Chapter 6

My Sweet, Sunshiny Sister

      I wished, as I talked to Ryeowook, that we could stay there forever, just talking and enjoying each others company. But this was not the case. Our homeroom teacher walked in and began reading off announcements. We needed to elect class officers, the national honor society would be accepting applications next week, and other things that I tuned out. Ryeowook was such a good kid, paying full attention to the teacher while everyone else around was spacing out and or goofing off, myself included. 

'Class,' addressed Mr. Dokgo 'a new student will be joining us today. Err...or maybe he already has??' He asked no one in particular, pushing up his glasses and scanning the room. 'Kim Ryeowook?' Are you here?' 

Ryeowook stood up and said, 'Yes sir, I'm here!' 

'Wonderful, would you mind coming to the front and introducing yourself, please?' 

Ryeowook walked to the front and bowed to the class, 'Good morning everyone! It's very nice to meet you all. My name is Kim Ryeowook. I am very happy to have already made a friend in this class and I hope I can become friends with all of you. Please take care of me.' He bowed, once more, this time with a smile, before sitting back in his seat.

The class, especially the girls, were buzzing excitedly about the new student. As if they hadn't already done that enough? We looked At each other and I gave him a double thumbs up paired with a friendly wink. Mr. Dokgo called the class's attention to the front once more but our gazes lingered on each for a few fleeting seconds.  

Our History lesson began and i was already falling asleep. I was lucky to be sitting further in the back rows so Mr. Dokgo didn't really notice me so much. My head was resting on my hand and my eyes wereshutting quickly. I couldn't stay awake any longer. Mr. Dokgo was a nice man and all but his lectures were so boring. I crossed my arms on the desk and rested my head on them.

Now I knew I shouldn't be sleeping, in this class especially; I always struggled with Social Studies, but I was so bored. I drifted into a state of semi-unconsciousness, I was aware there was a class being tought around me but unaware of what was being taught. I didn't know that I waas aware of this until I woke up. I figured I was dreaming when I kept hearing my name called repeatedly. I felt someone nudging me, softly at first, gradually adding force. What a vivid dream. Just a dream, right?

'Huh....?' I looked up. Mr. Dokgo was looking at me expectantly.

'Well Mrs. Choi, do you have an answer?'

'A-ah uhm.....' I began to stutter until I felt a familiar nudge. I looked to my right, out of the corner of my eye. Ryeowook was glancing suggestively down at the desk. I looked at to see a scrap of paper with a date written on it. I looked back to Ryeowook, who nodded towards Mr. Dokgo.

'Mrs. Choi? Your answer?'

'January 30, 1867.' I answered, my outward voice confident, while my thoughts were all: I have no idea what I am talking about. What was the question even??

'Splendid, that's exactly right. You must have been studying.' Mr. Dokgo smiled at me.

'Ah? Yes sir, of course...' What the hell? Was he being sarcastic? He seemed pretty geniune about it....Didn't he notice I took for freaking ever to answer?? Oh well...he believed me, can't complain. Just then the bell rang signaling the end of that dreadful class. I sighed and sunk back into my chair. From my right came a giggle. I looked at Ryeowook. My lifesaver. I sat up in my seat to look at him.

'Hya ha! Thanks so much, Wookie!' I said practically beaming. I was so grateful I really hate being put on the spot like that. I hadn't even realized what I had called him. 

'W-wookie?' he said blushing.

Now it was my turn to blush. 

'H-Huh? Oh I'm so sorry! I have no idea why I-' I was so flustered how could I have slipped up like that. Holy crap he's gonna think I'm a total creep.

'Wow we only met a few hours ago and I already have a nickname; i have a feeling we're going to be good friends.' he faced me with a closed eyed smile. It was so adorable. He liked the nickname? He thinks we're going to be good friends? He's better be sure we're going to be a hell of a lot more than that if I get my way. And you better in' believe I ALWAYS get my way... God he looked SO ADORABLE. There were so many thoughts racing through my head in just a seconds time. I thought I was gonna die. 

I gulped and forced myself to speak without stuttering. 'O-oh I hope your right, Wookie.' I smiled nervously at him, my face pink and warm. I didn't get it. Why was I so shy and nervous around him? I mean I know I really liked him, but still, that should be incentive for me to talk to him! I had never really liked anyone this much before, but why did I like him so much? He was definiteIy gorgeous, but I had only just met him cliche as it sounds, I just knew when I saw him that there was something special about him. I just hope I'm able to win him over...

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I've p much got chapter 8 done so I will try super hard to have it up sometime this weekend.


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Chapter 11: Yay.....finally a ryeowook fic, hehehe
Chapter 11: It's ok~ ^^ I'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 11: omg a date with wookie <3 i understand you author nim. good luck~ i haven't given up on this story yet tho :3
wintertmm #4
Chapter 10: LOL poor wookie .pls update soon
Chapter 10: New subscriber~! Update soon~ It was a good chapter~
Chapter 8: Awesome update! Take your time with the next chapter and make it the best you can :) I'll be expecting it :)
Chapter 7: Update pleaseee <3 Love the story!!
Chapter 2: My dearest husbando this sounds so interesting I really want to read it but you're wonderfur and pls let me read it soon <3
PS. chombierando
Neonsakura #9
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeeeeee...........
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 3: Wow, a voodoo doll! XD