Chapter Ten

Taeyeon Power

"Get out of the room too Kim Taeyeon," she said and stormed out. I quickly got up and Krystal tried to help me but I declined her offer. I didn't want to make things worsen. I know i would hurt her but i don't want Jessica to be hurt deeper. I am selfish i know.

When i went out of the room, I saw her sitting on the sofa with an expressionless face. I couldn't even hold my head up to look at her straight. I couldn't breathe properly.

She didn't say a word. She just sat there looking at the wall. , the wall was decorated with our photos and some of our silly works. That would definitely hurt her deeper

I was too guilty to talk to her first. I kissed her sister and almost had with her, what do you expect her to feel? Her heart must be bleeding profusely.

Neither of us spoke. I listened to her loud breathing in the quiet room. It was as if she didn't care about my existence anymore.

That made me feel like a complete retard to betray her feelings again and again. It was a complete mess. I had just let her down two days ago and now i hurt her once more. This time, it was her own sister.

Suddenly, she stood up and walked towards me with a blank face. I gulped and awaited a tight slap on my face. But nothing happened.

She continued to walk pass me to the kitchen and i felt uneasy. What did she want to do?

Then she reappeared again, she looked intimidating. I was looking at her timidly and then looked down. Something caught my eyes.

A knife.

She was holding onto it tightly, it was pointing to the ground but she clenched on the handle securely. I was horrified.

"S-sica? what are you d-doing?" i asked with a shaky voice. I was trembling in fears badly. She didn't say a word but she came charging in.

Her eyes were icy cold. I couldn't see love in her eyes anymore. It was as if i am her enemy, the one she hates the most in the entire world.

She pointed the sharp end to me and halted in front of me about an arm length more away. I fell onto my knees, crying out loud and didn't dare to look up at her. I was scared but i knew she was hurt.

"What did you promise me yesterday?" she asked me with a monotonous tone, as if she wasn't expecting an answer from me.

"I-I-" she walked closer and i backed off a little as the knife was directly in front of my nose.

"You said you won't hurt me anymore and you won't betray me anymore. But what are all these s about? are you done playing with my heart Kim Tae Yeon? it has been almost four years since we are together. Next week is our fourth anniversary, is this the surprise you're giving me?!" she said too quickly and i didn't have the time to respond.

"For the past few years, do you think that I'm not aware that you've secret admirers all over the place? I have closed one eye about it. You seem to be enjoying the attention too much eh? Kim Taeyeon, where were you last year on Christmas' eve?" she questioned me harshly.

My eyes fluttered open and looked at her in shock. "I-I-I was-"

She cut me off and screamed,"you were with Tiffany!"

She knew about it. I was shivering in fears but she didn't care about it at all. Her knife was about an inch apart from my face. "I'm sorry sica.."

"DongHae told me that he saw the two of you in the coffee shop. Didn't i call you to tell you to come home earlier? you said you were with your brother!" she spat and i was speechless.

My heart ached a little when she mentioned DongHae. I knew that DongHae likes her a lot. But Jessica chose to put my lies away because she loves me.

"I'm really sorry sica.." i apologised sorrowfully and the tears kept streaming down.

"You lied to me again and again. You think that i don't know Yoona likes you? I knew it all along. Can't you tell that I'm always tensed up when she's around?" she was shouting and screaming. I could only kneel on the ground and beg for her forgiveness even though i don't deserve it at all.

"I-I am really sorry sica.. I'm sorry.. I didn't know what i was doing.." i cried

"Don't tell me that you're sorry! how many times have you apologised before? how many times do i have to forgive you? Kim Taeyeon you're driving me crazy!!" she messed her hair with her hands. I was so scared that the knife would hurt her and i quickly stood up to stop her from doing it.

"Stay away from me!" she pushed me away and pointed the knife to me again.

"Baby please.." i begged.

"Don't call me that! i don't even know if you've ever called other girls that!" she bawled. Then her tears came gushing out

"I swear i have never called other girls that before! I don't love anyone else, i only love you Jessica!" i explained frantically.

She glared at me while sobbing hard and she snickered,"are you lying to me again? ask yourself, have you liked Tiffany before?"

