The Time

Don't worry you're in our hands

Minho noticed the swelling at Onew's legs. Its pretty obvious and Minho couldn't help but to worry more for Onew. Its finally the 9th month of Onew's pregnancy and its anytime now. Eversince Onew's tummy became bigger, his sleeping pattern changes drastically. Its probably more due to difficulty in sleeping as he feels uncomfortable with the size. Minho will then try to calm him by one, singing him some good lullaby and two, patting him gently in between the hip bone and . And also Onew tends to go to the toilet often in the night. It sure does affects Minho's daily schedule since he has lack of sleep now. Fans and even s noticed the dark circles around Minho's eyes. He assured them that its fine. Onew makes sure he visits the doctor again to check the blood tests results and all went well. Thank god. 

"Its a matter of time Onew." The doctor smiled to him.

Onew smiled back but having the feeling of nervousness too. He couldn't be sure when is the actual due date. It could be today, tomorrow or the next few days. He do feel excited but the fear was killing him. Fear of the pain to be exact. He let it out to Minho and Minho could only calm him and say everything going to be alright. Minho's words definitely soothen Onew down everytime. And by which his worries will be gone. And before anything happens, Minho and Onew decided to shop for baby products at some particular mall. They were easily spotted by fans and were amazed at how large Onew's baby bump is. Onew just waves and smiles as usual. And squealing from the fans can be heard. Minho were very protective of Onew. Keep holding and hugging Onew while they were walking in the mall. Some fans do followed them though. Once they were inside a baby shop. They go to the girl's section. Looking at those cute clothes and shoes excites Minho while Onew is focusing on the baby's bottle, toys and stuffs. They do know that some fans who's stalking them outside took pictures of them. They don't mind though as this is all quite a normal thing for them. Once they paid all the items they looked for, they quickly make way to the toilet first, and finally back to the car. Fans keep shouting "Be careful!" "I miss you Onew oppa!" "Have a safe delivery!" to Onew. When Minho drove out of the carpark, quickly Onew lowered down the window and shows a thumbs up to the fans. How sweet huh. When they arrived back at the dorm, Jonghyun eagerly checked the items they bought for the baby. And then Taemin and Key followed.

"Aww this dress is cute! So tiny!" Jonghyun holding up the dress bought.

"Omg baby bottle! Aww its minnie mouse!" Taemin pretending to the baby bottle.

"Can I see the baby's crib?" Key asked Minho.

Minho nodded and set up the baby's crib beside Onew's bed. Its interestingly pinkish and the toys chosen by Onew were a good one. Key can't helped but to be amazed at how they managed to be so good in picking up the right stuffs for the baby. Even Minho is overwhelmed. Suddenly Taemin and Jonghyun went in and take a look and they let a loud 'woahhh'. Onew went in after. Looking at how beautiful it is and hugged Minho.

"Can I probably get inside? It looks so comfy!!" Taemin asked and feeling excited.

All laughed at the maknae's cuteness and went out to eat dinner. The next day, SHINee had no schedule and was free for the whole day. Jonghyun,Key and Taemin decided to shop some things for Onew's and Minho's baby. Probably some present for them while Onew and Minho just sat at home. Furthermore, Onew needs to rest and Minho would not allowed Onew to walk much since the swell is still visible. Onew came forward to Minho who was sitting at the couch playing Playstation.

"Hey, what would you want to name the baby?" Onew asked tugging Minho's arms.

"Hmm, you're the one giving birth to it, so how bout you create it?" Minho looked at Onew smiling.

"I don't know actually. I want some unique name for the baby. U have any in mind?" Onew asked again.

"Unique eh? Hmm.. Wait you want to be after your surname or mine?" Minho gritted his teeth.

"Hmm yours. Since you're the daddy." Onew chuckles.

"Okay hmm lemme see, Choi Jimin? Jinew? I don't know." Minho gave up.

"Why are you combining our names? All sounds boyish." Onew chuckles again.

"And then? You decide then." Minho gave puppy eyes to Onew.

"Ouh aright, I was thinking of naming the baby, Choi Minri Juliette. At least it has our initials." Onew smiled cutely.

