
Don't worry you're in our hands

After that morning, Onew woke up with Minho beside him, so close that he was a little bit shocked. Onew wriggled a bit and Minho stirred from his sleep. Onew eventually got up from his bed with a bit of struggle and went out from his room only to stop by Jonghyun who's awake already.

"Hyung good morning! How are you? You know that you fainted right yesterday?" Jonghyun checking on Onew.

"Yah namja! Why are you up?! Where is Minho? Aish that guy is still not awake yet?!" Key nagging umma-like. 

Onew assured them that he is fine now and that he's hungry. Key quickly make way to the kitchen to find anything that can cooked for that day and orders Jonghyun to wake Minho up eventhough Onew was trying to stop him but Key said Minho has to learn to wake up early so Jonghyun proceeded to Minho's room and shook his body till he gets irritated. Minho opened his eyes and looked up to see Jonghyun is on top of him which makes him jerked Jonghyun off. 

"What the hell?!" Minho pounces.

"What?! I'm trying to wake you up and why are you so shocked? I'm not gonna you or anything!" Jonghyun stunned by Minho's actions.

"But you're on top of me!" Minho continues.

They both started quarelling like small kids and eventually Taemin whom had just woke up saw them quarelling and stopped them. Taemin lectured them that they are so immature quarelling over such a small matter and orders them to get out and wash up. They both did and Minho greeted Onew with a soft kiss on his forehead and Onew smiled widely. Jonghyun complains to Onew about earlier on and Minho can't help but to give a death stare at Jonghyun. Onew just laughed it off. Taemin proudly admitted that he's the one who had stopped them and Onew complimented Taemin for that and so as Key who is almost done preparing breakfast for them. Annoyed expressions are reflected on Jonghyun's and Minho's face. And therefore breakfast is served. While eating them, Minho looked at Onew.

"Baby are you okay? I mean yesterday you fainted and....." Minho asked worriedly.

"Yes Minho I am okay now. Probably because yesterday I was just tired." Onew replied with a smile.

"Yeah you have to rest a lot Onew hyung as said by the doctor yesterday." Key joins in.

Minho nodded in agreement. He encouraged Onew not to do any schedule if he doesn't feel well or anything furthermore Onew's immune system now is getting weaker due to the growth of the baby inside. Onew said he will tell them if he isn't feeling well next time and shall stop. They all smiled and eat happily. Only Key and Taemin has schedule today while the rest is a free and easy day. Jonghyun plans to go out and shop some stuffs for himself and that's when Key asked him to buy something for him too.

"Yah what you want now? Don't you have enough of everything already?" Jonghyun's eye brows raised.

"I do but I want new awesome tshirts. I know you can find me one." Key smiled evily. 

The rest of the members laughed. So Onew and Minho decided to stay home and rest. Jonghyun slapped Minho's thighs signaling not to do anything naughty with Onew and Minho just pushed Jonghyun's hand off. Onew laughed cutely. When three of them are out, Onew and Minho sat on the couch decided to play Playstation. What else if it isn't football games. Onew who wasn't so interested in it tries to play it with Minho. 

"What makes you wanna play with me baby?" Minho grins.

Onew shrugged but smiles. They continued playing until Onew pauses the game. Minho checks on Onew, worried. Onew who was holding his tummy winced in pain. Minho quickly get closer to Onew and asked why.

"I think the baby is kicking. It kinda hurt though." Onew explained.

Minho went to touch Onew's tummy and talked as if the baby can hear him.

"Hello little baby inside my baby's tummy. Please don't kick because it hurts. Behave okay little one. Sincerely from your daddy." Minho rubbing gently onto Onew's tummy.

Somehow Onew feel it has soothen a bit and chuckled at Minho's cuteness. Minho blushed a bit and bent forward to lean closer to Onew's tummy and feel it. Onew smiled and Minho's hair carefully. Minho smiles as he sat upright back and hugged Onew closer to him.

"You know how blessed I am that you're carrying my child. Our child." Minho sounding emotional for a while.

"I am blessed too Minho." Onew responsed.

Chapter updated! How was it? hehehehe! Somehow I am loving Onho more and more coz of this! Hahahahah! Anyway, I am happy that more and more are subscribing to this fanfic but less are commenting :( Nahh I won't force though :) Hehehhe have a great day ahead and woahh how time flies as next week its already 2013. Hahahaha! Take care!! <3

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Hyunseung4554 #1
Chapter 12: This was the sweetest story I have read in a long time! !!!! Good story
i loved ur story awsome job author-nim !!!
Chapter 12: Omg this story is the best! Hope you can write more abt onho mpreg. Or a sequEl abt shinee taking care of the baby
yaleON #4
Chapter 12: ..thank you for writing this awesome story.. you know i really like ONHO couple... <3
dewdew90 #5
Chapter 11: swettttttt family...... :)
vivianchan #6
Chapter 12: You should do a sequel about onew talking about Minho because he basically became pregnant through and yeah... Hahah maybe something about that? BUT other than that it was pretty epic <3
Chapter 12: What an awesome fan meet! And its also a great way to end this fic. I really hope you'll make a sequel to this. Am looking forward to it :) Fighting!!~
Chapter 12: Please do the sequel..i really love this story..:D
doyce228 #9
Chapter 12: aww so sweet >///<
Chapter 12: Aaah finally~ this fic is awsomeeee... Daebak '-')b wait for the sequel please ehehehe aah OnHo jjang!! Keep doing on this >/////< i like your story so damn much