The Bet That Decided Their Future (Long Hiatus)

Jessica strolled in the ice-cream shop with confidence radiating off her. She was wearing those usual prostitude clothes, Short, skimpy, red dress that barely covers the cheeks and a black strapless shirt that loosely clung onto her chest. Along with heavy make-up and a 6 inches tall black heel. Most of the boys had their eyes setted on her and she sent them back a flirty air-kiss.

Juri looked surprise when she saw Jessica stroll in, but Sehun's shock was 100000 times bigger, karma really is a sometimes.... He quickly dug into his jacket's pockets and took out a pair of shades. Quickly popping it on, he looked back up to see Juri's sad puppy face. Sehun quickly panicked, he definitely did not lke seeing Juri sad...even though it was cute.

"Juri, I swear i have nothing to do with this...cross my heart and hope to die..."  

Juri's expression lightened abit, but traces of hurt was still visible, trying to divert they attention to somewhere else, Sehun pointed to the ice-cream cake and blurted out what was on his mind...LOUDLY

"OMO, look the cake's melting!! Why don't we finish it first before it dies!!"

Biting her bottom lips, Juri tried her best holding back the laughter that was about to escape, some customers turned their head and gave Sehun weird looks. Sadly, even Jessica heard the outburst, she turned her attention away from the menu and looked out the shade-wearing boy. Chcking him out, she note that he had quite the body built and his features were quite good, other than the fact that he was wearing shades. Deciding that she'll have some fun with him, she quickly put down her order at the counter and headed to the table next to the boy and his girl.

"Hey, boy...what's your name?" Jessica asked seductively while winking at Sehun.

Sehun gave a side-glance at Jessica and gagged innerly at her wink, before turning back to Juri and smiled at Juri assuringly. Juri couldn't help but feel a small smile creeping onto her face, she was glad that he ignored Jessica and didn't ditch her. Happily eating her share of the cake as a sign she forgives him, making Sehun's heart beat faster at the beautiful expression.

Jessica on the other hand would what you will describe as "Fuming", "Pissed", "Getting evil" and "Having a fit". No one rejects her as she would like to think, and that was what this "useless little boy" done. Determined to make this boy bow down to her and show his face, she plotted an evil plan in her mind.

"Boy, you have to look at a person while they are speaking to you," Jessica said in a seductive tone.

Sehun just glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and turned his attention back to Juri. On the other hand Jessica wa getting very impatient, Sehun suddenly felt cold fingers underneath his chin, before he could react Jessica has smashed her lips onto his. Juri stared wide eyes as did the other male customers as the "kiss" scene unfolded infront of them.

When Sehun finally got back his senses he shoved Jessica away and she landed on the wet floor that was just washed a few minutes ago. She felt very humiliatd by the fact, her backside has a big dark stain and her were on full view when she landed. Juri on the other hand was trying not to laugh at the scene, sure she was VERY surprised when Jessica kissed Sehun, but she was very happy when Sehun shoved her away. Yea, it was mean, but heck she deserved it.

Sehun noticed the scene caused quite alot of attention and at that second he didn't want any attention, he grabbed onto Juri's hand and dragged her out of the shop. For a while, Sehun kept on dragging Juri around without a settled destination. Juri was slowly getting agitated, she was huffing and puffing (and blow your house down...XDD) trying to get the boy's attention but sadly he just kept on walking. Finally Juri snapped, she yanked her hand out of Sehun's grasped and stopped walking. Sehun noticed the warmth of Juri's hand was gone from his, he turned around and saw Juri standing there with a very dark aura surrounding her. *Uh-Oh*sehun thought.

"Urghh, Juri....Are you perhaps okkk?"



"you...," Juri said in a dangerous tone, "WHAT THE FU*K DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DRAGGING ME AROUND!!"

Sehun visibly flinched at Juri's outburst he couldn't help but imagine himself as a anime character and shrinking away when someone is yelling at them.


"Juri-ah, Miahne~ please forgive me," throwing his manliness, Sehun decided to use his aegyo. He pouted at her with wide puppy eyes, pleading her for forgiveness.

Juri couldn't help but feel like forgiving him right away, she knew she should be angry with him but his aegyo is the most unresistable thing in the world, she couldn't help but feel like she should forgive him. She looked away and reluctantly said "fine, I forgive you...BUt, only this once ok?"

Sehun nodded, happy he wouldn't die today.


OK, I HAVE FINALLY FLIPPING UPDATED. I am so thankful that not much of you unsubscribed...for that I FREAKING LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!

I know I'm a very bad author for not updating for a fudging long time and I don't have any excuse for myself so I'm going do what Sehun did

"Mianhae~, everybody..." *tries aegyo* /hit by pan/ X_X

anywayz, comment, subscribe, and Love MEEEEEH!!! XDDDD


21718_457261840992473_2096821107_n.jpgKekekeke, pouty sehunnie!

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i'm sooo sozzy readers fro disappearing and made you wait. Mianheee~


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lrihsnat #2
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! Pls update soon, i want to read more! I voted INFINITE ^^
jewel_eunhyuk #3
Chapter 11: please update soon~~ i like the story~~~
Mayeon1 #4
Chapter 9: sorry boutchap 9 the author's note has being separated by the poll. thia is wat i call ipad effect
Mayeon1 #5
readers, i need you guys to vote on my poll, it's on chapter 8 i will add it on chap 9 as well once i upload it. kumsahapnida
CaramelsDreamer #6
Chapter 8: update soon^^