Minho was extremely pleased with Onew's name creation. He was delighted that Onew's brain is better than his. Onew laughed looking at Minho's pleased expression. Jonghyun, Key and Taemin came home in time for dinner. Key brought home some food for them since he isn't cooking. Onew looked at the foods Key brought and gasped. Key asked why and Onew just shook saying its nothing. Its just that he's surprised to be seeing so many delicious foods on the table. Key giggled. All prepares themselves at the dining table with plates along with chopsticks and spoons in front of them. While eating, Onew felt sudden contractions. He thought it was just one of those kicking again of the baby but it happens like 7-10 minutes profusely and Onew screamed and that made the rest jumped in their seats. The sudden screaming from Onew panics Minho and thus he worriedly asked why.

"The baby, I don't know...... it hurts... Minho help..." Onew catching for air to breathe.

Minho helped Onew to get up and wanted to guide him to the bedroom and lay him down but it wasn't for long Onew started to faint into Minho's arms. Jonghyun, Key and Taemin quickly went towards them and their faces shows a very worried expression. Therefore they noticed something. A clear liquid came out trickling down Onew's legs and wet the sweatpants he was wearing. Key suddenly looked at Minho panicked.

"His water bag breaks! Omg let's bring him to the hospital now! He's near delivery!" Key shouted.

Minho hurriedly carried Onew gently to the car resting onto Jonghyun, Key and Taemin and holds Onew tightly so as not to fall. Minho sped up to the hospital. He will cursed badly when he saw red lights. He wished his car would have sirens so other cars will give him way but unfortunately he doesn't have one so what he will do is he will just honked the car in front of him. It may seemed rude but at times like this, he don't give a damn. His Onew is at risk right now. Meanwhile behind, the 3 of them was still holding onto Onew tightly and looked at his wet pants. 

"Yah the liquid won't stop flowing huh?" Jonghyun asked Key.

"It won't I guess." Key siad rushingly.

While Taemin kept looking at Onew worriedly telling him to stay strong and that they will reached to the hospital soon. Upon their arrival, Minho carried Onew and asked for emergency. The nurses quickly attended to Minho and put Onew down.

"He's giving birth, please do it fast!" Minho panted.

The nurses nodded and pushed Onew inside the emergency room. Only Minho is allowed to go in with them while the rest stayed outside. Jonghyun informed their managers while Key informed Onew's and Minho's parents. Inside, Onew was covered up and preparing to deliver but they can't until Onew regain his consciousness, so what the nurses in charge does is put the oxygen mask onto him and minutes after, Onew was awake. Minho sighed in relief to see Onew opened his eyes again. And thus the nurses pulled away the oxygen mask and prepares for the delivery. And so he held Onew's hands and the nurses began to talk to Onew.

"Okay, now what I wanna you to do is just push as hard as you can okay?" One of the nurses commands.

Onew nodded weakly and held Minho's hand tightly. He tried to push the baby out and even though it was his first attempt, it was exhausting. It wasn't anywhere near since the nurse couldn't see the head of the baby yet and so Onew pushed harder. Minho Onew's hair and encouraging him to push. Onew panted as he's feeling really tired. The nurses surrounding him kept telling him to push and cheered him on. Onew stopped and his head falls back. He was in tears and shaking his head towards Minho as a sign of giving up. Minho gets closer to Onew.

"Baby please, don't give up... I'm right here." Minho begged.

Onew sobbed and pushed at the same time. But he was way too weak and the nurses looked at the monitor and discuss something. Suddenly Onew falls his head and this time his eyes were closed. Minho shook Onew's hand who was still attached to his and asked the nurses.

"Sir, his heart rate is decreasing so I think we should do vacuum extraction." One of them suggested.

"Whatever, just do it quickly!" Minho demanded.

Therefore oxygen mask was again been put onto him and the nurses shifted Onew a bit to a lithotomy position so that the vacuum could the baby out easier. Minho was still holding Onew's hand tightly as the nurse count down to pull out the baby. She looked at Minho first and when Minho give the sign to proceed and so the nurse starts to out the baby. It was within seconds the baby was pulled out and cries was heard from the baby. Minho was relieved to see the baby was crying. The other nurse quickly took over to wrap the baby up with blanket and clean off the blood on his body. Still the nurse who's attending to Onew waited for the placenta to come out and it did after few seconds too. 

