Is this the truth?

Don't worry you're in our hands

Key's POV

Jinki/Onew hyung has been so unwell these few days. In fact he's been frequently been going in and out of the toilet regardless where we are. Whenever asked, he would always say that his stomach is giving him problem but I doubt. So one day I've sneaked up behind him to the toilet at our dorm without him felt my presence. Hyung went inside and I stayed outside but lean my ear close to the door to hear what he's been doing inside all this while. To my surprise, he vomited. A lot. And when he finally flushed off, I quickly ran away and back to the couch and pretended to lie down. Jonghyun looked at me stunned. I just ignored it and continue to watch tv with Jonghyun. 

"Hey does anybody has any paracetamol? I'm kinda feeling dizzy." Onew came out from the toilet.

I looked at him and stand back up to the kitchen to find any paracetamol pills. To what I've remembered there's still some left. It was when Taemin needed it badly coz of his migraine. 

"TADA!" I finally found it. 

I gave 2 pills to Onew to pop in and told him to rest. He nodded and went straight to his room. Its been weeks since Onew hyung has been acting like this but am wondering why.

Onew's POV

For weeks, I feel so lethargic and my legs aren't cooperating with me. I feel so wobbly and some times I feel like passing out. But out of all, I've been vomiting! I hid it away from the members about my condition as I don't want them to worry. But I'm guessing somehow they've been trying to figure out why is it so often that I went to the toilet. I gave them a very convenient excuse which is my stomach that is giving me problems. But the truth is, whenever I feel giddy, I will feel like puking. And also nowadays I've been eating less. Much lesser than anyone would've expected. Just because I know sooner or later I will start throwing up again. Suddenly Key came inside to my room.

"Hyung can I speak to you?" Key asked.

I nodded and told him to sit on my bed and asked what's up. He gave out a sighed first and asked me if I was feeling okay. I nodded and said yes which is obviously a lie. Key hold my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Tell me the truth hyung." Key really gives me the death glare.

I shivered a little and muttered out that I wasn't really feeling well these days. 

"Knew it." Key arched back a little.

Suddenly Key gave me a something which I really couldn't believe my eyes.

"WHAT?! A pregnancy test?! Key I'm a male there's no way-" Key cut me off.

"You'll never know hyung. Now go. Urine on it. Read the intructions. Jonghyun just went out. Minho and Taemin is still not back yet. So now go!" Key ordered me.'

I mean how in the world will I get pregnant as I'm a male. Only females gives birth right? But I tried it anyway just to satisfy Key's demand. Yes I do recently have with Minho. Just a month ago but that's impossible for me to get pregnant. I scoffed towards Key and went to the toilet again. Urinated on it and..........

Key's POV

So I gave him the pregnancy test instrument and ordered him to go to the toilet. I knew that Onew and Minho had some done a month ago and probably this was the cause of it. I mean to me its possible for a male to get pregnant you know. So I waited for Onew hyung to say the result shown. Suddenly there was screaming heard. Not even storms could match Jinki's screaming from the bathroom.

"KEY YOU'RE RIGHT I AM PREGNANT!" He screams as hard as he could.

He came out running to me and showed me the result. Its indeed positive. I quickly ordered him to get change as we need to go to the hospital for more confirmation. I called our manager to inform him that we'll be out for a while and also texted JongMinTae. We took the cab to the nearest hospital and bring hyung for a check up.

"Uh, I know this may sound weird but indeed Lee Jinki is pregnant. Its been 1 month now." The doctor explained.

I looked at Onew hyung who's mouth was opened and hands clenched tightly. He couldn't believe what he just heard. I patted his shoulder and assure him its gonna be fine. Onew swallowed a lump of saliva down his throat and nodded weakly. 

"So how am I going to tell the rest? Our fans? Our manager? MY PARENTS?!" Hyung suddenly burst into tears.

I hugged him as he closed his face with his bare hands and said again that everything will be fine though I'm not particularly sure but I hope its alright. 

"I'm sure they'll accept it. You just have to be M.I.A when your tummy is visibly big." I assured him.

He sighed. We got home and saw JongMinTae is home. They asked where were we and told them that we're from the hospital. Onew hyung looked at me frozen and so I held his hand but Minho came forward and touched Onew's face.

"Is everything alright hyung?" Minho asked to Onew.

Onew hyung nodded and placed his face on Minho's shoulder. 

Nobody's POV

Key told Onew to sleep as he needs a lot of rest and gather up the members in circle. Jonghyun is anxious to listen to what Key have to say so as Minho and Taemin. 

"So I was doing some test on Onew hyung earlier. I mean I gave him a pregnancy test. It said it was positive and so I've decided to bring him to the hospital to do further test." Key explained.

"And so?!" Minho can't wait to want Key to continue.

"And so the doctor confirmed that Onew hyung is pregnant." Key finishes off.

"WHAT?! I mean how can that?! Its like! Onew hyung is a MALE!" Jonghyun widened his eyes and couldn't believed what Key has said.

"OMG! Does that mean Onew hyung will have a baby soon?!" Taemin asked curiously.

"Yes Taemin. And Minho you'll be the dad, just so you know." Key answered while looking at Minho.

Minho somehow feels guilty for having to do some forced to Onew a month ago. He was so desperate for affection from Onew. Minho went inside Onew's room where he was sleeping soundly. He caressed Onew's face and muttered a soft 'I'm sorry.' to Onew's ear. 

So how's my first chapter? Hope you'll like it. Please look forward for the next chapter as I'll be writing a flashback of Onho's time. Hehe! Comments are pretty much appreciated and delighted. And thanks for subscribing! 

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Hyunseung4554 #1
Chapter 12: This was the sweetest story I have read in a long time! !!!! Good story
i loved ur story awsome job author-nim !!!
Chapter 12: Omg this story is the best! Hope you can write more abt onho mpreg. Or a sequEl abt shinee taking care of the baby
yaleON #4
Chapter 12: ..thank you for writing this awesome story.. you know i really like ONHO couple... <3
dewdew90 #5
Chapter 11: swettttttt family...... :)
vivianchan #6
Chapter 12: You should do a sequel about onew talking about Minho because he basically became pregnant through and yeah... Hahah maybe something about that? BUT other than that it was pretty epic <3
Chapter 12: What an awesome fan meet! And its also a great way to end this fic. I really hope you'll make a sequel to this. Am looking forward to it :) Fighting!!~
Chapter 12: Please do the sequel..i really love this story..:D
doyce228 #9
Chapter 12: aww so sweet >///<
Chapter 12: Aaah finally~ this fic is awsomeeee... Daebak '-')b wait for the sequel please ehehehe aah OnHo jjang!! Keep doing on this >/////< i like your story so damn much