Her words struck me and i was stunned. She knew about it?

"Yes i knew about it! do you think that I'm stupid?" she asked me sarcastically.

"No sica.." i mumbled.

"This is getting more and more outrageous. I want you to be dead so badly but i can't do it. What have i done wrong? tell me taengoo.." she asked me softly and that only made me feel more guilty.

"You've done nothing wrong.. I'm the one who is wrong sica.. please put the knife down.." i said and tried to pacify her

Just then, the front door barged open and I turned back to look at who was that.

"Oppa?" i called out as i saw Yunho panting by the door.

"Damn it the lift stopped working. What are you doing Sooyeon?!" He mumbled and then asked in shock.

"Oppa stay away from this!" shouted Jessica. But Yunho walked through the living room and went to snatch the knife away bravely. Jessica didn't retaliate at all. She just broke down and cried. Her was squatting on the floor and hugging herself. My heart wrenched when i saw her in this state.

"Are you crazy?! you will go to jail if you killed her!" scolded Yunho after he came back from the kitchen.

"I don't care!" snapped Jessica. She didn't lift up her head and i kneeled beside her. I wasn't sure if she wanted me to stay with her but i still did.

She was wailing hysterically and I hugged her from the side. To my surprise, she encircled my waist and cried in my embrace. I closed my eyes and took in a long deep breath.

"Soojung come out now!" bellowed Yunho as he watched the two of us.

Krystal's room opened slowly and she stood there with her head held lowly. "I demand an explanation!" he said sternly.

"Oppa.. i-i am sorry." apologised Krystal. I didn't know why Yunho came here out of a sudden but then i surmised that Krystal called him.

"You called me here to see how sooyeon and taeyeon fight?! then you apologised?! what's this about!" he grunted.

"Oppa I'm sorry." i apologised firmly and he eyed me.

"What's going on?" he asked and stared between me and krystal.

Krystal's face grimaced and started explaining the entire story to him. He was surprised at first but his expression changed to an angry one.

"Are you insane?!" he scolded Krystal. Krystal cried and kept apologising. I didn't dare to look at him. He may be a funny person but when he's angry, he's sure like hell.

"Kim Taeyeon," he hissed and pulled me up. Jessica broke away from me and he looked up to see Yunho grabbing my collar.

He was trembling in fury and his eyes were fuming. I didn't dare to look at him at all.

"Oppa don't!" begged Jessica. She was still on the floor and couldn't seem to gather the strength to stand up.

Krystal saw it and she went up to help her. Krystal supported her and they went closer to us.

"Stay away sooyeon," said Yunho firmly. He was still glaring at me and i was held in the mid air. My feet barely touched the ground.

"Jung Yunho!" screamed Jessica and she tried to break Yunho's fingers away from my collar.

I didn't have the time to react and Yunho threw me to the sofa. My back hurt a lot but i knew i shouldn't complain. I was in the wrong after all. I could only suffer silently. This pain is nothing as compared to Jessica's wounded heart.

"Didn't i tell you to treat her right? One is not enough is it? now you want to mess with Soojung too?!" his face was so near mine and i could feel his hot breath on my face as he hissed.

"Get away from her Jung Yunho!" yelled Jessica as she pulled Yunho's shirt. Yunho didn't budge at all. He was so much bigger in size.

"Oppa.." muttered Krystal as she stood quite far away from us.

Yunho turned his face slowly to Krystal and Krystal gulped. "Taeyeon unnie didn't mess with me.. I threatened her to. She was forced to.."

"I know! you told me! But she should have controlled herself!" grumbled Yunho and he turned back to face me. A punch went across my jaw and i winced in pain.

"YUNHO!" screamed Jessica and she pushed him away from me. He got away and stood there breathing angrily.

Jessica was crying all over and she checked to see if I'm okay. My cheek was swollen immediately and she caressed it gingerly. "Are you okay taengoo?"

Her eyes were then filled with worry and love. My heart shattered when i saw how she still care about me even though i have done her wrong.

"I'm fine sica.." i tried to smile but my cheek hurt a lot. I grimaced and saw Yunho walking up to me again. I was waiting for another punch but nothing came.

