Chapter 2

My Sweet, Sunshiny Sister

      After school my sister and I met by my locker. I took my sweet time packing up as she stood, waiting by my side, playing with her phone. On the surface she looked calm and content but I knew she was a bubbling pot of impatience and restlessness. I took my time for this exact reason. To mess with her and her sick, little head."Will you hurry the up?" she snarled just loud enough for me to hear. "Patience, princess. A lady never rushes." She glared at me and I laughed. That's when Heechul walked up.

      Fun fact: My sister hates Heechul. With a passion. Funner fact: I think he likes her. I wonder how she would feel about that. Oh God, I can just imagine her face. "Hey now, what's so funny?" he said with a smile. My sister tensed at the sound of his voice. It was a barely visible reflex but I could almost feel it. ______ gritted her teeth and flared her nostrils at the sound of his voice. But only because her back was to him. Why does ______ hate Heechul? This was how she put it quite frankly: "He can be the most openly cynical, sarcastic bastard and everyone still ing loves him. Why do I have to act like a innocent, defenseless sheep when he can be a cold hearted with no repercussions whatsoever?!?! It's not fair, damnit!!" She took the time at every single mention of his name to insult him, brutally I might add. 

Three Weeks Ago:

"Who has anemia? Heechul? Figures, he's so skinny and sickly looking. Must be inbred. Ugh, disgusting." "What?? No! Sungmin has anemia!" "Oh, really? Hmmm. Poor kid. Must be tough."  "Aish, ______..."

Needless to say, I invited him over a lot. Not so much for friendship, at first anyway, but rather to get under ______'s skin. We had, however, grown pretty close and he became one of my closest friends. I suppose over that time span he developed a crush on her. "Oh nothing, Heechul, just ______ being funny." I chuckled. "Ahh yes of course. Silly girl~" he fondly. She turned to him with a plastic smile and said "Hello Heechul-ssi." "Aigoo, i've told you call me oppa!" "Oh ok sorry Heechul-oppa." She had been holding her hands behind her back. They balled into white knuckled fists. "Much better!" he said giving her head a single . She giggled adorably, eyes closed, head tilted slightly. I could see the swatch of pink blush creeping onto Heechul's face. He cleared his throat before saying "Well I better be heading out. I'll see you both tomorrow!" I said goodbye and ______ simply waved. As soon as he was out of sight and ear shot she said "Ugh, calling that moron 'oppa' is like the ground." "Calm down. Honestly, you're just being a brat.As usual!" I'm so sick of her . "Give it a rest, I couldn't care less about what you think of me." She said curtly and walked on without me. I grabbed my stuff, slammed my locker shut quickly, and ran to catch up to her. "Geez, slow down you're not going anywhere without me!" She was ignoring me. Plugged into her iPod as usual. She turns to her music whenever she decides she's done listening. 

      The ride home was quiet. Neither of us said a word. But it was only quiet, not silent. "Damn, would you turn that down; you're gonna go deaf!" I shouted. ______ had her music so loud, the heavy bass and fast paced rap seeped out of her headphones. "If it means I'll never have to listen to you're pointless ramblings ever again, that would be quite the blessing." she quipped.



"Oh that's all you hear?"

"I'm sorry did you say something?"

" you!"

"Hmm. Never would've taken you for the uous ert type. Good to know."

"You sick !"

She just chuckled after that and didn't respond. You may think that she's being especially harsh today. Nope. This is an everyday thing. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. No, scratch that.We weren't always like this. I have no idea what made us so spiteful towards each other.

....Meehh short chapter. I just needed to get some stuff out of the way first. First day of school, enemies, unrequited love. Random like that. I realize there is QUITE a bit of swearing in this story. It'll probably remain that way for the remainder of the series. If it really does bother anyone just mention that to me and I guess I can try to curtail it a bit, arasso? how Korea-booish of me XD Alrighty then! Thank you for reading! Please subscribe, comment, vote whatever at least read it! I appreciate you guys so much!

Ri-Ri out~!

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I've p much got chapter 8 done so I will try super hard to have it up sometime this weekend.


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Chapter 11: Yay.....finally a ryeowook fic, hehehe
Chapter 11: It's ok~ ^^ I'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 11: omg a date with wookie <3 i understand you author nim. good luck~ i haven't given up on this story yet tho :3
wintertmm #4
Chapter 10: LOL poor wookie .pls update soon
Chapter 10: New subscriber~! Update soon~ It was a good chapter~
Chapter 8: Awesome update! Take your time with the next chapter and make it the best you can :) I'll be expecting it :)
Chapter 7: Update pleaseee <3 Love the story!!
Chapter 2: My dearest husbando this sounds so interesting I really want to read it but you're wonderfur and pls let me read it soon <3
PS. chombierando
Neonsakura #9
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeeeeee...........
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 3: Wow, a voodoo doll! XD