Chapter 3

My Sweet, Sunshiny Sister

It's getting hard to type, what with the cold. My fingers are frozen and even slower than usual. u.u Please forgive!

      As soon as I stepped in the door, I kicked my shoes to a random corner of the foyer. I tamped around in my socks all the way to the kitchen and popped open the smaller fridge, Daxios's fridge, pulling out a bloody slab of hyena meat1. I tossed it onto a stone tablet out back in the patio next to the gazebo. I padded back into the house and up the stairs. I opened a door and gripped the black painted frame as I slid my hand up the glossy, lemon yellow wall in search of the light switch. I flicked it on, illuminating a strange carnival, my safe haven, my chamber of dark deeds, my cesspool of intricate rituals and machinations. 

My room. 

      I dropped my bright, pink, lacy backpack onto the black marble floor. I strode into my sleeping quarters. The noises from beneath my feet switching from light taps to soft shuffling as I crossed momentarily over the lavish black and red Persian rug to get to my bed. I flopped onto the firm, king size matress, dressed with a plain black comforter with gold trim, several decorative throw pillows, a golden lace bed skirt, and veiled by a thick black Victorian canopy. I stretched out and took a deep breath. I looked around, admiring the mismatched decor in my room. I switched my gaze from my collection of  French fans, to the posters of various bands like UVERworld, B.A.P, 2ne1, and Incubus and again to the antique Ouija board hanging on my wall. I carefully lifted the 2 foot long board of the wall and began to fiddle with the planchette. I put it back and exited my room taking a white leather bound notebook and a silver fountain pen with me. 

      I made my way to the top of the staircase where I saw my brother fussing with my cat like a lunatic. "Shoo! Get away from me! Go with ______, now!" 

"You know she doesn't listen to you Wonnie." 

"Just get that freak accident away from me!" 

"I'll have you know that my cat is beautiful. Come hither Behemoth." 

"That mutant is many things but beautiful is not one of them. Keep that devil cat and the hellhound away from me!" 

What a freak. Siwon is just a closed minded simpleton. My cat may be different but it's a wonderful, captivating different. You see, Behemoth Skärsgard was born with a third eye. Her primary set of eyes are a sparkling lime green and her oracle, as I like to call it, is Athena gray. Her long, tan fur has a silken sheen and her sleek tail, slim paws, and long belly were jet black ink dipped. I beckoned her come and she trailed at my heels. I held open the glass door and let her out into the patio garden. She rubbed against the flowering bushes and pawed at the vines that s around the crisscross fencing of the gazebo. I sat in the gazebo and looked at the stone tablet noticing the meat was gone. I looked around for my dog. I heard heavy sniffing and large claws scratching against the lawn. 

      The grunts and snuffles grew louder and closer until I saw a set of broad, powerful shoulders, a long, muscular neck, thick paws, a thin tail, and short, clipped ears. My dog. I had to agree with Siwon when he referred to him as a hellhound. Daxios Sigurõr Morcant Estève was a massive beast. I wasn't sure what kind of dog he was but he was one of enormous proportion. I called him over and his ears and scratched under his chin. He lay by my feet and Behemoth lay on top of him. I began to write my thoughts down into my journal and my future schemes. 

      Elsewhere, Siwon was trying to calm his nerves.

"Ugh ______ and her disgusting beasts. They're all freaks, explains why she loves them so much." I turned away from the fridge, water bottle in hand, only to come face to face with Behemoth. "Get away from me!" I shouted at the damned thing, hoping to scare it off. And that is when she did it. I swear that cat knows I hate it when it does that. 

It blinked its ing devil eye. 

"YOU SICK MUTANT. STOP THAT." I swore I could hear the sickening squelches coming from those damned eye flaps. What made it even worse was the fact that the ing thing opened from the sides. My head was pounding at this point. I chugged the water and went to lie down in the living room. I turned the tv on and flipped the channels one by one. I wasn't really paying attention as I passed reruns of variety shows and dramas I never watched; I really just needed something to distract me. 

      I got bored with this after a while and decided to put on a movie. I picked up Attack the Gas Station and slid the disc into the DVD player. This was one of me and ______'s favorite movies. Maybe if we were on better terms we would watch it together. But we never did anything together that we didn't have to. It's not like I wanted to hate my sister, she just made it so hard to feel anything else towards her. She was so strange and I tried several times to try and fix her but to no avail. She was just so stubborn. I focused back on the television, laughing every so often at the wild actions of the rebellious teenagers. When the movie was over a stretched and sat up. I dragged myself up the stairs and to my room. I looked behind me at the door of ______'s "Happy Wasteland" as I liked to call it. The door was shut and a strip of light peeked out from underneath it. I turned back to my door and took a step towards the door. I heard a soft thump and felt my foot hit something softly. Leaning against the threshhold was a white satin box, tied with a jewel red ribbon. I bent over to pick it up and noticed that a note had been attached that read:

Dearest Siwon, 

     I realize that your birthday is not until next week, but I just couldn't keep myself from giving you this one specific present ahead of time. I know you'll love it just as much as I love you! 

Your affectionate sister,


What the hell was she getting at? I don't trust this. Opening the door, I tossed the package onto my bed and shut the door behind me. I sat on the bed with one leg bent upwards and the other hanging off the side2. I tugged the ends of the ribbon softly, undoing the bow. I lifted the top and peered inside at it. 

Oh my God... 

From _______'s room I heard the upbeat tune of SHINee's Juliette, coming from her phone, cut off as she opened my text. 

Let me reiterate, from our conversation in the car, that you. Are. A. SICK. . 

You could be a bit more appreciative. I worked hard to make the especially for my Wonnie-oppa~<3 u.u

. OFF. 

OMO! I love you too oppaaaa~<3!!!

I didn't reply after that. I've just had it with her. 

She made a ing voodoo doll of me. 

Wow. Aren't you a charmer? I pretty much decided to make your character a creepy, occult believer, sadist kind of person. I think stories are funner with weirdos! Ryeowook gets introduced in the next chapter! Do you really think he could fall for such a harsh, eccentric girl? Find out as My Sweet, Sunshiny Sister continues!  

1 Hyena meat? Yeah I just wanted it to be something reallyu weird to make the dog seem like even more of a beast.

2 Seen Death Note? He was basically sitting like Near.


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I've p much got chapter 8 done so I will try super hard to have it up sometime this weekend.


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Chapter 11: Yay.....finally a ryeowook fic, hehehe
Chapter 11: It's ok~ ^^ I'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 11: omg a date with wookie <3 i understand you author nim. good luck~ i haven't given up on this story yet tho :3
wintertmm #4
Chapter 10: LOL poor wookie .pls update soon
Chapter 10: New subscriber~! Update soon~ It was a good chapter~
Chapter 8: Awesome update! Take your time with the next chapter and make it the best you can :) I'll be expecting it :)
Chapter 7: Update pleaseee <3 Love the story!!
Chapter 2: My dearest husbando this sounds so interesting I really want to read it but you're wonderfur and pls let me read it soon <3
PS. chombierando
Neonsakura #9
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeeeeee...........
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 3: Wow, a voodoo doll! XD