’t have any problem of that.

You go to your room in ‘Majesty Club’. You stay there looking at anything. Searching your work paper. Check them all and have some look in your entire club financial. You amazed. Your entire club grew more than before. Then the time comes, at midnight you go out and clap your hand to gain your man attention.

All of them rush to you in no time. They beam their head and shout out load when you askedthem ‘are you ready?’ “Ne~ hyungsoonim”
all of you dashed to Tiger Gang garage with 4 big cars and some motorbikes. You let out a big shout when you near their garage, but Tiger Gang didn’t have a preparation before. Their eyes wide open and gaped at shock.

You reach them in no time. You let out a smirk when they start to run to you. You have to face many of them, but you don’t care. You kick and punch them all. You even let out of a bigger smirk you ever have.

But, out nowhere one of them, pull your leg. You fell into ground. One of them tries to stab you. Face this condition for three times, make you feel angry. Your face red as red as ripe apple. You really don’t like when other people touch you or even try to hurt you. In this state you became stronger. You grab his wrist and twisted it. You run to grab the knife and stab him in the heart. His eyes widen because of the deep stab and lost conscious.

You look him with your angry cold eyes. You pull out the knife from his heart, and rush to the other. You even help your man. You swept them all until nobody left and the place in a big mess. A really big mess.

‘It’s over’ you sighed when look around. “Let’s go back” you told them and leave your enemies.They nodded their head. You can see that many of your man wounded too. But they still alive. Then some mind cross your head, ‘Junki’. You rolled your eyes around to search Junki.‘Where is he?’ when you rolled over, out of nowhere Junki tap your shoulder. He smiles at you. You looked at him and let out a relieve sigh. Then you leave without word.

You speed of your car to your room, and grab a shower. You didn’t feel any tiredness after the revenge, so you go out to your ‘Majesty Club’.


sorry I take a long time to update.!!


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It's fine unnie! Remember i still support you!
OMG!!!! Unnie!!! Goosebump!!! y? I feel weird..... But i like it. <br />
Update more unnie. Sorry i was so late...:D
JockerFace #3
yap.<br />
u so quick.<br />
finally~ hahaha<br />
JockerFace #5
secret@hei,,,<br />
XD<br />
corra@ he's coming soon..~~<br />
juz wait,,<br />
Oh Where Hero in this Chapter unnie? I can't to see him. Update soon!
Hei~! XD
JockerFace #8
tqz for reading!!<br />
new reader here!~<br />
is it coincidence or is it destiny for them to meet for the second time?..hehehe..<br />
<br />
and omo~<br />
she will use jae?..<br />
poor jae..<br />
he doesn't know a single thing about his father's doings..:(<br />
<br />
looking forward for the next chapter~<br />
can't wait!<br />
update soon~<br />
WOW!!!! Unnie I'm sorry i haven't comment i love it!!! Hero is such a stubborn.<br />
Update more