Chapter Eleven

Taeyeon Power
I woke up in the morning and felt a weight on my chest. I knew it was Jessica, her head was on my chest and she was still sleeping soundly.

It was 10 am in the morning. I didn't set any alarm because i didn't want us to go for work. We need to clear things up.

Her hair were all over her angelic face but it was a beautiful sight to me. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled when i looked at the sleeping beauty

Why did i hurt her again and again? She didn't deserve all these. She is gorgeous, smart and close to perfect. She could have gotten married with some other guy and lived a normal life, she could have kids and watched them grow up. But she chose to be with me. I am such a fool to not cherish her.

She stirred and snuggled closer to my chest. I kept still and didn't even breathe, i was scared to wake her up. She's tired, she needs some rest.

I saw her lips twitch and a small smile formed. I was wondering what she was dreaming about but her phone rang.

I quickly picked it up as i didn't want it to disturb her sleep. But i saw her frown and i patted her to sleep again.


"Hello? Jessica-ssi? why aren't you reporting for work?!" asked a man over the line. His tone was harsh and my blood was boiling as i wondered if he had ever spoken to my girl in that way before.

"I'm not Jessica. I'm her girlfriend. And you know what? she's not going to work anymore. Change your attitude for god's sake!" i snapped and hung up the phone.

When i was done, i saw Jessica looking up at me. Her chin was on my chest, she was looking so adorable.

"Who's that?" she asked sleepily.

"Oh your boss i think," i replied.

"Why did he call? Wait, what time is it now?" She was rubbing her eyes and then became fully awake when she realised she might have overslept.

"It is 10 20 now. he called to ask you-"

"WHAT?! why didn't you wake me up! ohmygosh I'm so late!" she sat up right away and mumbled to herself.

I chuckled softly and sat up too. When she was about to get off the bed, i pulled her arm. She looked at me and said,"I've no time to play with you taengoo."

"Wait, listen. I told him you're not going for work. Anymore." i said carefully and she slowly sat back down.

"What did you say?" she asked as if she didn't hear me clearly

"I.. helped you to quit your job." i mumbled.

I was waiting for her to scold me or hit me randomly but she didn't. She looked at me and i stole a glance. "Okay."

"What? y-you're not angry?!" i asked with surprise. She was looking so calm. Unlike how i always asked her to quit her job and she would start arguing.

"Nope. Why should i be angry. I will listen to you," she said with a small smile that warmed my heart.

"W-why?" i asked unsurely. We just fought yesterday and she's so demure to me all of a sudden.

"Because," she paused and kneeled beside me. "I'm your girlfriend."

I looked at her blankly as i thought there might be some motives behind her words. But it turned out to be she meant it.

"I was thinking a lot before i slept last night. I was wondering if i am not good enough to be your girlfriend or is it that our love has changed," she said. I was about to protest and she held a finger onto my lips.

"I didn't know the answer. Because i fell asleep after that," she said honestly and i felt like laughing at her cuteness.

"BUT, i dreamed about us. I dreamed that you proposed to me and we got married. We had 2 kids. One called Kim Kibum and the other one called Kim... i forgot. Never mind, but they're so adorable." she smiled to herself when she was recalling her dream. I smiled too, but bitterly. Because i knew i wouldn't be able to give her a family.

"Sica.." i called out gently and she looked at me. "You know.. we can't have kids.."

Her face fell and she was drawing random shapes on the bedsheet. "Don't you want to start a family with me?" she asked meekly.

"Of course not!" i protested.

She looked at me sadly and i slapped my own mouth as she had misunderstood me.

"I mean.. i want to start a family with you. But.. I'm not a man.." i mumbled the last part awkwardly.

She giggled. I missed her laughter. "We can go for artificial insemination taengoo." She lifted her left shoulder up and tilted her head to the left. Why must she be so adorable in the morning.

"We.. uhm.. are not married yet." i pointed out. Her shoulders then drooped and sighed. "I know."

I watched how she got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom disheartenedly to wash up. I couldn't bear it. I must do something.

"Is my baby upset?" i asked and wrapped her waist. I nuzzled at the crook of her neck while she was brushing her teeth. She beamed me a fake smile from the mirror and my heart ached a little when i saw her reddened eyes.

I must not make her sad again.

"Stay at home later okay? i'll go to the restaurant to do some work. I promise i will be back before 3pm!" i informed her and she just nodded nonchalantly

I grinned at her from the mirror and she threw me my toothbrush. "Brush your teeth," she said with full of foam.

I giggled and started brushing my teeth too.

She was clearly upset that i didn't stay at home to accompany her. But i grinned to myself as i would definitely make it up for her.



A RATHER SHORT UPDATE. but TaengSic are okay already! :-) and yes. There will be some girls who keep appearing in taengsic's r/s. and you'll know why this story is called Taeyeon Power. AHA! And maybe donghae will appear too :-) till next update then! Which is soon :D
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the next chapter will be the last one guys


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Chapter 15: this is sooo good, author. thank you for sharing!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 15: Awww this is so cute???????
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 10: U don’t have to punch taengoo tho
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 7: Oh god what’s wrong with you krys?
Mihyun101 #5
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 5: Oh no
Nivetha_nive #7
Chapter 15: It's really good author...I love sica character she is so in love with her taengoo...taengoo is very lucky to have sica
Chapter 15: Very good story, I really like it. the three of them are my favorite pairing but I'm sad when my pairing can't have each other. taengkrys and yoontae I'm really sad they can't unite, but really really love the story
My three Otps in one story!? Hell yes!
Chapter 15: It hurts to see sica hurt and all but, well a story has to have drama right? Loved it author-ssi! Thank you for the great story!