
Mr. Luminous

(Chaehee's POV)

After the movie ended, Yunho said that he had to go home because his mum wants him back. So here I am, with Taemin and Yuna.

“Do you guys want to eat now?” Taemin asked looking at the both of us. We nodded and headed to a nearby restaurant.

Yuna’s phone suddenly rang and Taemin’s expression changed into a shocked one. Yuna picked up the call and Taemin immediately covered my mouth with his hand.

She pressed the loudspeaker button so Taemin could hear what was going on. I assumed it was boa who called since the two of them were both super shocked.

“Hello?” Yuna answered.

“Yuna, are you with Taemin right now?” Boa asked through the phone. “Cause he’s not home”

“No, he’s not with me, h-he might be out with his friends or something…” Yuna lied.

“It better not be the group of kids that called themselves… Shinee or something, oh well, I’ll call him later, come home first alright?”

“Okay” Yuna ended the call and let out a loud sigh, Taemin let go of my mouth and leaned back into his chair. “I’ll go back home now, Boa’s expecting you home as well so don’t make her suspicious.” Boa warned and left the restaurant.

It was an awkward atmosphere between Taemin and I so I just kept eating until he spoke up.

“Sorry about just then, boa doesn’t really like it when we make friends with… some people, specific people” He apologised.

“No need to apologise, it’s not your fault” I finished my food and so did he. I insisted to pay but he ignored me and payed for the meal himself.

“I should go now, my mum’s probably waiting for me at home” I said, feeling a bit disappointed myself.

“Do you want me to drive you home?”

“No, I’ll be fine, thanks anyways” I smiled and bid goodbye to him.

“Okay, be safe!”

The sky was getting darker every minute. When I got to the dark alleyway, I started to get a feeling that someone was following behind me, so I fast walked till I was safe back home.

(Taemin’s POV)

Did she really think I’d let her walk back home all by herself at this hour. She doesn’t even have a gun on her like Yuna does!

As I followed, she was looking around suspiciously, obviously scared that someone might attack her.

Oh, so this is where she lives. I stood on the pathway outside her house and stared at it for a while before returning home.

“Taemin, you’re back! I was waiting for you to come home” Boa greeted brightly as always. “Where were you this whole time?” She asked.

“Um-uh, I was with some of my friends” I lied, I usually don’t lie to her but this time, I had to.

“Which friends?” She questioned again.

“School friends, noona stop being so suspicious alright?” I patted her on the back and walked up into my room.

“Whew, that was close” I muttered to myself before jumping onto bed. I smiled happily because I finally made a friend, although she’s a bit cold but I’ll get used to it!

(Chaehee’s POV)

“Achoo!” I’ve been sneezing quite a lot since I got home, someone must be talking about me behind my back. I shivered from the cold breeze that came from my windows and couldn’t help but think if Taemin was safe at home.

I shut the windows tightly, afraid that anymore wind would come in. A loud yawn came out of my mouth and I knew it was time for bed; it’s been a long day anyways.

“Rise and shine Chaehee~ it’s time for school~” My mum sang.

“5 more minutes, please!” I pulled my blanket over my head and continued to enjoy my sleep.

“No, you’re getting up this instant no matter what” My mum pulled the blanket off me.

“Mum, I think I’m sick…” I pulled the blanket over my head again and was about to fall asleep again. I felt my mum’s cold hand touch my forehead and I shivered due to the change of temperature.

“You’re burning Chaehee!” She cried. “I’ll go get you some medicine, have some rest for now, I’ll call the university for you” I nodded as a response with my eyes closed.

 I opened my eyes slowly and looked at my clock which was sitting on my bedside table. I’ve slept for five hours already?! I checked my phone and just as I expected, I received 4 messages.

‘To: Chaehee

Mum’s at work right now, I’ll be coming home at 10:00 today, okay? I left some food in the fridge for you so whenever you’re hungry, just put the food in the microwave and heat it up before eating. Love you!

From Mum’

‘Thanks mum’ I replied and read the next message that was from Eunji.

‘Chaehee, where are you? Why aren’t you at school? Are you alright? I’m so worried about you! Text me back soon as possible so I know you’re safe’

Eunji’s so sweet! ‘Don’t worry Eunji, just a light fever’ I texted back. I opened the next one which was from Kris.

‘Are you ok? Did something happen last night after Yunho left? Why aren’t you at school today?’

Wow, I didn’t expect the cold-hearted Kris to worry. ‘Kris, I’m fine, nothing bad happened yesterday’. The next message was from Yunho, obviously.

‘Where are you? Why aren’t you at school? The others are so worried about you, text me back!’

‘I’m fine and I told the others that already, thanks for worrying friend who ditched me last night!’ I laughed as I texted that back.

I walked into the living room and turned the TV on. Even if I switch the channels, there was nothing to watch.

Just then, the doorbell rang, surprising me a little. I wonder who it is…

Guess who it might be...? Anyways.. thank you for the lovely comments:) Enjoy reading~

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Celinko #1
Chapter 13: Heyy~~ update soon!!
Chapter 11: omg love this story ! ><
Chapter 11: BAHAHAH, too cute xD
Chapter 9: G dragon from Big Bang?
Chapter 9: Is it eunkwang from btob?
Chapter 7: that was so nice ! wow
xSanjaax #7
OMG I love this! :D
Waw Love this story !You're a really good writher !
Chapter 4: Wow...
So Taemin oppa is some sort of hitman or killer?
Update soon.
Chapter 3: UHUUUUUUH, this is so interesting. Update soon okay author nim? <3