Jessica shielded me with herself and she stared at Yunho. "Don't you dare to hurt her again!"

"She hurt you for god's sake!" snarled Yunho.

"I know! but i love her.. i love her too much.." Jessica whimpered and she looked so vulnerable again.

"Sica.." i called out and she turned to face me. I cupped her face and wiped away the tears. Yunho scoffed and pulled Jessica away. "You're stupid Jung Sooyeon."

"Yes I'm stupid. I am a fool for loving her. No matter what she has done wrong, i can't seem to walk away from her. I need her in my life badly.." she sounded desperate and i closed my eyes. I was too ashamed.

"I don't really want to interfere this, but you're hurt. She messed with your own sister!" Yunho was trying to let Jessica see the picture properly.

"I know! she's my sister. And she, is the love of my life.. i have to forgive them.." whispered Jessica and her voice was strained.

"Where's your pride!" snapped Yunho

"Love has no pride!" retorted Jessica and she came to check on my bruise again.

Yunho scoffed and the room went silent again.

I was feeling rather dizzy and Jessica kept holding onto my hand while the other hand was rubbing my bruise carefully.

"Soojung, you're leaving with me. Pack your stuff now," ordered Yunho.

Krystal looked at him in bewilderment and Yunho snickered,"do you think it would be a good choice if you continue to stay here?!"

Krystal then nodded reluctantly and went to her room. Jessica didn't say anything at all.

"I'm leaving. Sort it out on your own. Don't do anything silly," said Yunho in a much gentler tone and he patted Jessica's head.


It was later that night and we didn't have dinner. Neither of us felt like eating. She just went to her bed straight after showering.

I took a look at her before i stepped into the bathroom. She didn't talk after Yunho left. But she applied some ice on my bruise. Even though i apologised several times, she would just hum or nod.

I let the cold water ran down my body to take away the heat. I was feeling miserable but i doubt Jessica felt any lesser.

After i was done, i walked to the bed quietly and heard her sob. She was still crying. In fact, she had been tearing all along. But she would wipe the tears away when i wanted to comfort her.

"Good night sica.." i whispered tenderly and kissed her shoulder.

"Don't cry anymore please.." i pleaded and she ignored me.

I sighed and turned to face the other way. Our backs were facing each other instead of the other way round. I was ashamed.

"Taengoo.. hug me," she whispered. I could hear sadness from her voice. I didn't hesitate at all and i hugged her around the waist, leaving no gap in between us.

"I miss us." she blurted and i opened my eyes. I could smell her sweet scent but it smelled so bitter too when i breathed in

She was a wreck now and I was the cause of it. I sniffed and tried to say something but my mind was blank.

"I miss it when we were in love with each other," she continued. I could hear she was holding back her tears.

"I'm still in love with you," i quickly said.

She didn't respond and soon, i could hear her slow breathing from her blocked nose. I supposed she was asleep as she must be tired after all these crying.

I must take a day off to stay by her side the next day. I can't let her go to work in this state. She was once a cheerful girl but i destroyed her.

"Sica.. i know sorry doesn't turn back time.. but I'm just.. sorry. I'm an idiot to have hurt you again and again. please don't ever leave me because i can't live without you, I'm serious.." i said and my mind drifted off. I was then in my dreamland and i thought i heard her say,"i won't."



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the next chapter will be the last one guys


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Chapter 15: this is sooo good, author. thank you for sharing!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 15: Awww this is so cute???????
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 10: U don’t have to punch taengoo tho
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 7: Oh god what’s wrong with you krys?
Mihyun101 #5
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 5: Oh no
Nivetha_nive #7
Chapter 15: It's really good author...I love sica character she is so in love with her taengoo...taengoo is very lucky to have sica
Chapter 15: Very good story, I really like it. the three of them are my favorite pairing but I'm sad when my pairing can't have each other. taengkrys and yoontae I'm really sad they can't unite, but really really love the story
My three Otps in one story!? Hell yes!
Chapter 15: It hurts to see sica hurt and all but, well a story has to have drama right? Loved it author-ssi! Thank you for the great story!