Sehun & Tao picture spams!!

The Bet That Decided Their Future (Long Hiatus)

A/N: As promised, this chapter will be full of Sehun and Tao picture spams, maybe some Hunhan and Taoris pics will be posted.

A/N: does anyone know what's infront of Sehun's ........ it's really distubing.XD

A/N: i want to be the pen~


Sehun: i'm y and I know it~

Sehun: *Buing Buing, my version is definitely better than Tao hyungs.. kekeke


Me: Why so cute?

Sehun: Because I just want to be :P

Sehun: i know you want me *wink


Me: AHHHHHHH!!! *faints

Me: i swear they could be twins....

me: kyaaaaaaaa!! HUNHAN 4EVER

Me: kungfu panda does peace sign!?

Tao: Shut up, stop being jealous because i'm cute :P

Me: Tao! make me yours

Tao: *stares no *walks away

我:这是给我的吗?(trans: Me: is this for me?)

涛涛:做梦去吧!(Tao: in your dreams)


Tao: I'm cute right?

Me: OMG!! i love TAORIS

Me: i agree with kris XD


A/N: like my spams? want it more often? then comment and subscribe please... i just realised that this chap is chap 15, maybe i'll add spams like this every 15th chap. different exo members everytime... give me your opinion about this

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i'm sooo sozzy readers fro disappearing and made you wait. Mianheee~


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lrihsnat #2
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! Pls update soon, i want to read more! I voted INFINITE ^^
jewel_eunhyuk #3
Chapter 11: please update soon~~ i like the story~~~
Mayeon1 #4
Chapter 9: sorry boutchap 9 the author's note has being separated by the poll. thia is wat i call ipad effect
Mayeon1 #5
readers, i need you guys to vote on my poll, it's on chapter 8 i will add it on chap 9 as well once i upload it. kumsahapnida
CaramelsDreamer #6
Chapter 8: update soon^^