Chapter 5

My Sweet, Sunshiny Sister

            My heart was pounding as I walked beside Ryeowook, only a few steps ahead of him, as I lead him to our homeroom. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. He was so cute and flawless, with big, sparkling, brown eyes, perfect jawline, charming smile with adorable, little rabbit teeth, his smooth skin, soft and evenly toned, pale and unblemished like fresh ivory linens shining in the soft sunlight that streamed in through a crystal clear window on a warm, spring day and..... 

'Uhm...______?' Hmmmmm.... 

'Errr...______? Is something wrong?? Hello????' A hand was being waved in front of my face. 

'Ahh, what?'

            I realized that at this point I had trailed behind and started following him. I was also straight up staring at him. I tried to play it off, cutely if possible. I pretend to snap out of a daze suddenly, shaking my head lightly and blinking a couple of times. I tilted my head to the side and parted my lips, slightly. 

'I'm sorry, were you saying something???' I looked him flush in the eye. How I did it without blushing I'll never know.

'O-oh no I was just- Well I was just following you to our class.' he gulped. 'Eheh I'm not really sure where it is.' 

'O-of course! I'm so sorry; I'm just a little out of it today.' I blushed.

'It's no worry, we've got plenty of time before class starts anyway.' He smiled so warmly, I couldn't help but smile back just as brightly. I thought I sensed a rosy tint in his cheeks but I didn't think much of it. Gosh he's so cute! And all the other girls are bound to think so too. I've got to get my hands on him before anyone else does. Well, I already know his name, he's said that we're friends, I should be able to talk to him and charm the out of him no problem! I am determined! Now, I just have to start talking to him... I turned to him and said 'So are you thinkning of joining any clubs?'

"I definitely want to join a few clubs, but this school has so many! It's a tough decision."

'Do you like singing at all??'

'Yes! I love to sing. I was really considering joining the music club, what do you think?'

'I think you'd love it; it is a really great club. We do a lot of singing.' I smiled at him.

'You're in the music club? I think I will join then. It's always nice to go into something new knowing you have at least one friend there.' He smiled back at me. My knees were non-existant at this point. He was so charming and gorgeous. I thought my legs would give way underneath me any second. 

'Isn't it? I hope you do pick it as one of your club activities. I'd love to hear you sing sometime.' I bet his voice was heavenly. 

'Likewise, maybe we could do a deut.' He sounded so sincere.

'I'd like that!' I noticed that we were closing in on our homeroom class. 'Well this is it. Welcome to homeroom. You should sit with me.' I offered.

'Sure, thanks. I assumed you would want to sit with your friends, though.'

'Well, we are friends aren't we?' 

He laughed, 'Yes, yes we are.' 

           The second I stepped into the room and walked to my seat with Ryeowook, the whispers started. The girls giggled and gossiped about how cute Ryeowook was and how 'lucky' I was and 'of course he'd pick her.' The boys glared at Ryeowook and looked disappointedly at me. The scoffed at him and nudged each other. 'Who is this guy, walking in with ______?' 'He looks like a girl!' 'What's so special about him?'

I tried to pretend not to notice, but Ryeowook was obviously uncomfortable with all of the mixed attention. He whispered to me and I jumped at the sudden closeness. I felt my heart speed up a bit at the sound of his voice so close to my ear and the warm tickle of his breath. I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

'Uhm, why is everyone looking at me like that?' he sounded worried and nervous. I had never heard anything so adorable in my entire life.

'I don't really know. Sorry about that, my classmates are just weird I guess. Don't let them bother you; just stick close to me.' I reassured him.

If anyone tries to mess with him they'll be answering to me. I thought, narrowing my eyes. As if on cue, Yi Iseul, one of the more popular students at my school, up there with Siwon and I, stood up. He walked up to Ryeowook, and looked down at him like the domineering tower he was. I always thought Iseul was really cute. He was tall and had dark eyes that smoldered like charcoal but shone like obsidian. But I would never go out with him. In fact, I had rejected him many times. He was an , always acting like he was better than everyone just because he was rich and popular. Like who even gives a crap about that stuff. How childish and uncouth can you get? Anyway, he looked Ryeowook sharply in the eye with a mixture of indifference and disapproval. He opened his mouth to speaked, still glaring at Ryeowook, but addressed his words at me. 

'______, why are you subjecting yourself to association with this commoner?'

'Excuse me-' Ryeowook interjected, only to be outspoken.

