
Don't worry you're in our hands

Its been 20 weeks since Onew is pregnant and therefore another appointment has to be done. As usual, Onew and Minho woke up , getting ready to leave to the hospital and were given some breakfast made by Key. Today's appointment is the one that Onew and Minho has been waiting for so long. Its the moment of truth to be telling the baby's gender. Onew wants a boy and Minho wants a girl but either of which is fine for them.

"Quickly come back as we all want to know too!" Shouted the maknae.

Onew and Minho giggled and went out straight to the hospital. Upon their arrival, the doctor, Mr.Park, greeted them with a wide smile and did the usual procedures. Onew laid down and waited for Mr.Park to scan his tummy that has grown bigger and visible now. Mr.Park began scanning and oberving the monitor closely while indicating to Minho the baby's position and such. Minho listened carefully and then finally Mr.Park will reveal the baby's gender. 

"Okay as you can see here, it look like a shape of a hamburger, and that's probably belongs to a girl. And its positioned quite well. So which means to say your unborn child is a girl! Congrats!" Mr.Park announced excitedly.

Minho looked at Onew jaw dropped in excitement and so as Onew. Mr.Park shared their joy with them and stopped scanning. After which, they're back at Mr.Park's desk table and talked some other factors out. The doctor informed Onew what will he experience when reaching 6 months pregnancy and both Onew and Minho listened tentatively. It scares Onew somehow but Minho assures him that he will be there with him all the time.

"And ouh one more thing, I guess now you have to stop performing till you've given birth. You wouldn't want to stress the baby inside by your dancing right?" Mr.Park advised.

Onew sighed but nodded with a smile. Its time for Onew to let their managers know as well as the CEO for his long term leave from all his schedules. Now he bet that fans will start to guess its right that Onew is pregnant but he doesn't care now. As long he's healthy with the baby he's carrying, its fine. And Minho will obviously be proud in answering them. So they got back to their dorm and were awaited by 3 hungry men, cute men to be exact for Onew's and Minho's biggest announcement. 

"You guys looks like a puppy waiting for his owner to play with him." Minho chuckled.

The 3 boys frowned and told them to hurry up telling them what's the baby's gender. Onew looked at Minho and back to them. He insisted in telling them.

"Okay so the baby inside is a......" Onew giving them suspense.

"a........................?????????????? Come on!" eyes widened for the 3 of them.

"Girl." Onew finishes off calmly.

Jonghyun, Key and Taemin celebrates the joy and shouts as if it is they're the one getting pregnant. Onew and Minho laughed watching the scene. Jonghyun asked if they let the managers know about it already and Onew shook his head. Instead he let their managers know about his long term leave and such and they understood. Jonghyun brainwashed Onew not to tell the managers first and Onew just smirked. 


And 6 months it is for Onew's pregnancy now. Onew keeps tripping his feet often now as he feels that his joints and ligaments are loosen as said by the doctor. The rest of the SHINee members will always keep a look out for Onew whenver he walked towards anywhere. And since he can't attend any performances they're having right now, its up to either Minho's mum or Onew's mum to take care of him at the dorm. And they will always make sure Onew is enough and rest enough because he's carrying their first ever grandchild. Sometimes Onew came up crying suddenly and they offer their comfort to Onew. He will always complain of back and leg pain. And when he remembers what Mr.Park has said earlier, he has to endure it. 

"This is the symptoms of a 6 months preggy.. You can go through this." Onew speaks by himself.

Sometimes Minho will placed a heating pad on Onew's back or leg to relieve the pain. It helps though. But not after when it is removed, he could still feel the pain. So one day, when all the members have no schedule. They've decided to stay home and bond. Onew kept asking them if fans have been questioning them about him and they nodded. Minho spoke out the truth to them which makes Onew shocked for a bit.

"Wh-what did you say to them?" Onew asked in terrified.

"Remember 3 days we ago we had a mini fan gathering? Yeah one of the questions was about you." Minho explained.

"Actually most of the fans questions was about you, hyung." Taemin probe in.

"Yea and so they curiously asked if you're really pregnant coz they somehow saw us together going to the hospital and stuffs and also saw your tummy is growing..." Minho continues.

"A-and??" Onew hint Minho to keep going.

"And I said yes that you are pregnant with my baby." Minho ended the explanation.

"And they all screamed like hell. I mean excited screaming. We can tell." Jonghyun jumps in. 

"And congratulated Minho even. Telling him to take care of you and sorts." Key also jumps in.

"Ouh and uhm, they requested to bring you along for our next fanmeeting which is next month I think." Minho added in.

Onew sighed and shrugged. Not knowing whether he wanted to go for that fanmeeting or not. He felt terribly embarrassed and feels like crying. Minho who saw it first quickly hugged Onew closer to him and tears just gushed out quickly from Onew's eyes making the others surround him. Jonghyun pats Onew's back gently and said its alright. Probably Onew is confused on how to feel for now since he knows he's a male and getting pregnant is really something people wouldn't expected it. Key uses his wise words to calm Onew down and Taemin too. Eventually Onew stopped crying and only sobbed a little. He clearly trust his dongsaengs and crack a smile. 

"Don't worry baby, they all love it. Fans love it. Society may think of it as a negative thing but hey our parents approved, fans approved and even the company approved. So its okay baby." Minho holds Onew chin up and smile.

To liven the atmosphere, Taemin suddenly puts his ear closer to Onew's baby bump and giggled by himself. All looked at him curiously asking why is he giggling and when he sat upright again, he faced the 4 of them.

"I can hear the baby's heartbeat!" Taemin shouted.

All laughed and therefore each takes turn to listen and Onew just sitting there smiling letting them hear but curiously wanted to know how it sounded like. And Minho placed his hands on top of Onew's hand and bring it closer to Onew's heart. 

"What you feel now, is also the baby's." Minho's charisma words to Onew.

Chapter updated! Hehehehe so how was it? Omg you know what I feel when writing this?? I feel extremely excited for no reason! Hahahahha! I hope you all will enjoy this fic until the last chapter :) And thanks for commenting and subscribing. Love you all! <3


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Hyunseung4554 #1
Chapter 12: This was the sweetest story I have read in a long time! !!!! Good story
i loved ur story awsome job author-nim !!!
Chapter 12: Omg this story is the best! Hope you can write more abt onho mpreg. Or a sequEl abt shinee taking care of the baby
yaleON #4
Chapter 12: ..thank you for writing this awesome story.. you know i really like ONHO couple... <3
dewdew90 #5
Chapter 11: swettttttt family...... :)
vivianchan #6
Chapter 12: You should do a sequel about onew talking about Minho because he basically became pregnant through and yeah... Hahah maybe something about that? BUT other than that it was pretty epic <3
Chapter 12: What an awesome fan meet! And its also a great way to end this fic. I really hope you'll make a sequel to this. Am looking forward to it :) Fighting!!~
Chapter 12: Please do the sequel..i really love this story..:D
doyce228 #9
Chapter 12: aww so sweet >///<
Chapter 12: Aaah finally~ this fic is awsomeeee... Daebak '-')b wait for the sequel please ehehehe aah OnHo jjang!! Keep doing on this >/////< i like your story so damn much