Chapter 16

The Bet That Decided Their Future (Long Hiatus)

A/N: For the future chaps, I'll start writing by using "Jieun" instead of "you", it'll be easier for me to wirte like that, and I want provide you guys with chapters that are enjoyable. Thank You





"Yah, Juri you lazy-pig! Get yourself outside and have some fun!" Juri's mum shouted from the kitchen. Juri shut down her notebook and lazily crawled off the bed. She took out a plain white dress with some flowers located at the bottom out of the closet and wore it, matching the dress with light pink flats.


Juri double -checked that she had packed her wallet and mobile in her purse while walkig down the stairs. Juri's mum's head suddenly popped out behind the kitchen wall, "That's my girl, get some fresh air outside, remember be back before 10. If you're going to be late call me."

"Neh, umma!"


Juri strolled to a park near her house and sat down on a bench, she watched the kids running around, when a little girl tripped over and started to cr. Juri jogged to the little girl and started to comfort her.

The little girl's name was apparently Jung Miyoung, there was a scratch on Miyoung's knee and her mother went to buy some drinks at a not-so-near store. Juri took Miyoung to the bathroom and helped her wash the dirts off her knee. When they got back out, MIyoung's mum was already at the park looking for Miyoung. Mrs Jung thanked Juri and gave her a drink as a gift.


Litlle did Juri know, Sehun was passing by when the whole thing happened. To be honest, he was a bit touched by Juri's kindness when the other passer-bys just ignored the little girl.

Juri sat back down on the bench and started to fantasize things, when suddenly she felt a pair of hands covered her eye.

"Guess who it is?"

"Sehun, what do you want?"

" did you know it was me?" Sehun said as he uncovered Juri's eyes.

Juri turned around ad saw a pouting Sehun, it was adorable but she was not going to let Sehun know his cute in her eyes.

"You know, you're not cute....and you just interrupted me fantasizing about stuff."

Sehun took the spot next to her and said "Mwoh?! I'm not cute?! That's so mean....What were you fantasizing about?"

"Nothing you should wrried about..."

A creepy smile slowly crept onto Sehun's face "Could it be our baby Juri is fantasizing about R stuff....or are you fantasizing about this handsome face next to you.....hmm so which one is it?"

Juri smirked a him and said "I AM fantasizing about you...."

Sehun's heart started to beat so fast after Juri said that, but before he could say his comeback Juri cutted him off. "I was fantasizing about the ways I could use to kill you."

Sehun's heart felt a bit dejected, but he was not going to show his emotion. He spotted the drink that little mum's girl gave Juri next to her. Sehun thought up an evil plan quickly, he swiftly grabbed the bottle from next to her and hopped off the seat. Juri's fast reflex gave her a chance to grab the end of the bottle before it was really going to be out her reach. Sehun and Juri started to have a tugger war, only that they are using a bottle instead of a rope.

As they were pulling the bottle back and for, Sehun tripped over a rock and accidentally pulled Juri down with him. Sehun closed his eyes as his back landed on the cold, hard floor. When Sehun opened his eyes he saw Juri ontop of him. His heart was beating fast again nd he felt the blood in his cheek boiled, he just hope that Juri wouldn't notice the speed of his heart. Juri looked up and stared into Sehun's eyes still not recovering from the floor.

"Umma!! The noona and hyung over there are doing erted stuff!!" A little boy at the side shouted. Both Juri and Sehun's eyes widened, with swift movements Juri rolled of Sehun and stood up. Sehun just stood up slowly and acted like nothing happened, when his heart was beating thousand times faster than before.

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i'm sooo sozzy readers fro disappearing and made you wait. Mianheee~


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lrihsnat #2
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! Pls update soon, i want to read more! I voted INFINITE ^^
jewel_eunhyuk #3
Chapter 11: please update soon~~ i like the story~~~
Mayeon1 #4
Chapter 9: sorry boutchap 9 the author's note has being separated by the poll. thia is wat i call ipad effect
Mayeon1 #5
readers, i need you guys to vote on my poll, it's on chapter 8 i will add it on chap 9 as well once i upload it. kumsahapnida
CaramelsDreamer #6
Chapter 8: update soon^^