Awkward Position

The Bet That Decided Their Future (Long Hiatus)
when you dragged sehun away he felt happy, he didn't know why, but he felt like the happiest man on earth. you opened the door to your house and dragged him along. you were lucky that your mum hasn't return from work yet. it was sehun's first time in a commoners house, his family is rich and so are his friends. he looked around the house, taking in all the details. sehun finds a few things quite interesting. you prepared green tea and snacks for him whilemhe wonders around the house. he went into your room and closed the door. sehun spotted a photo album lying at the far right corner of your room. he moved across the room carefully, not wanting to break any of your possessions.  he picked up the album and flipped through it. most of the photos were when you were a baby.  you walked out of the kitchen with the tea and snacks, you couldn't find sehun in the living room and the toilet. you walked around the house stopping in front of your room, your heart has already decided that if he was inside you are seriously killing him. you opened the door and saw him on the floor flipping through your photo album. he jumped alittle when you came in, not to mention with a very scary face. you charged at him knocking him over, you pounced on him and was about to start punching the daylight out of the surprised boy, that's when you realised the awkward position you both are in. both of your face were only 2 inches apart not to mention you are still on him..... you face started to burn, you were sure that you have become a tomato. as much as you want to get off him, your legs wouldn't move, they seem to be stuck to the ground with Super glue. you two stared at each other in the eyes without moving for the next few minutes, both of your hearts were pounding 1000000x faster then normal. the silence was broken by the ringing doorbell, you quickly returned back to reality and went to open the door. you saw Tao standing at the stair case with a huge grin plastered on his face.  A/N: Sozzy, i went on hiatus bcuz i have finally encountered the biggest writersblock in my whole life. curse me if you want..... AND mianhe it's a short and bad chapter. i swear this is the worst chap i wrote
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i'm sooo sozzy readers fro disappearing and made you wait. Mianheee~


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lrihsnat #2
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! Pls update soon, i want to read more! I voted INFINITE ^^
jewel_eunhyuk #3
Chapter 11: please update soon~~ i like the story~~~
Mayeon1 #4
Chapter 9: sorry boutchap 9 the author's note has being separated by the poll. thia is wat i call ipad effect
Mayeon1 #5
readers, i need you guys to vote on my poll, it's on chapter 8 i will add it on chap 9 as well once i upload it. kumsahapnida
CaramelsDreamer #6
Chapter 8: update soon^^