The Glaring Battle in Class

The Bet That Decided Their Future (Long Hiatus)

You had a high-class western breakfast, oyu were lucky that his parents were on a business trip or you'll die from the atmosphere being too awkward. Sehun prepared the girl uniform for you since you still have to go to school today, and you'll die from you mum's' wrath if you didn't go.

You went to school on Sehun's Ferrari arriving in less than 5 minutes, when usually it takes 20 minutes for you. Sehun got out of the car first and went to help you, female students that were passing by all glared at you with imaginary lasers shooting out nnstop.

Tao was wallking by and saw you gettng out of Sehun's car, he suddenly felt a pang of jealousy washing up. He went up to ou and greeted you with a wide smile and said "hey!" you greeted him back with a smile too.

Sehun at the side was starting to get jealous as well, he was about to join the conversation you and Tao had randomly started, but Tao dagged you away to EXO-M before he could say a word. Sehun was raging now but he hid it with a poker face *Tao-hyung, you stupid curly hair kungfu panda, I wear I'll take Jieun away someday. Grrrr.....*

You couldn't focus in class, a glaring war has started between Tao and Sehun. You were sitting between them so you always feel electricity shooting pass you every second. >;(    some boys in class were watching in interest while most of the girls were glaring at you, making you can't focus more.

FINALLY, the bell rang for lunch, you quickly stuffed all your books in your bag and charged out of the room, not wanting t be stopped by anyone. Tao and Sehun has been looking for you after you went out of the class, Tao gave up after 10 minutes because his hyungs were telling him to hurry up, while on the other hand Sehun keeps looking.

You were in the school garden eating the sandwich you bought from the dining hall. Suddenly you heard a familiar voice shout "JURI!!" you turn your head around and saw Sehun running towards you. He was breathing heavily, you couldn't help but think *Was he looking for me this whole time?* Sehun sat on the spot next to you, an awkward silence between you two went on for a long time, until Sehun suddenly asked "Why did you running out of the class?"

"Why do you think i ran out?" You asked back.

He shrugged his shoulder and looked at you waiting for an answer.

"You and Tao have been glaring at each other through out the whole first half of the day....and the girls in the class has been glaring at I can't focus in class at all! So right now i want some peace."

"ok, well sorry."

An awkward took over again after Sehun said that, but you broke it a while later.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You already asked," Sehun replied with a snicker.

"Seriously, can I?"

"Yea, I guess...."

"Why does girls always glare at me?"

"Um... because you get to talk, sit next to and with the most popular boys in school, oh duh."

"But I'm only friend's with Tao and EXO-M.... I'm not sure about you." you protested.

"MWOH!? You're so mean, after all the disasters we went through together you still don't consider me as a friend, I'm going to cry..."

"......Stop with your exaggerating acting please, it looks *cough *cough gay.... and ok, i may consider you as a friend."

Before Sehun can answer you with anymore of his exaggerating actings the bell rang for the second half of the day.

The rest of the day was still the same like before, Tao and Sehun were still glaring at each other, but not as fierce as before. The girls were still shooting lasers at you with their eye. WOW!! They have supernatural power O.O

When you arrived back at home your mum was fussing about you not returning home yesterday, but she let you off after a while. Afterall you are her precious baby afterall, hehe.


A/N: *runs away

I'm sorry my readers, I'm still in China, i kinda rushed this one, so it's not good. i apologise for not updating for such a long time. MIANHE!! *bows from far away.

i hope you like this chapter and remember to comment and subscribe!!

the next chapter will be filled with Sehun & Tao pictures as an apology.

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i'm sooo sozzy readers fro disappearing and made you wait. Mianheee~


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lrihsnat #2
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! Pls update soon, i want to read more! I voted INFINITE ^^
jewel_eunhyuk #3
Chapter 11: please update soon~~ i like the story~~~
Mayeon1 #4
Chapter 9: sorry boutchap 9 the author's note has being separated by the poll. thia is wat i call ipad effect
Mayeon1 #5
readers, i need you guys to vote on my poll, it's on chapter 8 i will add it on chap 9 as well once i upload it. kumsahapnida
CaramelsDreamer #6
Chapter 8: update soon^^