The Special Dresses

Just Ji Yong

I ran home as quick as possible after class ended. Ji Yong asked to come to my house... for the first time! I was soooo excited! I said yes, and knew my mom wouldn't care. My dad was out with his new korean friends he met at work. I open the door to our officetel. I was worried if we looked cheap. Did Ji Yong have an apartment? Did we look, to him, poor? I hoped not. "I love it!" He exclaimed. I sighed with relief. "Your house is so decorative!" He looked at me. "Thank you!!"
 I said. I showed him around, and while doing that, was my mom sitting at our kitchen table, reading on her tablet. "Hi Mom! This is Ji Yong." I forced a smile. "Hello Mrs. Park!" He said bowing. "I hear you are going to the dance together??"  She asks. "Yes, mom. I need a dress. Can we go to the dress store to find a dress?" I hoped Ji Yong was up for it. "Of course! You two go! Here is some money." Mom hands me a big wad of won. "Thank!" We drop our backpacks, and head out. "Sorry I dragged you into this dress shopping sort.." I said. "Sorry? You shouldn't be. I want to help you dress shopping!... As a proud prom date... boyfriend." He spits out, not knowing what we "were", or what he "was". We finally make it down the building stairs, outside, down many streets, and end up at what I heard Americans always call it, "the Ghetto." But with a bunch of koreans instead. Many of them had cross tattoos, and others had scars, stretching across their faces. "I think it's this way." He said. I knew he was a little scared too, but he grabbed my hand, and we quickly darted down the street. Surprisingly, none of them yelled at us, our ripped us apart, but actually just gave us a bad look, and went back to their smoking or whatever. He was right. The dress shop actually was down here. "Look!" I squealed. I ran over to the window, pointing at the prettiest dresses. I looked down at the price sign. Most of them reading a number too big for the amount of money I had. "Let's go inside!" He said, "re-grabbing" my hand, and taking me in. I picked out 5 dresses in little of 10 minutes. I found a sparkly purple one, a blue one, a cute pink one, a sequiny, sparkly, shiny gold one, and a white, snowy, looking one. Ji Yong told me that the gold one was his favorite. Therefore,I must try it on first. I quickly put it on, and opened the door, acting like a model. He was in awe. I'm pretty sure he liked it. "You like it?" I asked. "Uh-eh-uh--" He put his palm to his forehead, and looked back up again. "What I meant to say, is I LOVE IT! YOUR SO GORGEOUS!" I laughed. "Thank you. I'll go try on the other ones..."

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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story