
Don't worry you're in our hands

27 weeks. It seems so effortlessly nothing but it does mean something to Onew. He felt bigger and heavier. He felt his body is really pushing him down. It was when Onew and Minho were once back from the hospital as Mr.Park wants to check if the baby is grown properly and also had some blood test to determine if Onew have enough iron in his body and after that they strolled around the park to take some fresh air. Minho somehow felt tired. Probably due to the schedules they had but he didn't complain. He continues his royalty towards Onew and entertain him. They drove home just in time for lunch. 

"I know you're tired, I'm sorry if I am the cause of your burden." Onew frowned.

Minho quickly placed his finger on Onew's lips and shushed him immediately. Minho shook his head and said no firmly to Onew. Onew sighed and asked if its true. Minho cupped Onew's hands together and looked into his eyes. Onew felt the flaming charisma and blushed.

"You're my everything, nothing can tires me if it comes to you baby." Minho spoke calmly.

Onew smiled and placed his head on Minho's chest and that's where Jonghyun came out of his room to see yet another sweet yet romantic scene.

"Awww you two! I'm jealous of your lovey-doveyness!" Jonghyun squealed.

"Hahaha! Where's Taemin and Key went?" Minho asked.

"Taemin has a rehearsal for something and Key has musical today, and ouh he made Onew some chicken and potato casserole." Jonghyun probed. 

Onew hummed a 'mmmm' sound as he likes the fact that Key cooked something. And therefore Minho walked together with Onew to the kitchen while Jonghyun sat down on the couch and turn on the television. Minho prepares the dish that Key cooked and served Onew. While eating, Onew tell Minho something.

"Tomorrow your mum wants me to go to this exercise place with her." Onew explained.

"What exercise?!" Minho eyes widened.

"I don't know. I heard she says that I'll be doing some Kegel exercise a.k.a Pelvic floor muscle exercise." Onew continues.

"What does it help?" Minho asked again.

"I heard it helps you to strengthen the muscles under the uterus, bladder, and bowel. Your mum knows somehow I can't control my bladder nowadays." Onew explains further.

Minho nodded and understood and apologised to Onew since he can't follow him to the exercise place as he has a schedule with the members. Onew smiled and said its okay and that made Minho kissed Onew's cheeks. He appreciated his mum doing this to Onew. It seems that Mrs.Choi really cares for Onew. After finished eating, Minho let Onew drink a glass of water as he really took in consideration when Mr.Park told him to let Onew drink at least 1.5 litres a day so the tissues are correctly drained. And therefore after that, he let Onew take a nap. Minho sat down on the couch beside Jonghyun and watched whatever is shown on tv. 

"How is it feels like to become a dad sooner than expected huh?" Jonghyun grinned.

"It felt awesome yet nervous." Minho let out a tiny laugh.

Jonghyun laughed too and so they watched tv until to the point Taemin and Key was home for dinner. The first thing Key got home is to ask Minho how is Onew doing today. Minho said everything is normal still just that Onew keeps complaining about his back pain. And he also checked if Onew has eaten his casserole that he cooked and Minho nodded again and even complimented that its tasty. Key smiled and showed a thumbs up. Taemin who's been walking straight to the kitchen grabbed something to eat and settle down in front of the tv. And when Key was just entering the room, Onew was up and saw that he's in pain. Key immediately called Minho. Minho came rushing in and looked at Onew who was in pain.

"Why baby?" Minho asked worriedly.

"The contractions.... it  hurts damn bad... and the baby keeps kicking harder....." Onew explained struggling.

Minho lifted up Onew's shirt and rubbed his tummy gently while cuddling Onew closer to him. He calmed Onew down who's tearing up and Key rubbed Onew's back. Jonghyun and Taemin came in to check what is happening and so they sat down looking at Onew comforting him. 

"Hyung, I think your baby girl will be a fighter when she grows up." Taemin joked.

All laughed to liven up the tensed atmosphere and so as Onew who did smile a bit but tears still flowing down. Jonghyun smacked Taemin's thigh and laughed. Taemin just giggled. After a few minutes, Onew finally calmed down and said the pain has gone and therefore he moved out from bed and have the urge to urinate. Minho hold him to walk while Taemin quickly ran to the toilet beforehand to check if the floor is wet and slippery. 

"Hyung be careful, its wet." Taemin informed.

"Its okay Taemin, I'll accompany him." Minho said and thanked Taemin.

YEAH ANOTHER CHAPTER UP! How was it? Sorry if its a bit lame in this update. And sorry for all the grammar mistakes and stuffs. Omg its 31st December! Goodness 2012 is leaving us soon and we shall welcome 2013. Have a good countdown party if you're having one and have a blessed 2013!! <3

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Hyunseung4554 #1
Chapter 12: This was the sweetest story I have read in a long time! !!!! Good story
i loved ur story awsome job author-nim !!!
Chapter 12: Omg this story is the best! Hope you can write more abt onho mpreg. Or a sequEl abt shinee taking care of the baby
yaleON #4
Chapter 12: ..thank you for writing this awesome story.. you know i really like ONHO couple... <3
dewdew90 #5
Chapter 11: swettttttt family...... :)
vivianchan #6
Chapter 12: You should do a sequel about onew talking about Minho because he basically became pregnant through and yeah... Hahah maybe something about that? BUT other than that it was pretty epic <3
Chapter 12: What an awesome fan meet! And its also a great way to end this fic. I really hope you'll make a sequel to this. Am looking forward to it :) Fighting!!~
Chapter 12: Please do the sequel..i really love this story..:D
doyce228 #9
Chapter 12: aww so sweet >///<
Chapter 12: Aaah finally~ this fic is awsomeeee... Daebak '-')b wait for the sequel please ehehehe aah OnHo jjang!! Keep doing on this >/////< i like your story so damn much