Deleted Scene - The Fanmeet

Don't worry you're in our hands

SHINee woke up, getting ready for today's schedule which is the fanmeet. Key as usual, prepares the breakfast while the others busy grooming themselves up. Minho helped Onew out in dressing up since Onew couldn't do much since his tummy is always in the way so Minho will initiate to help. Jonghyun walked excitedly to the kitchen and backhugged Key. Taemin sat down first at the dining table waiting for breakfast to be served.

"Yah Jonghyun hyung, don't flirt with Key hyung now, I'm hungry!" Taemin angers out.

Jonghyun scoffed and rolled his eyes and then gave a light punch into Taemin's right shoulder. Key was almost done and Minho and Onew had came out from the bedroom just in time. All eat their breakfast happily.

"Hyung, you seemed nervous.." Taemin eyed on Onew.

"Hmm, I am Taemin-ah. I don't know what to expect later." Onew let it out.

Minho rubbed Onew's back to calm him down and said its going to be alright. Key agreed and so as Jonghyun who says that its going to be a fun fanmeet for sure. Onew gave a nervous smile but he somehow convinced that its going to be fun. They all left the dorm and off to the fanmeet location. Inside, fans were eager to see their appearance especially Onew. Backstage, Onew is still not confident enough to show himself to the fans with his baby bump. Its 6 months already and its obvious enough. Minho gave Onew a tight hug and assure him that its alright. Once the MC pronounced their name, Onew can't helped but to be evern more anxious and nervous. He suddenly feel so stiff to even walk to the centre stage with all the fans cheering. Jonghyun, Key and Taemin walked out first followed by Onew and Minho behind. Once they saw Onew, all screamed in excitement, some even with tears of joy seeing Onew. They greeted as usual and sat down on the chairs placed on the stage. Screaming from fans were endless. MC kept telling them to hush down and when they did the MC began to ask questions. Well its no surprise that one of the questions was about Onew getting pregnant and stuffs and Onew must obediently answered.

"How did you react when you found out you were pregnant?" The MC asked Onew.

"Ummm, I was overly shocked. Well, I didn't expect this to happen to me." Onew replied.

"So I heard Minho is somehow the appa of the baby.. Am I right?" Mc asked again.

Onew nodded and looked at Minho lovingly while Minho looked back to Onew in the eyes. Fans squealed seeing the loving moment  and SHINee just laughed it off. There's one segment where they get to pick a fan via lucky number. And these fans get to come up on stage and do anything to their bias. And when its Onew's turn, fans were eager to know whom he called and therefore one lucky fan came running towards the stage excitedly. Onew was pretty conscious as the fan was jumping up and down beside Onew and Onew just keep laughing yet being so aware of the moves the fan made. Who knows it might hit his baby bump. 

"So what you wanna do with Onew-sshi?" The MC asked to the lucky fan.

"Hug and hear his baby inside." The fan answered.

The fans screamed again with enthusiasmness. Onew looked at members grinning in worried as he was contemplating to allow the fan get near to his baby bump. Minho stood up beside Onew and said just let her. So the fan hugged Onew as tightly as possible and then when Onew lifted his shirt for a bit, the fans again went wild. Until to the point Onew's baby bump can be seen, the fan carefully leaned her ear forward and hear. All went silent. It was no longer than a minute, the fan aroused and said she can hear the baby's heartbeat. Onew smiled proudly. Jealous fans roared across the stage and some even cried. Onew sat back on the chair and hold his tummy. The last segment, SHINee had to perform. Onew sat at the side, not dancing and just sing his parts. The fans were longing to hear Onew sing as its been months since Onew been MIA from shows, performances etc due to his pregnancy. After which when they had done singing, the MC requested for them to take a group photo. They obeyed and a few shots of them made the fans went crazy again. One of it is, SHINee bent down near to Onew's tummy and pretended to kiss it while Onew just stood there and smile. The other is the ONHO couple showed some love. It was the best fanmeet ever that fans couldn't forget. The moments are all worthwhile to cherish. SHINee make their way back to the dorm except for Key and Taemin who has another schedule. 

"So how was it hyung?" Minho asked Onew.

"It was kind of embarrassing but a wholesome of fun!" Onew replied.

"See I told ya!" Jonghyun probed in.

They let Onew rest and order some lunch for them since their stomach are churning. They couldn't help but to agree that this fanmeet is the best so far. 

DONE AND COMPLETED! Whoohooooo! Thanks to all who subscribed and commented. Its been fun doing this fanfic. And yes, I'm still deciding whether or not to make the sequel. Give me ideas alright so do subscibe me on my main page so that you'll know when is this sequel coming up :) Thanks for your cooperation and have a great January 2013! <3

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Hyunseung4554 #1
Chapter 12: This was the sweetest story I have read in a long time! !!!! Good story
i loved ur story awsome job author-nim !!!
Chapter 12: Omg this story is the best! Hope you can write more abt onho mpreg. Or a sequEl abt shinee taking care of the baby
yaleON #4
Chapter 12: ..thank you for writing this awesome story.. you know i really like ONHO couple... <3
dewdew90 #5
Chapter 11: swettttttt family...... :)
vivianchan #6
Chapter 12: You should do a sequel about onew talking about Minho because he basically became pregnant through and yeah... Hahah maybe something about that? BUT other than that it was pretty epic <3
Chapter 12: What an awesome fan meet! And its also a great way to end this fic. I really hope you'll make a sequel to this. Am looking forward to it :) Fighting!!~
Chapter 12: Please do the sequel..i really love this story..:D
doyce228 #9
Chapter 12: aww so sweet >///<
Chapter 12: Aaah finally~ this fic is awsomeeee... Daebak '-')b wait for the sequel please ehehehe aah OnHo jjang!! Keep doing on this >/////< i like your story so damn much