Rich much

The Bet That Decided Their Future (Long Hiatus)
you woke up in a unfamiliar room, you tried remembering what happened but nothing came up. you were on a comfortable bed, being covered by a silk covered blanket. there was a window not far from the bed and a desk was located at the end of the room. you admired all the fine details carved onto the wall. there were swells, images of flowers and animals. you jumped out of the bed and slipped onto a pair of hello kitty slippers next to the bed. you walked around the room and stopped when you saw the scenery outside the window. you let out a small gasped as you look down. there was a beautiful rock pond with goldfish in it and a beautifully set up garden just a few metres away from it.  you kept admiring the beauty until you were interrupted by the opening door. you turned back to see who it is. your jaw dropped when you saw him, it was sehun. his hair was wet and he was pratically half . you blushed and quickly turned back.  you heard footsteps coming closer to you, you can't help but feel scared. all the things he could possibly do popped up in your mind, you shivered at the thought of losing your innocence. you shut your eyes and waited for something to come at you,when you suddenly heard him say "turn around juri." you turned and he was literally only 1 cm away from you. you turn your head to the side, holding yourself back from staring at his abs.  you felt him hold onto your chin and tilted your head back to the position you had when you turned around. ok that's it, you were blushing violently. this is the first time you had ever been in this kind of situation, you didn't know how to react at all. he saw him leaning closer to you, your lips were only 5mm apart, a little voice from the back of your head told you to close your eyes, so you just did as it told you to.  sudenly, you heard a small chuckle coming from sehun, the chuckle slowly turned into a laugh. you shot open yours eyes and saw him on the floor rolling around laughing like there won't be a tomorrow. he mangaed to stand back up and composed himself. sehun look up to meet your eyes, you could that he was trying his best not to laugh because his mouth was twitching. he tried saying "did you seriously think i was going to kiss you?" calmly but it turned into "tid chu vfavdsv tink i dsvvsdgbgrbr you?" because he couldn't help but keep laughing. you stared at him questioningly since you didn't understand it quite well. he managed to calm himdpself a bit more and said it clearly. you glared at him and replied "why would i, i just didn't want to see your face." his eyes showed pain for a second but it was quickly replaced by a michievous glint. he walked up to you again and picked you up, you don't know where he was carrying you to, but you were sure he was up to no good. A/N: kekeke have a nice time wondering about what happened next
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i'm sooo sozzy readers fro disappearing and made you wait. Mianheee~


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lrihsnat #2
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! Pls update soon, i want to read more! I voted INFINITE ^^
jewel_eunhyuk #3
Chapter 11: please update soon~~ i like the story~~~
Mayeon1 #4
Chapter 9: sorry boutchap 9 the author's note has being separated by the poll. thia is wat i call ipad effect
Mayeon1 #5
readers, i need you guys to vote on my poll, it's on chapter 8 i will add it on chap 9 as well once i upload it. kumsahapnida
CaramelsDreamer #6
Chapter 8: update soon^^