'Or is he forcing his unwanted company upon you? Shall I get rid of him?' He asked cocking his head to the side.

'Iseul! You leave him alone! Ryeowook is my friend and he is in our homeroom class now. Don't be rude; he's done nothing to you!' Iseul looked at me and then back at Ryeowook.

'Very well,  ______ doesn't seem to mind you for now, but don't cross either of us or you will dealt with swiftly.'  


'Don't answer that just remember it.' he said over his shoulder as he walked away. At this point everyone was staring. Then the whispers fired back up.

'Awww~! he's too cute for Iseul to bully.' 'He better learn how things work around here if he knows what is good for him.' 'He's no match for Iseul.' 'Does ______ like him? They would be really cute together~.' I blushed slightly and smiled a bit when I heard that last comment.

'No way she and Iseul are like meant for each other!!' I gritted my teeth and cringed at that comment as I took my seat next to Ryeowook. Can't these morons just keep their mouths shut? 

'Hey ______, who was that?' Ryeowook asked me nervously, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

'Hmm? Oh, that's just Iseul. He's really popular, and kind of a bully, but I wouldn't worry too much about him. I won't let him bother you.' I smiled at him.

He smiled back and thanked me. 'Uhm,....but why does he talk like that...? It's pretty weird.' he questioned.

'LIke what?'

'Like he's your butler from the 1800s.'

I laughed at this comment. 'Well he has quite a bit of a crush on me. If you could even call it that. I'm pretty sure he only thinks so strongly that we should be together because we're both really popular....E-err....not to say that I-I'm popular or anything! Like I mean I know a lot of people and a lot of people know me, b-but mostly because of my brother. He's really popular....N-not that I'm bragging about popularity or anything!! Like it's not a big deal at all there are way more important things than being popular, but not to say that being popular is a bad thing! I mean-!' I was rambling and stuttering awfully. I didn't want Ryeowook to think I was conceited or cared a lot about that kind of stuff, but now i think I was just weirding him out! Oh no I need to stop, but I can't! He stopped me mid-rant and chuckled.

'______! Calm down! It's okay; you said it yourself, there's nothing wrong with being popular. It's obvious that you and your brother are really popular. I saw you both when you first walked in, everyone flocks around you guys and practically gushes over you. It took me a minute, when you and Siwon started talking to me, to realize that you two were the really popular little brother-sister duo I saw earlier. I didn't say anything because I didn't want you guys to think I was only talking to you because you're popular. I didn't expect you two to be so nice. Sorry to be so judgmental.' he giggled out that last part. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen and I just wanted to jump his bones then and there. But, I restrained myself.

'Oh no, don't worry about it! I understand. People like Iseul that are really mean kind of create a stereotype for everyone that's popular.' 

'You and Siwon seem to be considerably more popular than him. You'd think you two were celebrities. I guess that would make you two the kingka and queenka, right?' He laughed at his use of the outdated term. But I blushed.

'U-Uhh, no! I wouldn't consider us anything like that! I mean...u-uhh no one even says that anymore!' I said embarrasedly but trying to defend myself still. He only laughed more at me. It made me more flustered but his laugh was adorable and his smile was just beautiful. 

'I'm just kidding, you know! No need to get worked up. I know no one says kingka or queenka anymore.' I finally gave in and started laughing with him. Hiseye smile was adorable. We just laughed and laughed. The world disappeared around me. I felt so comfortable. I ignored everything- the whispers, stares, gasps, and phone-camera flashes -as we continued a lovely conversation. 


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I've p much got chapter 8 done so I will try super hard to have it up sometime this weekend.


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Chapter 11: Yay.....finally a ryeowook fic, hehehe
Chapter 11: It's ok~ ^^ I'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 11: omg a date with wookie <3 i understand you author nim. good luck~ i haven't given up on this story yet tho :3
wintertmm #4
Chapter 10: LOL poor wookie .pls update soon
Chapter 10: New subscriber~! Update soon~ It was a good chapter~
Chapter 8: Awesome update! Take your time with the next chapter and make it the best you can :) I'll be expecting it :)
Chapter 7: Update pleaseee <3 Love the story!!
Chapter 2: My dearest husbando this sounds so interesting I really want to read it but you're wonderfur and pls let me read it soon <3
PS. chombierando
Neonsakura #9
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeeeeee...........
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 3: Wow, a voodoo doll! XD