"You can now wait outside Mr." The nurse said.

"But will he be alright?" Minho asked worriedly.

The nurse nodded and once Minho stepped out, he could see all of them were there, including his managers and parents along with Onew's parents of course. They asked curiously about how is Onew and also the baby. Minho answered calmly that the baby is out safely and when he ended it with a 'but', everyone looked at him with eyes widened.

"But Onew hyung is too weak and exhausted right now and so he's yet again unconscious. And therefore the baby was deliverd via vaccum extraction." Minho explained.

All mouth gasped open. Onew's mum came forward and asked if Onew going to be alright and Minho nodded smiling though he's not literally sure. Half and hour later, the nurse then came towards them and said Onew can be seen in his ward room already. Everyone went in and gather around Onew. He was awake but still has the oxygen mask attached. The nurse informed Minho and Onew's parents that Onew is still unstable and that he needs a lot of rest. They understood and Onew's parents greeted Onew delightfully. Onew smiled weakly and hugged his mum when she came closer. Few secs after, a nurse strolled in their baby girl in. Minho exictedly held up and onto his arms. Its tiny alright. Minho and Onew was flooded with a lot of mixed emotions. All take turns to see and even hold onto the baby. 

"So have you guys decided the baby's name?" Minho's mum asked to both Onew and Minho.

"Yes, its Choi Minri Juliette." Minho said proudly.

"Nice name!!" All shouted.

Onew and Minho gives a big smile and then its Onew's turn to hold the baby. Minho carefully placed her beside Onew and Onew softly said 'hello' and caressed her cheeks. It was a very beautiful scene to see at. Minho couldn't help but to snap a picture of it and then he asked one of them to take a picture of him and Onew including their new born baby but before that Onew told them to wait as he took out of the oxygen mask and then he's ready for the picture taking. They laughed as Onew said its kinda unglam.  What a beautiful family. So they let Onew rest and went out. Few days later, Onew was sent home and he still needs to rest. Jonghyun, Key and Taemin gave them presents which contains more dresses and toys for baby Minri and Onew thanked them. They will play with baby Minri when they have time. They can't deny that she has both Onew's and Minho's features. Minho bought fresh milk from the hospital and fed baby Minri daily. Onew always sang lullaby to Minri. Minho found a new love. Love for baby Minri and also love on how Onew takes care for her. Now SHINee has a new member. 

ENDED! Hahahaha but as you can see I haven't mark the fanfic completed because............. the next chapter will be an update on where Onew has to go to the fanmeeting. Hehe so do wait for it! :)
Anyway, Idk if you would want a sequel to this or not? But if you do, I seriously have no idea on how to start a new again. Perhaps you guys can gimme some ideas for the sequel? If you guys want it :) Hehehe! Anyway do enjoy the fic and the next update which is the last. Thank you for your patience :) Saranghaeyo <3

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Hyunseung4554 #1
Chapter 12: This was the sweetest story I have read in a long time! !!!! Good story
i loved ur story awsome job author-nim !!!
Chapter 12: Omg this story is the best! Hope you can write more abt onho mpreg. Or a sequEl abt shinee taking care of the baby
yaleON #4
Chapter 12: ..thank you for writing this awesome story.. you know i really like ONHO couple... <3
dewdew90 #5
Chapter 11: swettttttt family...... :)
vivianchan #6
Chapter 12: You should do a sequel about onew talking about Minho because he basically became pregnant through and yeah... Hahah maybe something about that? BUT other than that it was pretty epic <3
Chapter 12: What an awesome fan meet! And its also a great way to end this fic. I really hope you'll make a sequel to this. Am looking forward to it :) Fighting!!~
Chapter 12: Please do the sequel..i really love this story..:D
doyce228 #9
Chapter 12: aww so sweet >///<
Chapter 12: Aaah finally~ this fic is awsomeeee... Daebak '-')b wait for the sequel please ehehehe aah OnHo jjang!! Keep doing on this >/////< i like your story so damn much