Chapter 1

My Sweet, Sunshiny Sister

      It was like the partion of the Red Sea, as Choi Siwon and his younger sister ______ stepped foot in their swanky high school's halls. Of all the many rich and popular kids that attended this particular school, none were so popular as the Choi twins. Twins in title alone, Siwon being one year older than ______, as well as a boy, the pair could not be more different. However, you would never be able to guess that by observing them. Their public mannerisms were completely different than those of their private dwellings. To obseverve them out in the open, would be to observe an opossum playing dead. 

      ______ was like a life size doll. Her angelic personality could melt the coldest heart, her diamond smile weakened the knees of every boy she ever met, and her big, knowing eyes could coax the truth out of a compulsive liar. ______ was very much a lady, complete with perfect manners, a model's physique and fashion sense, and the poise and social grace of an English queen. She was the most beatifully cliche human being on earth. 

      Or so everyone thought.

      Siwon was beyond handsome. He had a magnificent body, enchanting eyes, and a hollywood-dazzling smile. The object of every girl's affection. Polite and calm, always smiling and attentive. Never judgemental and accepting of every living creature that ever was. He was a perfect gentleman. The adorable sibling love that he and his sister shared only added to his flawless personality.

      Or so everyone thought.

     Yes, they seemed to be the most charming sentient beings that would ever grace the humble Earth, but they were possibly the least.

      It was Siwon's third year of highschool as well as ______'s second year and so far everything was happening just as they had expected. The minute they arrived on the lush green campus lawn they would be bombarded with greetings from "old friends" that for some peculiar reason they could not for the life of them remember. The girls would giggle, and blush, and stare wide eyed up at Siwon who stood tall and proud as a Greek hero. The boys would do quite nearly the same towards ______ but also smirk, make eyes at her, and wolf whistle. _______  giggled adorabley as she clung tighter to Siwon's arm and walked  closer to him. He looked down at her lovingly and she beamed back up at him.

      From the typically 'Awww-ing' fangirl's perspective they were oozing with love and admiration and care. But litle did they know of the burning hatred being exchanged throught their bright smiles and glimmering stares.

      ______ hummed quietly as she opened her locker and placed things in it and took things out of it. She turned to Siwon briefly and said "Another school year has begun Prince Won. I've already grown tired of this ing saint act." she practically hissed out that last part. She quickly regained her composure; however, and continued to speak. "And anyway, isn't high school all about learning who you really are? Being yourself and finding people who appreciate who you truly are?" Every word bled false naivety as she mock-fluttered her eyelashes innocently. She then began to snicker at her own lies. "Considering who you really are I doubt anyone in their right mind would conciously, of their own free will, appreciate you. Ever."  He glared venomously at me and added. "You'll continue with this fake 'saint act' , as you call it, in order to protect the family name. If anyone ever found out what a vehement psychopath you are, our father's credibility could be dangerously marred. Now shut the up about this before someone hears you." He grit his teeth and stared disgustedly at me. I smiled at him and obediently said "Yes, Wonnie oppa~" At that moment one of Siwon's friends was approaching and stopped just as I had replyed to my brother. My brother had to admit (albeit silently) that my timing was impeccable. 

      Siwon smiled warmly at the tall, stocky boy. "Hello Shindong-ssi. Glad to see you again! How was your vacation?" "Hi Siwon. Good to see you too! Vacation? Too short in my opinion! The summer just zips by in the blink of an eye. My family took a trip to France this year; it was great! The food was amazing!" he beamed. "That's great! We went to France last year with Yesung's family, the sites are really amazing." As they chatted on about past trips we had taken I stood politely and listened quietly. I had never really met Shindong but my brother seemed to be fond of him. I was starting to get bored but I'd never show it, my brother could probably sense it though as he quickly said "Oh! Where are my manners? Shindong, this is my little sister, ______."  He smiled as he said my name. I didn't know whether I wanted to roar with laughter or vomit at the sight of his plastic grin. The fabricated sign of affection. It bewildered and disgusted me so, how no one but ourselves saw through it. This wasn't the time to be contemplating that idiocy of humanity, though. I looked at Shindong and introduced myself. "Hello! It's nice to meet you Shindong-ssi!" I smiled brightly and bowed slightly. He seemed pleasantly surprised by my actions and formality. He returned my greeting enthusiastically. "Likewise, it's nice to meet you as well ______-ssi! Siwon, you never mentioned you had a sister." This was something I heard frequently. "Didn't I? Really? I thought I had. I guess I'm just so familiar with her I assume everyone else is." He laughed and smiled softly. This was something I heard equally as frequently. "Oh well, we can all get to know each later! Right now we need to get to class! Don't be late on your first day, _[cute nickname]_! Be good and I'll see you later." He pecked my forehead and we went our separate ways. I cringed and wiped at my forehead and walked at a calm but efficient pace to class. 


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I've p much got chapter 8 done so I will try super hard to have it up sometime this weekend.


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Chapter 11: Yay.....finally a ryeowook fic, hehehe
Chapter 11: It's ok~ ^^ I'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 11: omg a date with wookie <3 i understand you author nim. good luck~ i haven't given up on this story yet tho :3
wintertmm #4
Chapter 10: LOL poor wookie .pls update soon
Chapter 10: New subscriber~! Update soon~ It was a good chapter~
Chapter 8: Awesome update! Take your time with the next chapter and make it the best you can :) I'll be expecting it :)
Chapter 7: Update pleaseee <3 Love the story!!
Chapter 2: My dearest husbando this sounds so interesting I really want to read it but you're wonderfur and pls let me read it soon <3
PS. chombierando
Neonsakura #9
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeeeeee...........
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 3: Wow, a voodoo doll! XD